Xenoblade 2 thread

Xenoblade 2 thread

What’s your favorite aspect of the Xenoblade series?


>favorite aspect
I like it

Feeling what? The atmosphere of the worlds?

10/10 exploration in both games. Really hoping XC2 keeps it up.

The flow of battle?

The side-quests that tell me about the communities in the game. Learning how people are connected is neat.

I want to get this when it releases but I never played the first one.

It's friday in Japan.
They already showed off a rare blade this week, are they going to show off another one?

inb4 autistic screeching from X fanboys

The exploration and novel settings
Or in Mira's case, just the exploration
But boy is it ever good there

Full-body reveal of Metsu's Blade when?

I loved the music in both Xenoblade and X. I'm really looking forward to 2.

I really hope we get a sequel to X. I fucking loved X.

the epic furry waifus

I'm convinced that thread was just the same 5 people constantly shitposting non-stop.

you have a month to fix that

Honestly, the combat. It scratches that WoW itch without costing me $15 every time I want to scratch it. Wish I'd found this series a year or two ago.

In XC1 I like the characters a lot and XCX is the only open world game that I've enjoyed just exploring in. I'm excited for XC2, especially if they carry affinity missions over from XCX instead of heart-to-hearts.

Man, I really need to finish X. I haven't played it for a year and a half, I'm going to be so lost jumping back in.

>especially if they carry affinity missions over from XCX instead of heart-to-hearts.
Takahashi confirmed sidequests that improve affinity with Blades, so maybe.

Please don't start.

Maybe we'll get this instead

>What’s your favorite aspect of the Xenoblade series?
Honestly? The battle system. I absolutely love rigging up long-ass combos of arts on my pallet and flawlessly executing them over and over again, which is why Dunban was by far my favorite character in 1, I adored the wide variety of arts your player character could mix and match and the addition of Overdrive in X, and I'm absolutely dreading the seemingly really low variety of arts, how slowly you need to autoattack to even use just three of them and then wait again to use more of the same three in order to be allowed to switch to a different Blade to get access to three more (Blade movesets other than Pyra being entirely random and reliant on a gacha system). I feel like the combat just took a number of step backward and now revolve against flashy QTE special attacks instead of good planning of art combos.

Why is it a Xenomorph?

What do you mean novel setting?

Because it's a xeno blade


I picked up the one for the 3DS
Still haven't played.
Should I know anything going in? I got it because it looks rad, but also because 2 is coming in and I don't want to go in blind.

>Should I know anything going in?
While the 3DS port is generally pretty solid, know that you've picked by far the worst looking version of the first game, and that it lacks dual audio (not that that's a big negative, the English dub of the first Xenoblade is by far one of the best dub out there)

Sell it and just buy the Wii U version off eshop or just fucking emulate it with HD textures

>the seemingly really low variety of arts
we've only seen up to the Gaur Plains/Ether Mines equivalent. At that point in the game Reyn has barely started unlocking his DPS Arts and you don't have access to any of the fun characters. I'm sure the rare Blades will have more interesting stuff than the generics. Also, it looks to me from the E3 footage like the combat really starts ramping up once you charge Blade Arts and start getting into those combos, and I think you can change Blades at any time like weapon switching in X.

>and I don't want to go in blind.
Xenoblade is basically Nintendo's Final Fantasy, none of the games are connected other than by name. That said, you should still play Xenoblade Chronicles because it's a good game.

>Gaur Plains/ Ether Mines equivalent
Fuck you, not everything has to be derivative.

I'm just going by the level ranges, dude. And Uraya does look a lot like Gaur Plains.

I'm more talking about the number of arts available to the player at any one time, not the overall total number of arts in the game, which I'm sure will be plentiful to encourage multiple plays at the gacha system just so you can get the arts you actually want to use. But at the end of the day, you're still left with only three arts per Blade to combo together, with you needing to charge various meters just to change to three other arts or use a special move. Doesn't leave much room to build quickly executable combos.

He was obviously just talking about the lenght of time spent in the game, retard, none of the regions demo'd so far looked anything like the mines, use your noggin'.

Gormott is way more Gaur Plains. It even has Territorial Rotbart.

He didn't mean equivalent in that sense, retard.


Eh, that’s a bit of a stretch.

What did he mean then, oh enlightened one?

If anything, with the bio-luminescence and chorus singing, Uraya looks way more like the Satorl Marsh/Noctilum of the game.

Read the thread, you've been answered twice.

????? No I haven't smart one

Literally here >I'm just going by the level ranges, dude
and here >He was obviously just talking about the lenght of time spent in the game, retard

Good to know, my dude. I'd still like to play Chronicles X, looks gorgeous from what I could tell.
And from what I can tell, it's under the Xeno unmbrella, but doesn't really have anything to do with Gears...?

only thing they have in common is that theyre green

Pretty sure it's currently $20 on the wii u shop for the first one.

It appears that I got Uraya and Gormott mixed up

None of the Xenoblade games have anything to do with Xenogears, since Square Enix kept the rights to everything Xenogears when Takahashi left them to form Monolith Soft.

It also has near-flawless emulation. Dolphin is based.

I feel the same way about the combat (despite never playing WoW). I did have my fears about not being able to move and attack in this one, but it looks like they attack as soon as they stop, so it's cool.

"Xeno" is a metaseries spanning three different companies that's only really united by having the same director and his thumbprints. Legally there's no relation between Gears, Saga, and Blade.

Cool, that's what I wanted to gather. I was reading up on it, but wasn't certain. I've only played the first Saga, and that was dope but YEARS ago. Blade looks rad as all hell.

Maybe we'll finally learn something about any of these guys. No we won't.

You're still wrong

I don't think they'd reveal any of those characters at the end of a week, as they'd probably want to reveal their Blades the day after as well.

Argentum uses southern English accents right? I think Tora and Bana do at least. So Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK unaccounted for then?

Tell me about trains, why do the Japanese love them so much.

Will Metsu be the breakout villain of the game?

he'll join the party 2/3 of the way in

I hope so


it's not every day you get a game where the world where people live in is giant living beings

He'll get cucked out of it by this guy and die or some shit.

Sadly, that'll probably be Shin instead. But we can hope.


Shin will convince him to join after joining a few hours before.

>A burly member of Torna. Despite his rough demeanor, he respects Shin’s decisions and follows his orders, earning him Shin’s deep trust. He’s also extremely skilled as a Driver, making for a formidable foe.
>“Sorry, kid. I can’t let you use her power so recklessly.”

I'd use her power recklessly if you know what I'm talkin' about.

Fuck you Rex.

>A burly member of Torna
Would that make him a big guy

that's the direct translation according to yesterday's thread

Keep steamin' ya Yank git.

Why was XC's voice acting so memorable?

Because it was good unlike every other dub on the planet

The voice director did a damn good job probably. Sadly I believe they hired the woman who did XCX for XC2.

Great delivery across the board. I dare you to name a single badly done line in that whole game.

It'd be a British studio doing the voices, though, not the American one that did X.


So Famitsu revealed the other day that Rex comes from a place called Iyasaki Village(but they'll change that), but his accent doesn't match up with any of the Titans we know so far, so where the hell is it? Are there maybe smaller Titans with little podunk towns on them?

Was there an interview with Takahashi or not?

I was kind of surprised by the voice acting in the gameplay for XC2. I thought Rex being flat was kind of a meme but he doesn't ever yell for some reason. Azurda, Nia and Dromarch have great voices though. Poppi is okay, like Rex. Tora can seriously go die in a Nopon-sized fire.

>but they'll change that
*Bet. I jumped a whole four letters on my keyboard.
I think, but I don't we ever got a scan.

World design, both XB and XCX had amazing scenery, and I'm really looking forward to the differences between titans.

Also, the combat is nice, ARPG combat has always been good.

The british voice acting was unironically great. XB is one of the few japanese games where I'd recommend the english dub over the jap dub.

Tora sounded fine to me outside of him apparently not knowing any other moves tbqh.

Rex sounds pretty great whenever speaks more natural dialogue. His VA is probably a newbie to Japanese style camp. From there you either shy away in fear and confusion or go the Howden route and become ham incarnate.

Rex's VA will go full camp when the crazy twist happens.

Reminds me of Goku's English VA apparently fainting because he was yelling for too long

This. I actually prefer Rex's normal speaking voice over Shulk's normal speaking voice. His banter with gramps that we've heard is great, and his intro to the E3 trailer was fantastic I though. But damn does he just shit the bed the moment it comes time to yell.

What the fuck is with that delivery.

My bet is that Iyasaki was a town on one of the first Titans to die off and sink, and Rex's the only survivor

>and Rex's the only survivor
Except for Shin

I want say Rex has a more "whimsical" tone then Shulk maybe? That might have more to do his character compared to Shulk's, but it's still great that his VA can deliver that.

>Shin is the humanoid incarnation of Rex's old home titan
>Azurda is his brother

I thought the idea was that Rex was an Orphan living on Gramps (Like you need a permit to ride a Titan if it can tell you to sod off)

At least that's what the trailer implied.

That would completely blow some of the regional accent work in the dub apart but damn it I'd take it.

Well, when your entire village sinks and vanishes, I think you qualify as an orphan

Such much more avoiding the whole "hometown destruction" trope this time round.


By this point, every Xenoblades is mandated to have
>An hometown/world destruction near the beginning of the game to kick the plot into gear
>A squaretashed gruff military type Vandham
>A big monkey stomping your shit in an early area

So with this whole plot of the Titans dying I'm waiting for the story reveal of a city built under the Cloud Sea inside the carcass of one. I'm also hoping for a salvaging segment with atmospheric as fuck underwater music.
how else would he learn to be a salvager?