Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Stormcloaks or Imperials?

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The Empire objectively died during the oblivion crisis.
The Stormcloaks are the only group in the position to stop the Thalmor's master plan, beings that their territory contains one of the final standing towers.

Imperials. Snow niggers can't beat elf cunts by themselves.
And snow niggers will turn Skyrim to Chirim in no time, then ask for gubmint aid to fix it.

A stormcloak victory is a short term solution to a long term probem, its literally the brainlet option.


Stormcloak, and I even play as an Argonian

Then you are a foolish fool!

Mundus no longer belongs to one empire. Now every race on mundus should have it's own land, like argonians have blackmarsh all to themselves, nords should have skyrim all to themselves.

>The Stormcloaks are the only group in the position to stop the Thalmor's master plan
How are a bunch of mouth-breathing cousin-fuckers going to stop a organised regime of powerful wizards?

>ctrl+F: skyrim
>0 results
>ctrl+F: elder scrolls
>0 results
>"w-whoa, you're m-making a skyrim thread!? what about m-mine!?"
Fuck 'im.

Except the Thalmor created the Stormcloaks because the Empire was the only true threat to them.

>the stormcloaks can stop the imperials

stormcloaks are kicking up a fuss and causing divide which is exactly what the thalmor want, they need the empires help even if they arent what they used to be

>nords should have skyrim all to themselves.
you some kind of racist?!

n-no! my land is your land!

But the Reach is the ancestral clay of Orcs and the Forsworn Bretons, and Imperial peoples like the Colovians also inhabited chunks of Skyrim originally.

Both sides are fucking cancer.
It's such a fucking joke that you're forced into either side.

Stormcloaks can't even stop the Imperials even with the help they are receiving from the Thalmor

Skyrim is part of the Empire. It's like claiming Nebraska is for Nebraskans instead of America is for Americans.

You're literally not. Neutral has its own quest too.

>It's such a fucking joke that you're forced into either side.

Huh? You don't have to do the civil war quest line.

You don't have to, its an optional questline.

Bretons have High Rock.

The empire has Cyrodiil.

Let nords have Skyrim.

Neither. One side is under control of the Thalmor while the other is simply being used by the Thalmor to start a war in the first place.

However, in the long term, I'd go with Imperials. The Imperials have a much higher presence and they obviously don't like the Thalmor fuckery. They'll eventually rebel.

Until you realize that the entire war was started by the Thalmor themselves just to weaken the state of Skyrim by using Ulfric as a way to get shit riled up.

The Empire IS Nordic though. You have a few separatist snow monkeys trying to piss away an Empire that Nords literally built to go hide in the tundra up north.

This. The stormcunts have absolutely no logical reasoning and no practical relevance in the grand scheme of things.

Keep the shitskin Redguards out!
Keep the Jew Elves out!
Keep the nigger Elves out!
Keep the faggot Elves out!
Keep the inbred Orcs out!
Keep the coward Imperials out!
Keep the retarded Bretons out!
Keep the slimy Argonians out!
Keep the furry-fucks Khajiits out!


What's the neutral quest? Honestly curious.

Season Unending. It's part of the main quest storyline if you never completed the Civil War. You go to a sit down with the Legion, Stormcloaks and optionally Thalmor and force both sides to quit fighting over a series of negotiations and concessions.

If you actually play the game you'll see plenty of torture chambers, corrupt as fuck Imperial Jarls, kidnappings and torturings of people all sanctioned by the Empire as they bow down to the Thalmor's every demand.

I'm sorry, but after seeing just how much of a disgusting pile of corruption and downright evilness the Empire became as I completed sidequests and saw how they really treated the citizens of Skyrim I couldn't bring myself to side with them.

Okay, how is an Imperial victory somehow a big picture solution?

Stop multiculturalism in skyrim

It's just negotiating a temporary cease fire so the dragonborn can capture a dragon.

Imperials, because the Empire is way better than the Thalmor and the Stormcloaks.

Oh boy, petty politics in video games. So fun.

Stormcloak's end goal is just to liberate Skyrim. Empire's end goal is to liberate all of Tamriel from Elven oppression.

It unites the continent.

Why are there so many skyrim threads all of a sudden?

The Imperials, obviously, even if for a "short" time they had to ban the Talos worship, the plan was to become strong enough to defeat those elves, now everything has gone to the shitter thanks to some brainlets Nords who dont know the meaning of the word "wait". Did they even think what they were gong to do after winning the civil war?
"We will take Skyrim from the Empire!!!!"
"But sir Ulfric, The Empire has been preparing for this event since the beggining because we are so nosy, also our armies are tiny because they were decimated by the civil war that WE caused, we just dont have enough weapons, people or resources to win a battle, and they are already at the frontier ready to repeat history, but this time, it will be even easier for them!!!"
"Better die free than live as a prisoner"
fuck the Stormcloaks

They most assuredly aren't better than the Thalmor. The Dominion butt fucked the Empire and made it sign over territory in lieu of a safe word.

Oblivion or Morrowind? Asking for a friend.

>the Empire is preparing for Thalmor War II
no they aren't

-Morrowind if they want an actual RPG
-Oblivion if they're willing to set aside 12 hours modding the bethesda out

I don't see where you get the idea that the Empire is acting in the interest of men. They're actively serving elves who seek to unmake existence.

The imperials don't know that. They're somehow being fooled by the elves.

They're paying them lip service while they sharpen their swords for the second bout.

TIDF detected.

No, you're right. The Imperials are just taking the elves word that disbanding the blades and surrendering territory in hammerfell is in their best interest. Let's stop believing in God while we're at it.

>They're actively serving elves
Well, they lost. That doesn't mean they are going to be the elves' bitches forever. They are clearly not happy.

>who seek to unmake existence
There's nothing in the actual game to support this. I don't care about non-canon "lore", especially in a game where people keep complaining that they retcon the "lore" all the time.

If you don't believe me, read the fucking script bethesda wrote for the game.

The imperials are fucking retarded throughout the entire game.

>corrupt as fuck Imperial Jarls
Every Imperial Jarl is OBJECTIVELY better than his Stormcloak replacement.

So they couldn't defend the imperial city from a foreign force that was outside it's walls, and they will somehow be more adept at it once they have invited thalmor leadership into their kingdom to destroy their infrastructure to keep the peace? What is the game plan? I want to believe there is sense to what they are doing but I need to see more than just "oh you just wait until I get another crack at you!"

>hey Skyrim stop worshiping your patron deity even though it will LITERALLY make him cease to exist
>WOW why are you rebelling what's wrong with you people???

>kill all elves because every second we don't fight they get stronger and we get weaker

Stormcloaks, always. Might makes right, and even if the player causes the death of or kills every last man on Mundus, they still have the power to stop the shitskin elves themselves.

Giving up Talos worship, even if false, which it isn't evidenced by buffs provided, is a display of weakness. Choose the side that does not show this weakness or dishonesty.

Skyrim is a power fantasy video game. One lives to express their will. Express yours by choosing Stormcloak.

>hey Skyrim we told the Elves you had to stop worshiping Talos so we could end the war and start preparing for our own invasion on them. you can keep worshiping him on the DL though, it'll be our secret and the Elves never need to know. ;)



>talos worship ban wasn't even enforced until shitflinging stormcloak monkeys came along

>so we could end the war and start preparing for our own invasion on them
Things they never said nor were planning to do

It's roughly 50/50 as to whether the Imperial or Stormcloak allied Jarl is the better choice.

Maven Black-Briar is better than Laila Law-giver? Are you fucking kidding me? Laila actually cares about the place, even if she is a bit naive. When she finally has someone she can trust, i.e. the player, shit gets done. Maven is a crimelord, she should be in prison.

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post?

Even with the strawman, Stormcloaks are in the right here. Really makes you think.

>never played the game
Oh, it shows.

All signs in tesv point to the empire collapsing very soon regardless of your choice

>until shitflinging stormcloak monkeys came along

Actually, until specifically Ulfric came along and did his little Markarth incident. It's strongly implied in the game this was actually a Thalmor false flag operation.

Stormcloaks literally forced the ban to be applied to all Nords. If the Stormcloak rebellion never happened, no Nord would have ever stopped worshiping Talos. No Nord would've ever been taken by the Thalmor. Literally all of it is on Ulfric, and as his dossier shows, his actions are specifically designed by the Thalmor themselves.

What kind of megacuck discovers that the Stormcloak rebellion is a Thalmor honeypot... and sticks with them anyway?

Maven's better because Laila is incompetent and useless and Maven is quite literally already running the city anyway. Remember that even Laila's court all the way up to her steward actually work for Maven.

You can hate Maven, you're supposed to. But honestly, picking the puppet over the puppeteer? C'mon now.

It ultimately doesn't matter.

The average normie will always pick "imperials" because "muh the stormcloaks are raycis!"

>Ulfric caused the Thalmor to show up in Skyrim!
>Ulfric is a Thalmor puppet!

None of what you said is incorrect. The Thalmor let him go as a sleeper agent to sew rebellion. He did precisely that, calling attention to the fact that the Empire wasn't enforcing the White Gold Concordat. To avoid a war they weren't yet finished preparing for, the Empire was forced by the Stormcloak actions to let the Thalmor in.

The Thalmor played the Stormcloaks like a fiddle.

What kind of cucked country or city you live in?
Where I live everyone says the stormcloacks are right because skyrim belongs to the nords and is their right to own land and have freedom of religion.

In Morrowind there were signs pointing to the collapse of the empire then. That was more than 200 years ago. In Oblivion it essentially did collapse, the bloodline ended. In Skyrim that bloodline is reborn.

What kind of cuck subjugates his neighboring countrymen because he didn't have it in him to protect his own capital city? Sure, the storm cloaks are unwitting puppets but the thalmor hand is wrist deep in the emperor's ass. The thalmor know they can only depend on Ulfric to stir shit if the war continues. I would rather end the war aiding the side that actually intends to stop the thalmor.

That's the stupidest fucking thing ever. It's like saying "Muslims can have the rest of Germany, but Berlin is for Germans!"

The entire Empire is for Man and it was created by the goddamn Nords. Cutting themselves off from an Empire they created and have every right to is stupid.

The Empire is for Man.

Maven is one exposure away from spending life in prison. It's not like she's some untouchable super villain in the shadows or something, she's just a big fish in a little pond.

Was the Thalmor hand in the Emperor's ass when he obliterated their entire invading army in a battle that he personally led the charge in wielding a flaming sword, or was it when he hung their still-living commander from the walls of the White Gold Tower for days?

Of the two- the Emperor and Ulfric, only one of them has ever defeated the Thalmor. Only one of them is actually working for them.

Fair to say that Khajiit have amounted to nothing?

it seems you have misspelled "argonians"

You really expect the normie population to know the empire was created by nords and not by imperials?

the same Emperor signed the white-gold cuckcordat

>in a battle that he personally led the charge in wielding a flaming sword


Who's going to put her in prison? The guards answer to her, the Jarl's court answers to her, the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild answer to her. Riften is one of the five major holds in Skyrim, the lynchpin in both the Imperial advance to Skyrim AND the border Hold to Windhelm, and she commands the majority of its power.

Arguably, she's the most powerful person in Skyrim.

Why would a character who is not a Nord fight for the Stormcloaks? Especially an Argonian, Dunmer, Breton, or Altmer.

Empire is a weak shadow of itself and a tick trying to suck what life it can still drain from Skyrim. Ulric is a douche-bag, but he fought the former high king in a traditionally accepted duel and blew him literally the fuck out. When I found out that shit with Thorald Graymane and how the Imperials just fucking got on their knees and worked the Thalmor shaft as usual, it cemented Stormcloaks as the only logical option.

The dark brotherhood actively IGNORES her.

Break into her room sometime; she's been attempting the black sacrament multiple times with absolutely nobody answering her.

>non-canon cardgame that has people from millennia in the past and future all showing up simultaneously

Yes, the same one that signed a temporary peace treaty knowing that the Empire could recover from the Great War faster than the Dominion and that they needed time to prepare. Why can't Stormcucks into strategy? Is it all the cousin-fucking?

Imperials. Either be a part of something greater to help out your own and each other. Or sit down and shut the fuck up.

...did you ever actually play the game? You know the Dark Brotherhood doesn't hear the Black Sacrament, right? That's kind of the whole plot of the entire questline.

I think you are confused, someone else was wearing the emperor's armor during that battle.

I refuse to believe this as it's apparently lore from the card game. You have a valid point there.

>using forbidden magic
>then appealing to tradition to justify your murder

Nice try

The Jarl runs the city. If Laila were to find out about her the guards aren't going to take part in a coup to put Maven in power. The Dark Brotherhood doesn't answer to Maven, she just has the means to pay for contracts. Based on Maven's whining the Dark Brotherhood isn't even that effective. Same goes for the Thieves Guild. In fact, both guild questlines for the player character are partly about expanding those guilds beyond the dead ends that are people like Maven.

Neither. Lonewolf

Imperials. A united Empire is the only way to defeat the Thalmor.

the civil war is a low-tier proxy war, like the US funding rebels in Syria

it's meaningless next to the endgame

>she's been attempting the black sacrament multiple times with absolutely nobody answering her
Because the Dark Brotherhood literally can't know when somebody is doing that anymore unless word of it gets out to the public, and that's how they act. Maven obviously isn't going to fucking let the fact that she's doing it go public.

Except they don't. Remember, all guards in Riften are on the take.

>Maven: "I think I'll like living here."
>Laila: "So enters Maven Black-Briar, the glint of Imperial coin in her eyes. So tell me, what's the price for a woman's integrity these days?"
>Maven: "You never were able to see the forest for the trees, were you?"
>Laila: "We Nords were proud warriors once. And we still could be. Evidenced by the men and women who fought and died bravely today. You could see that if you had any faith left in that black heart of yours. But no, you're content to snatch scraps falling off the Emperor's table. Fine. Take my home. Take my city. May it burn down around you."
>Maven: "A bit melodramatic, even for you Laila. Pack your things and go."

>Thu'um is steeped in old Nordic history
>their most revered god was a practitioner
>everyone respects the graybeards
>forbidden magic
Okay knife-ear scum, whatever you say.

Look, I get the emperor sees that the Empire needs to chill to bolster there shit but is there any examples of them actually following through with that plan?

Even when the Thieves Guild is fully restored with you as Guildmaster, attacking Maven gets you kicked out of the guild. You can work your way back in, but forever after the guild penalizes your take in jobs.

...didn't play the game much, did you? For over the past 2500 years, the Nord tradition is that the Thu'um is to NEVER be used in combat after angering the Gods. That's the Way of the Voice and the Greybeards. That's the oath Ulfric took when he was taken in as an apprentice, and the one he broke when he used it to murder the High King for the Thalmor.

Only the Dragonborn is to use the Thu'um as a weapon.

That's a proper changing of the rule. It happens in all the holds during the civil war. I'm talking about if Laila ordered the arrest of Maven while she was still Jarl do you really believe the guards would all refuse to do so because they are "in her pocket"? Besides, not all the guards are on the take. Some of their dialogue talks about how much they hate the crime and corruption in their city and they want to do something about it.

>using the thuum to kill someone unprovoked and without warning in a blade duel
>when the graybeards EXPLICITLY forbid this sort of thing

The argonians won my begrudging respect when they didn't get their shit pushed in during the oblivion crisis. I don't know of any khajiit accomplishments.