Dota or League?
Dota or League?
MOBAs are for small brains
dota :(
David Duke
a bullet in your head
please have sex ya birdbrain
Both are fine choices. They both are good at making you only want to play that one game and ruin everything else for you.
Which ever you find most fun, user.
Duh! :D
>implying so many things
Sam is always multiple levels of irony deep for normies to understand.
I got that gorilla dick nigga, I make dyke pussy wet
Implying a practicing J_w can't get healthcare at the drop of a dime
>Yo Trex come help me swag this kid out
>does it all himself anyway
What did Nitrodubs mean by that
I wish Boy George had kept his looks
Now he just looks like a thumb that got stuck into a pile of party favors
It means these skits are just them getting in costume and doing random shit and not actually planned out very well.
Lmao I like you user! However I enjoy some of George Michaels music.
>I know this is Sam Hyde pls no hurt
Why would anyone choose League over Dota?
Unless Dota changes drastically over the next week or so
>wake up
>no patch
such is life as a dotard
>wake up
>no blog
I actually didn't know who Sam Hyde was until I looked it up
I still don't know who he is or what that even has to do with my post, but I like George Michaels too
dota obviously
*George Michael
I was typing while reading your comment,
my bad
Heroes of the Storm
What are the best masteries for FIddlesticks?. It's the only character i like but i don't know if i should get the red or the blue one
Smite. I wish I was being ironic but it was a lot of fun, had 2k matches while it was in beta.
Glad i'm not the only one who noticed this. I guess that's why he calls him a fuckin dumb idiot.
dotard here. I actually enjoy HotS as a casual time killer.
He's a notorious mass shooter/superNaziā¢
stay away from him, he is spooky and evil. Bad man.
nov 1st they announced
In the actual meta, all moba coexist peacefully.
Why would you post that savage ape?
I'm dat gorilla dick nigga
I make dyke pussy wet
>"Hypothetical situation. It's 2:00AM and I see you coming at me from outside my apartment window and I have to shoot through a crowd of people to defend myself, it's a self defense situation! I'm not gonna be happy about the devastation, but I will be happy that I defended my own life, if that's what it takes."
Don't worry so much about the money. Worry about when they start killing reporters. That's a quote.
LoL's more fun to play
Dota is more complicated but also less fun
Paragon is better than either of them
>wake up
>patch has been delayed for another half month
Can't delay what hasn't been set
All MOBA games are fucking shit, just play a real RTS game
>New patch November 1st
>Dota is more complicated but also less fun
Oh boy I sure love building the same exact build for every single fucking champion in the same category in League of Legends. So much fun brodie.
>Paragon is better than either of them
I can agree with you on that. Paragon is pretty fun.
But.... HoN is the true master race of mobas.
Fuck, what video is this from?
>better art style and i can tell my character apart from the background (opinion)
>more human/humanoid & wafu characters)
>no individual armor piece item loot
But I don't play mobas anymore. I got sick of the formula and patches fucking with elements of my game too often.
He actually talks about it being 2am outside YOUR house at 2am. But this is kinda close I guess if not less funny.
>better art style and i can tell my character apart from the background (opinion)
They made Dota brighter so it's easier to see
>more human/humanoid & wafu characters)
So you're an anime fag?
>no individual armor piece item loot
How is this a bad thing? You talking about hex tech boxes giving free skins? I like the endless customisation options in Dota.
>But I don't play mobas anymore
Understable, have a nice day
Why can't people play mobas in moderation?
>If I have to fire from the 32nd floor of my hotel, through a crowd of people to defend myself, I will not be happy with the devastation, but I will be happy to have defended myself.
Ehhh it's not about the brightness, it's the colors they used for the characters and background, the lighting, it's not just tweaking an .ini file to up the brightness. I enjoy anime, yeah, but when I played League it hadn't even started overriding all the splash art with Chinese art and shifting it's visual style almost entirely in that direction yet. I was fresh around Graves/Fizz era and played from then to like S4 or 5 I think before getting tired of it. If I had infinite money to spend or it was unlockable through some kind of reasonable progression the armor piece thing would be neat but as it is it's just gross my guy. I don't like the way League has shifted it's shop model around either though that came along only very slightly before I jumped ship. Getting entire skins free is neat but it takes a long fucking time. That's basically any MOBA though.
Maybe fun, takes a long fucking time.
they're designed entirely around addicting the player.
>loot boxes you earn through S ranks
>IP gains are slow as fuck
>every game takes thirty minutes, fourty-five minutes, half an hour to play
>pretty often you lose because of shit teammates and wanna "try again" cause "maybe this game will go better" and "maybe my effort will be rewarded"
What is it from fuckers?
>they're designed entirely around addicting the player.
you just described most modern games dude. Back in WC3 days you just played dota to play dota. Same when League of Legends started and you had access to 90% of the roster within a few hours of playing
I don't think they're particularly addicting, I think it's more that they require you to fully wire your brain into the mode required to play them effectively. If you don't, you'll get your shit stomped by some faggot who plays nothing but that game. So you feel like "yeah, I lost, but now i'm a little better at the game, I'm gonna make big plays next game"
john oliver shoutout joke video political commentary
Search that on youtube newfag, expand your horizons
I do. I play LoL every now and then. I laugh at people that play it competitively. Just play Quake or a fighting game if you want to compete properly
i taint no newfag fucker it's just been like 9 months since that video came out and i SMOKE WEED like an idiot
my guy i'm high right now dudeweedbroslmao enjoy the video
also thanks
I have no problem seeing in Dota, but yeah I did at the beginning. Just takes some getting used to. Started playing HoN recently and I had the same issue too, but adapted to it much faster the second time around.
The thing about the individual armor pieces is that they're dirt cheap. You can get a full set for literally a quarter. And then if you want another one you have the option of reselling it on the market place and get another one. I kinda agree that it sucks that there's no progression to unlock the armor pieces you want, they even made them untradable to prevent botting which sucks too. But again they're dirt cheap so if I want skins I'll load up $5 and I can get like 10 or more complete customized armor sets for different characters as opposed to $10 for a single skin for a single hero. Also 3 things that I really hate about League so much. 1. You have to pay to unlock champions or spend your entire week playing to unlock one. I have 2.5k games in League and I still don't have 100 champions unlocked. 2. They're owned by the Chinese communist fucks which brings me to my next point. 3. 2 Strikes, permaban you for talking shit in a video game, forcing you to start the grind all fucking over again. My friend got a one or two week suspension for saying the n word, and then he said it again and with no warning he got permabanned. So fucking retarded. If there's one thing about Dota 2 that makes it superior to League, I would say it's muh American freedom to say whatever I want without punishment.
Heroes of Newerth
I actually like all your points you seem like a mellow user. I had no idea the skins were that affordable damn. I do want to say one thing though, I've been a VORACIOUS shit talker the entire time I've played League in nearly every game and I've only been banned once MAYBE twice. But that was before the ban limit was instituted as harshly. That shit about your friend is rough though that cat had a target on his goddamn back wew.
I will unironically give HoN a shot when the roster expands more.
I really wanted to play that Korean titty moba with the two character hot swapping until they censored the characters.
>all the dota2 guys moved over to help with the tf2 update because of valve's weird flexible corporate structure
i guess i'm okay with that
>I've been a VORACIOUS shit talker the entire time I've played League in nearly every game
Lol me too brodie. But you quit at the right time. It's when Tencent took over Rito that they started being pricks about it which was around 2015. Reddit ate that shit up cuz they wanted control over "Muh toxicity"
>roster expands more
what? There's 136 heroes to choose from
Are we getting a dire tide?
i play league. dota is too hard and i hate the artstyle.
>22 new heroes since i last played.
That's like 4 new heroes a year. Fuck that seems bloated as hell. I do miss my waifu tho.
The last time I was playing, Ravenor was the newest hero, and that was 5 years ago
time sure flies by ;__;
>wake up
>game lost another 10k players
Amended your post a little.
MOBAs are trash.
>I don't think they're particularly addicting
The gameplay itself isn't any more addicting than any other game you enjoy (assuming you enjoy LoL obviously), but the structure around them, mainly daily wins, basically tries to make the game a part of your daily routine in order to make playing it a habit and in my opinion that's scummy as fuck, in addition to being unfriendly to the consumer.
Shit taste my dude
>no patch