Tfw Bionicle came and went

>tfw Bionicle came and went
>tfw there will never be a proper open-world ARPG Bionicle game

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that would actually work
despite the shitty gameplay, the ps2 game had really nice environments

just play the skyrim mod

Who cares, we got a Bionicle CRPG flash game

Can't remember if it was any good though, either way it's not like they'll touch the good shit like Inika and Barraki for any new games so i can't be bothered to care


First one was good, second was more buggy and less finished than Sonic 06.

True. Even the mini flash videos for the plot through the bohrok saga were pretty good.

I loved, loved, loved those.

They weren't to techincally impressive but still makes me wonder where those animators are today.

Would you rather
>natural world with villages and temples, varied climates, etc., a melding of technology and nature with a secret hidden below the surface (Mata Nui)
>developed world made of cities and machines, with a central arena and buildings, jobs, and hidden areas(Metru Nui)
>hellhole of atrocities and suffering, basically lego australia considering the flesh eating giant spiders and the overall horrible conditions(Voya Nui)
>underwater world of bubbled cities and dark, mutagenic waters filled with demonic human-faced squids and escaped mutated prisoners from the depths of the Pit (Mahri Nui)
>a massive cave filled with villages and smaller caves on pillars of stone, soaring through the sky, with a giant, beast filled swamp below and a central dungeon area (Karda Nui)
>a vast desert wasteland with occasional travelers and the rare settlement, ruins of a broken world partly buried beneath the sands (Bara Magna)
>a jungle world you've never seen, swathed in life forms and plants (Bota Magna)
Well, which one Sup Forums?

They made some gradual artistic improvements from the CRPG videos, it was pretty cool to see the progress over the two years it was just flash videos.
I liked the aesthetic of Mata Nui the best, the others just felt like they wanted to one-up the last, but if I had to choose a close second it would be Mahri Nui because of it's completely submerged and the Barraki were cool.

>ywn play the Bionicle Online Adventure Game again

Fucking GOAT point and click. I have yet to play a better one.

Yes you will.

I love the Mahra Nui stuff but deep sea shit scares me too much to play in it, so I'll have to go for Karda Nui for how little it's portrayed in games and how interesting it sounds, or Mata Nui cause it just sounds like a good balanced layout

Bionicle was never good

what the fuck was G2 bionicle even about


Mata- This, no shit, I think that's the basic emotional basis for why this thread exists.

Metru- Potential

Voya- Seems redundant to the first era of Mata with the corrupted Rahi, of which I would love to see expanded further.

Mahri- I see no benefit to this setting for providing environmental variety.

Karda- Bionicle Souls.

Bara- See Mahri.

Bota- See Bara.

Shut your whore mouth

Krika did nothing wrong

Oh I certainly agree, the first few were ROUGH, and they never pushed flash to its limits in that era as compared to other flash content creators but the I adored the character interactions portrayed therein.

Makuta did nothing wrong.

You are literally the most wrong poster on Sup Forums to ever exist.
It was a reboot that had a fraction of the advertising and even less plot depth and lore. Honestly on a surface level it looked fine and even got a netflix series but it's like Lego wasn't comitted enough so they pulled the plug again for good

We never found out because the first 3 year arc was cancelled midway through. We never actually got Makuta or anything, just fucking around building up to Makuta for 2 years. It'd be like if the original Bionicle series ended with the Bohrok.

Well he didn't have much of a choice. Join or be killed.
Also he hated himself and just wanted to be loved by the people he served.


>Doesn't give a fuck because pessimism and only does shit because might as well
>Loses hands and can't correctly manage his density but still doesn't give a fuck
>Suddenly gives a fuck when a storm is coming and it threatens his fellow Makuta and he tries to warn them
>Gets backstabbed and dies as his density falls apart

best team

The actual amount of lore in gen 1 was fucking insane.
>The entire bionicle "universe" is just inside of a machine built by an ancient civilisation to rebuild their world after it is destroyed.


I meant to type "for the first time again" but fuck if I'm not immediately bookmarking that shit and playing it as soon as I get a spare hour or two.

>oh so what's Hewki's weapon gimic-

Why are Bionicle threads on Sup Forums so good?
Hell, Sup Forums just has an appreciation for almost anything late 90's to early 2000's that isn't video games

Jaller best boy.

The DS version of Bionicle heroes was so good.

>huge bionicle fan growing up
>read all about the upcoming Bionicle game
>get an xbox hueg for Christmas
>this is one of the first games I got
>mfw looking back and realizing it was fucking terrible
Even then I was disappointed.
No elemental powers, no mask powers, fucking NOTHING

so much potentials

Because Bionicle was legit good. It's like LotR threads on Sup Forums or /lit/ before taxposting

Any way to download this?

Because it's not discussed to death like everything else

But even after all that, it wasn't this piece of shit
I think I legit got motion sickness from that god damn camera

Yeah it was pretty bad, theres a couple moments in it that are neat like the minecart level or trapping the rahkshi on the rafts as lewa nuva. Honestly if they just made each toa play differently instead of a generic energy blast, it would've bumped it up from bad to ok

You forgot how Bota's full of robot dinosaurs

Gali level was comfy. and who cant forget her massive toa ass

What monsters did you create from spare parts?

>not stagnant because we don't have threads discussing it every day
>bionicle is actually really interesting and has an entire universe worth of lore and toys to discuss
>Sup Forums loves discussing certain types of toys, like lego or skannerz type things
Off the top of my head.
I don't think so, at least not there. It's just hosted on the site because they archive all the good old lego flash games.

If you mean Bionicle heroes i had it for GameCube and I don't think i ever realized it was shit because i probably beat that game 2 or 3 times and probably put around 100 hours into it when i was a kid. All my friends seemed to like it as well, and i don't have it now cause one of them kept my copy, I'll have to play it again so i can ruin my past for myself.

This was tough as balls though.

You can thank R.R Martin for that.
I get a good chuckle out of them though.

Nvm, fixed it

Find the DS version. It's a first person shooter that controls like Metroid Prime Hunters and is actually pretty fun since you actually have to dodge and aim to kill shit.

Oh cool didn't know. Thanks.

>the minecart level
It was only hard because the camera was awful and it controlled like crap
Oh and the best part

I could have sworn they were working on a Bionicle movie to go along with all those LEGO movies.

Not creative and certainly not my best, but it's the only one I can find that's still in one piece.
>it hurts to live


We will never have a better designed lego figure.

>Visually impressive
>Entire thing transforms from a standing figure into a surprisingly compact ball
>Cool slot for a mystical corrupt mask to ride it like a mech
>Still had room in the design to give it an articulated punch
>The punch could also launch their masks like projectiles to infect toa (and the masks actually fit on the toa)
>Came in a kick-ass canister that not only contained them but held them suspended like an insect waiting to burst out from its nest (which they essentially were)

Were the Borohk the greatest legos of all time?

I want a fully realized Open-World game with all of Metru Nui, Karda Nui, Voya Nui, Mata Nui, Mahri Nui, and various Makuta strongholds and dungeons interspersed between, with all of their notable landmarks available.

You play as one of 2 surviving members of a Toa team during the Makuta Wars.
You can pick your elements, within reason, probably from a list of 10 or so.
The other survivor is your best friend and companion who occasionally follows you on missions.

Your mission: find the MACGUFFIN, in a search that will take you all across the various realms of Bionicle, and deliver it to the Brotherhood of Mata Nui.

Would be the most ambitious and expansive game to ever exist if it would ever exist.

Gonna cry now.

>Minecart level

Oh please, that's not even the level with all the giant boulders chasing you.

Not him but man, I 100%'d that and it was alright.
Enemies do a little too much standing around though. Funny how once one explored enough and unlocked some codes, Halhi changed from useless to the best character in the game.
Otherwise Matoro was infinitely better than everyone else because of the sniper rifle.
IIRC it was
Hahli has a water beam weapon
Matoro has a pressurized ice sniper rifle
Hewkii has a stone rocket launcher
Nuparu has a shotgun or grenade launcher or something
And Kongu has a shock bow, spreads on contact

that gold triple blade was the shit

They already had like 4 Bionicle movies, but a stop motion one with how Lego does their movies now would be incredible.

Can't speak to GOATs but goddamn were they spectacular for all the reasons you said, the fact that their functionality and storage modes were not only engaging but further reinforced their flavoring in the story (or the other way around if you would prefer) demonstrates incredibly good design.

>Could peel off the covers and display it in its stand

I was always more of a Rahkshi man just cause I loved that sinister serpentine look they all had.

I am sensing some Divinity: Original Sins influence in your post, not that there is anything wrong with that.

>corrupt mask
*face-shaped slugs that latch onto you like well, a facehugger
And yeah, they were a perfect mix of aesthetically pleasing and having wonderful playability. The OG bohrok were the only set of Bionicles I fully completed, although I only have a single Kal (Tahnok-Kal).

>Divinity: Bionicle Sins

Not likely to happen, Lego is about that cross-merchandising and they are not about to start up the Bionicle pieces injection molds a third time just for a movie.

There was a crappy Netflix miniseries to go with that crappy reboot.

Of course no one knew about gen 2, they didn't make an amateur amv quality music video to go along with it sung by a semi known/not known at all band

This too

>tfw Bionicle died twice

Lol, that shit started with the Piraka and Toa Inika though.
>tfw you will never save the band

>tfw you unlock the Voporak as a playable character in the postgame

This. I did this with all of mine. It was so cool seeing them all lined up next to each other just waiting to hatch and wreck some shit.


It wasn't intended, but yeah I suppose it's there in part.
I was thinking more TW3 tbqh though, but with some actually fun combat.

I want a kinda hack and slash vibe with my Bionicle geimu, but a little heavier. Emphasis on environments and mobility. Something like a Golden Kanohi upgrade as your endgame for personal development. Letting you utilize up to 6 powers at a time.
>Fire tornadoes
>list continues
But in order to use them effectively, you need to be in the right Koro/Metru.

Big monster Rahi and some cool people like from Roodaka's species are your sorts of Koro/Metru bosses.

Maybe even have a way to recruit procedurally generated Matoran into your retinue.

This game is genuinely fantastic. I still replay every couple years, it's so good.

They had older ones though. I remember there was a gravity hurts and a move along music video before Inika. The Piraka one was actually well done for once and was a dedicated video instead of just clips from movies.

>some random Vortixx as a boss
user no
Most people from her species are one of two things
A dirt poor slave male or a bitchy female weapons designer.

Might honestly work better in a turn-based environment with real-time movement.
>Can have up to, say, 3 or 4 members in party, but start with 1 or 2
>Have to pick and choose between the 6 elements in terms of what to put in your group, which also boosts replayability, since you could try new paths with different skills and new combos and shit in combat

I cannot blame you, however there always seems to be that divide between ARPG and CRPG wishers with things like this.

There is a link to an archive of it earlier in the thread. Its genuinely one of the best, if not the best point and click I've ever played.

Yeah, but what else would you roll to seduce?

You might be right. Would bring costs down, for sure.

Ugh, I hate how much I remember the Move Along era considering how uncool I thought it was as a teenager compared to first gen.

>massive toa ass
The best
Funny how you'd mention that on a Thursday, though

Double-cheeked up

You'd just end up as her bitchboy if you managed to seduce her. It'd work better as a "charm" roll for rahi.

Who is the best Bionicle and why is it Onua?

The Rahkshi were fuckin' gangsters. The Vahki were always another favorite of mine- I love their head designs and their big, chunky blades.
Was I the only kid who was disappointed that the Metru Nui arc completely derailed the main Mata Nui storyline? I understand now it was "because sell toys," but at the time it bothered the shit out of me. Metru Nui was cool in its own right, though.

Mata Nui is comfier.
Metru Nui saga is cooler.

>tfw you will never leap from the Knowledge Spires in Ko-Metru and swim the Protodermis seas to Mata Nui to relax with the lads and hit on Ga-Matoran all day.

It hurts to live.
>tfw she joins your entourage
>tfw she betrays you near the end of the game
>in the meantime she steps on you often, and creates a bunch of adventuring problems


Funny way to spell Lhikan, or Iruini, or Takanuva

Man, if a group REALLY wanted to they could make a flash game like what they had back in the day. With tech now making it at the same or slightly better quality would be piss easy.

They planned it out as far as I heard. The whole "body" thing was also from the very start, that reveal at the end of the Aqua Magna story was in the making for a long time.
Hell, it was in since the Bohrok, when the Bahrag talk to the Toa and in some cut materials it shows stuff that hints toward it.

At first, yes. But I think I came to appreciate Metru Nui era more as I got older, even the Hordika.
It's not as grand or anything as the Mata team's story, but it feels really damn heroic, in a Greek kinda way.

The books following them were aces too.
>Hey Makuta, wanna know what happens if I break the Vahi?

Or Matoro.


As a proud owner of two of them, they were cool, but were not nearly as well designed toys as the bohrok. And narratively, were more jobbers as compared to the Tidal force that were the swarms.

she'd just feed you to the mountain dude

You mean Lewa, right?

Onua was my brother's favorite, I always preferred Pohatu myself. I loved using him to kick around the little lego stone ball that he came with.

I want to fuck Gali

Friendly reminder that this is the GOAT Bionicle Comic issue.
You're alright.

My man
Best playability of all the toa, my friend had him too and we'd have rock soccer matches

Where can I read the comics?

Holy shit that was so hype to me as a kid, I really need to see if I still have those comics. I had them all up to the end of Metru I believe