Hey Sup Forums...

Hey Sup Forums. Get this; what if there aren't as many girls dedicated to playing vidya because they have different interests from men?

girls don't really have hobbies though

Girls don't really exist though

Girls? What are those?


But I want to complain about them!

Then why do so many girls play The Sims? Could it be the lack of male focused violence?

What do girls(male) like doing other than video games? You know, if I wanted to go out and meet some?

Women are more interested in people, hence their interest in more "social" games like Animal Crossing, WRPGs, MMOs, etc.

Hey! Hey, OP!

What if there aren't as many girls dedicated to playing vidya because they aren't encouraged to do so the same way boys are and oftentimes fall victim to either shitty marketing i.e. "Girl games" being dogshit, or bullying i.e. literally every instance of a Sup Forumsirgin bitching about how girls ruined videogames forever

>meet good looking chick
>complete shit taste and only knows/plays popular stuff
>meet eh looking chick
>she knows her shit
>tfw no average gf

>Girl at work with proportions just like an Elin
>Barely 4 and a half foot tall and is conscious about her height
>tfw 6'2"

they're too ashamed to go out in public, you have to meet them in MMOs and arrange a meetup

Maybe she has a height difference fetish. I know I do.

This, Woman like to buy shit and compare themselves to other women.

That IS their hobby

Oy vey, you can't say that.

ope. Look. A girl is mad at harsh truth.

just make sure she knows her shortness is a turn-on

that'll either get you straight in her pants or ruin your chances forever but that 50% is better than what you got going on otherwise.


Virgins who don't talk to girls

Blow it out your ass.

>tfw he's owned by Randy now

It hurts, Sup Forums

That'd be like saying that men's hobby is building shit and competing with other men. It's true that that's what men are about but it's not really a hobby desu

>building shit
>breaking shit
>fighting with other guys

I dunno that sums up battlebots pretty well and that's definitely one of my favorite things to watch