What am I in for?

What am I in for?

Shut up. It's free go and play it yourself you stupid worthless faggot.

missing all your shots

nah but seriously it's a fun game. play squads.

Y-You to

this and shit luck getting good weapons

FOTM garbage like all battle royale games

>What am I in for?
the best battle royale game

Pump shotgun > semi-auto shotgun.




The Pump is a piece of shit that queues your shots.

>over half of the playerbase is chinese bots

Damn, halve the playerbase and it's still the most played game on steam

you're taking pride in being one of the million flies eating a pile of shit?

A lawsuit

1 million flies can't be wrong, just try a bite

scared and intimidated by unscripted gameplay

have to curate it for the streamers though

Sure love rng and playing against laggy third worlders

mad cuz bad

Make sure you sharpen up your knowledge of grenade safety.

>it's fotm
>no it isn't
Every time, without fail

PUBG chinese knockoff.

A really easy game to cheat on :^)

An unbalanced mess of a game where none of your bullets hit. Fun with friends though.