TF2's update has been 'fully' revealed
Balance Changes are justifiable
Spy now will gain his 'classic' playstyle back


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Just stop.
The one thing EVERYONE wanted from this update was the end of the terrible casual matchmaking that killed community servers and the game in general.

And after one year of people complaining about it, "major" update comes out and it's 80% cash grab

>1 class gets all the new shit
>more weapons get nerfed to fuck
>no changes to meet your match
>buy our ingame event pass
>buy more lootboxes

Over a year and a half wait

absolute dog shit update

fucking this, who cares about fucking pyro besides shitters, valve had one fucking job

Holy fucking shit you ungrateful shits need to fuck off.
Yes it took them a long fucking time and it is their fault that this shit took so long to fix but damn at least they managed to balance lots of things in the game at once.

Also the TF Team said that MATCHMAKING WILL BE FIXED LATER since they didn't want to early-release a MEET YOUR MATCH tier change to it.

You shitters are obvious to spot in Sup Forums and easily to see not being in the hype up threads of TF these days.

Sup Forums is still trash

They had 15 months and what they released were maps and stamps made by the community, they said the update would be the size of 2 or 3, instead the only stuff worth mentioning are the weapon balances. Also nobody likes sitting in queue waiting to be thrown in a match they didnt choose, just let me pick the server I wanna play and fucking join when I want,
Enjoy you skins and brap taunt I guess

Ungrateful? My issues with the game (which were extremely few) weren't addressed. I don't care about the cosmetic stuff at all. Been playing since 2007 so I wanted autobalance back -- maybe more spy weapons or something. But they nerfed spy yet again because new players suck at the game. I just don't see the value except for the maps. I'm just glad I wasn't hoping for anything.

>Heavy gets a new weapon that acts like pre-buff Sandvich and Minigun buffs
>bottle breaks again and food items have bite marks like they used to
>inspect animations for all characters
I'm satisfied

I'm fucking mad about the banana being only a small medkit, it could have been a viable sandvich replacement to make a heavy who's extra good at healing teammates but they had to make it a shittier chocolate bar instead.

I wouldn't even give a shit if valve servers simply enabled sprays and had sv_pure 0 again.

I miss old TF2.

play TF2C

Just the fact it gives you 200HP makes it a safer option than the bar and sandvich. It being a small medkit is still very useful to Medics.

>I wanted autobalance back
Why would you want that back...? MYM was definitely a flawed update but getting rid of forced autobalance was probably the best decision in it.

>weapons nerfed to fuck
Missed weapons that were restored to their glory, like the bison. It's not all one way dude. On the other hand a lot of those weapons were long overdue, as usual. DR and Amby were overpowered as shit, just like Vacc. I liked the patch notes indicating there was a clear shift away from free abilities (like Bonk and RR) toward risk/reward scenarios.

Now the wrangler and SC are next. Just those two nerfed and we'll have almost everything I can think of off-hand. Fuck those no-downside bullshit weapons.

It is literally a downgrade

I main heavy

How often do you get hit down to below 100 hp and live?
Banana recharges in 10 seconds rather than 30, so you can use it 3 times over the sandvich.
It heals 200 as well, so it's better a lot of times. I heal myself when still above 100

Better personal healing kit, worse mobile medkit.

Medics will appreciate faster, smaller heals than the slower, larger ones the sandvich gives. Even if it gives the same amount as health as the bar, the banana is better if your medic dies or if you don't have one on the team.

t. Medic main

>better personal healing
Except that's not what the sandvich is for

If it was a medium kit I'd be all for it, but as it is now it's just a downgrade in effectiveness so that I can have the privilege to STOP fighting the enemies that are killing me and heal you

It's less effective and less efficient
Literally a lose-lose scenario

That's what I was hoping for too.

That doesn't make any sense, how the heck is it "safer" than the sandvich?

If you don't have a medic then the bar is better because of the +50 max health.

when you have soldiers to hide behind

>Except that's not what the sandvich is for

Good job you realized that different unlocks have different purposes

6s, basically. Not requiring constant heals from the med is useful.

What in gods name made you think they were ever going to remove them after they took a huge pile of shit for it and then just spent a few weeks making it less shit anyway.

It's safer since it regens twice as fast as the sandvich so you'll have a heal faster for you or your Medic. The sandvich's cooldown time can fuck you over.

The sandvich is for healing your teammate, specifically your medic
The bannana is literally just a worse sandvich and was only added as a joke weapon because heavy lost the war
It is a joke weapon do not use it

It's three times as fast, actually. But it's less safe when eating since you heal less so anybody that finds you during snack time will have an easier time killing you.

Maybe they should have made the banana into something else beside a healing items maybe a defense buff. Since sandvich sort of overshadow every other items in his lunchbox arsenal. Even through i think banana wouldn't be so bad since heals are heals its just their already two other healing items.

>didnt play since tfw went free to play
>community servers removed
>sprays disabled on valve servers

what the fuck happened bros?

The situations to throw Medic a Sandvich pretty much boils down to two things: either he's low on health and could use a good boost in health in a pinch or he's on fire.

The Sandvich is better for the first, the banana is better for the second.

They got scared by mobas even though TF2 isn't a moba and doesn't even share the same market space

In the second situation, you're responsible for killing whatever is attacking him
Guess what you can't do when you're throwing the banana
Spoiler alert: Kill things

Due to the new changes in ramp up, you want to spend as much time as possible revved up
if you have to constantly unspool and throw bananas, you're not only neutering your DPS but you're also not protecting the medic

The only time you EVER want to stop shooting is when
A. All the enemies are dead
B. Your medic absolutely needs a sandvich or he will die

The only one of the two cases above where the banana is useful is A, and in that time, the medic will just regenerate his health naturally

And in situation B, the medic needs as much healing as possible, and the 75 HP from the sandvich is going to save him more than a pathetic small health kit

Burst healing > shitty small heals that you have to stop playing the game to dispense
If small health kits were good, everybody would be using the dalokohs already

>>didnt play since tfw went free to play

The state of current TF2 everyone.

God I'm glad I don't want to play this shitshow anymore, what a fuckin' embarrassment. Adamant refusal to reverse Heavy nerfs, even more Spy nerfs, PYRO NERFS. THEY'RE NERFING THE WORST, MOST USELESS CLASS IN THE GAME *STILL*. I'd rather play nothing than play TF2 again. The worst part is that I could load it up right now and still shit in the mouths of 12 other people without even trying as a fucking phlog pyro or pure demoknight, but if I wanted to ruin the day of several random strangers I'd just go derank in cs:go instead.

hi dom

So can this avatarfag fuck off or what?

TF2 is dead, it's really nothing to be ashamed of, it's had a long run, longer than most really. They tried to revive it a bit with the MYM update but it only killed it further.


Fuck off Jeff.


you're at least partially responsible for getting me into this meme game again

Just doing my job

yeah yeah
say hi on discord sometime

Who the fuck you is


take your bets

oops wrong verison

>but damn at least they managed to balance lots of things in the game at once.
No they didn't. Pyro who was supposed to be the star of this update most of his unlocks still have major issues. They barely changed anything since the blog post in June.

>Also the TF Team said that MATCHMAKING WILL BE FIXED LATER since they didn't want to early-release a MEET YOUR MATCH tier change to it.
"later" coming from the tf team could mean anything from a month to next year and I'm sick of fucking waiting. Competitive matchmaking is essentially the same as it was when it was first released 2 years ago. Plus casual matchmaking was something NOBODY wanted. It was objectively a massive downgrade from quickplay so they don't have any fucking excuses here they made this mess and they need to clean it up. You can't say they didn't promise to either, Dave Riller said they were going to fix competitive.

There is NO excuse for such a long delay, they sat on their asses last year and rushed to shit something out in a few months.

So easy. First line is basically guaranteed to happen. 4th is close too

>Fart jokes not being the free space
It's Sup Forums's favorite meme in particular.

>Try matchmaking because community servers are shit with barely any variety
>literally the only map that has enough people looking to play it to join (because you can't fucking join mid-game in fucking casual mode) is 2fort
>Jungle Inferno isn't doing shit to fix this
I'm moderately happy with the update, but there's no fucking excuse for this shit. It's practically unusable (unless you wanna play fucking 2fort).

>join community server
>it's a stacked team is steamrolling people with 30 hours and spamming mlp memes in chat episode

TF2's community killed TF2.

>nerfing the most underpowered class


>star playing 2 weeks ago after 4 years
>snipers and spys
>lose because of this

Sometimes you get nice team. But why 5 snipers and 3 spys and can't even play them?

Just play pubs.

Also just started playing again after years. Are you guys using the casual matchmaking thing or using the old server browser?

Hey Sup Forums,


>Casual matchmaking killed community servers
They died because they were shit though.

I wonder that parrot tease what means.

When is Valve going to do something about those faggot snipers who stand in hallways and pick off players no more than thirty feet away?

just shoot them first user

bless you, yippikayey man

Valve servers never had sprays and never had sv_pure set to anything but 1.
t. grizzled veteran

Go heavy with fists of steel and protect them

>better personal healing
>Except that's not what the sandvich is for

There's a new meme if you haven't heard "I'm not your pocket medic"


He's free now.

I hate playing medic but I will try this out

N-no comic...?

>Spy now will gain his 'classic' playstyle back
What did he mean by this?

He has to actually be consistently stealthy rather than constantly being able to run dick first into situations and get out scott free every time.

It means learn to play like a Spy and not like a free-aim aggressive Sniper that can survive huge damage with a DR.

I think you went a bit overboard with your rant but you have a point. If we got this update it's all thanks a handful Valve employees that, instead of working on the new hot fotm VR projects, supported our long beloved and old game with a new fresh update that mixes up the cards on the table a bit.
Mind you, only a dozen people. Nobody with a brain can expect such a small team to deliver things faster. Their commitment at polishing up their updates after the rushed mess called MyM is great.

Nobody should be surprised that the reaction from this site is nothing but negativity though

Yeah, Sup Forums calls everything "shit" for the sake of getting (you) and possibly screencap their epic post for posterity. That's it.

How many times do you find yourself under 50 hp with heavy?

Righteous Bison projectile penetrates again.

>yfw playing Hamlet Hostility with 6 fully upgraded bisons to melt tanks.

>gaining permission to die less painfully

I just don't understand

>pyro voted for to be fixed
>nerf the pyro
>buff the soldier

>>buff the soldier

This would occur in literally any imaginable scenario.

And the Pomson is still cucked.

>nerf the pyro
Now that the patch notes are out, I can safely say you are a retard that parrots things said by other retards.

overall, i'm completly fine with this update. all four days delivered, in a way or another, and the downers such as no matchmaking overhaul can be somewhat balanced with the highers such as the new weapons, which seem to all have that old valve simplicity feel

So is there not gonna be a heavy update at all?
I heard the competition was to decide who gets their update first.

How would you fix it? If I had my way I'd up the projectile speed and fire rate, increase the hitbox size slightly and ditch the drain effects, just giving the engie a potent slug shooting gun is fine enough as is.

>new d2 is ass
>new tf2.. is ok?
what is going on

>drains uber and cloak
Pomson users can stick it in their ass.

The tf2 team said that the loser will get their own update later.

>>Added: +200% air control when blast jumping
>>Players moving at the Pyro at great speed will be reflected away at great speed
time to main trolldier again

He's lying

The main grief I have with that matchmaking is that in casual, it's fucking Match. 2 rounds then over...

I want to play for 30mn straight on the map I chose. That's where it's casual fun. That's where you dominate people or get revenge. That's where you compete on the scoreboard and challenge the guys on the ennemy team.

Now it only lasts 5 minutes and everyone leaves at the end of the game...

that after burn shit is garbage who fucking stays hitting a target for 10 seconds.

Could a 200% improved air control break jump maps?

if my experience serves me right, air control affects velocity when turning, so in short, yes

I think you misread that part.

here's a clip to show what it could look like

My memory is really hazy but I'm pretty sure community servers had already declined pretty severely by the time that matchmaking was a thing, matchmaking was just the last nail in the coffin.

Question about the inspect weapons thing.
Is that just the animation of looking over the weapon while playing?

>took 45 years for them to update bottle crit breaks

I'd have to give it a try myself, that video doesn't make it look like much.