Take away the artstyle, and this game is pretty bland...

Take away the artstyle, and this game is pretty bland. It has nowhere near the variety or challenge of any of the Contra games.

>comparing it to contra

Why do people do this when it's a shot-for-shot remake of Gunstar Heroes?


contra aged like milk, though.

And Cuphead will be forgotten once the next meme indie game comes along. There's no substance to it.

newfags dont know what a run 'n gun game is. They're too old, outside their reach of knowing and understanding.

contra is all they can think of cause they heard about once. Some old fag said it aloud.

>Take away the artstyle, and this game is pretty bland

style and blandness are fucking opposites you subhuman

>take away the heat and it's pretty cold

>take away the corners and it's pretty round

>take away the water and it's pretty dry

>take away the sound and it's pretty mute

>take away the challenge and it's pretty easy

This is like pre-school level thinking and you're failing at it.

>I'm too much of a retared faggot to tell the difference between style and substance.

Cupniggers, everyone.

>It has nowhere near the variety or challenge of any of the Contra game
but this game isn't even comparable to contra, why bring it up?

I'm on World II and I found it pretty entertaining.

The bossess have creative patterns and moves. Not the kind of variety I'd see in Contra (which is unfairly difficult IMO, due to it's time).

The game is good about being fair with attacks too. Bosses almost always have recognizable cues before attacking, so theoretically you can avoid most attacks without memorizing them.

>Take away ham from a cheeseburger, it's now a grilled cheese sandwhich.
Of course it would be different.

Take away the models+textures and replace them with wireframes in every 3D mario game and its really bland.

>Take away the artstyle, and this game is pretty bland. It has nowhere near the variety or challenge of any of the Contra games.

Replace any game with your statement and it literally means nothing you fucking contrarian retard.

That's not how you say Metal Slug.

wow it's almost as if presentation is important

Do you idiots really think artstyle is more important than gameplay?

gameplay is nothing without those though. Would you play bayonetta or ninja gaiden all the way through if it only had mesh characters and no stories? What kind of autist only like "raw pure" gameplay anyways? The beauty of video games is in the music and art

I don't even particularly like the art style. it's still a good game

>implying theyve played gunstar heroes

cmon son, whats wrong with you

Would you play a game with the best gameplay in the world and it looks like utter crap? No, you would not. You are lying if you say otherwise.

no, gameplay trumps all, but it's still an important aspect

Yes. That's why the artwork and music is needed

The art and sound effects contribute to the way the game feels. Wouldn't feel nearly as satisfying otherwise.

>this is what graphics fags actually believe

games in the 80s looked like utter shit and played beautifully

yeah, well guess what? last time I checked, it's not the 80s anymore, retard

The best ones had a good art style though, despite low tech graphics.

It's so funny reading these threads. You could make valid criticisms about the game, like how Run-n-Gun levels are nothing more than filler content. Or how the parry mechanic seems totally un-responsive half the time, or how there's no real co-op in a game that's fucking built for co-op.
But no, you make retarded arguments instead and make yourself look retarded

it still applies, you can play games made in the 80s and it'll still be fantastic to play while looking like garbage

gameplay is literally the most important thing in a video game above all else

>The best gameplay in the entire world
>NOT playing it
Ive played worse games for worse reasons, step it up

I actually agree. I bought this and Ruiner the other day and Ruiner has been eating all my time whereas I have maybe 2 hours in this. Really basic and generic.

>Do you idiots really think artstyle is more important than gameplay?

We were never implying artwork is more important than the fucking gameplay you stupid contrarian retard. Go be woke somewhere else with your enlightened opinion.

>thinking it's still the 80's
get with the times grandpa

excellent reading comprehension

go back to playing pong, if you only want gameplay.

Congrats on being the vocal minority. Ruiner has tons of problems itself whereas Cuphead is near flawless.

The most 'substance' filled video game would still be bland looking if it had no art style.

You are literally struggling to understand the meaning of basic english words.

CONTRA would be bland if it's style was removed and replaced with dots (bill is the red dot, all other enemies are different colored dots)

Wasn't Superhot kinda popular not that long ago? I'd hardly say it has the best gameplay in the world.

MS has way more weight to it you dumb faggot. Cuphead the Megaman X to Metal Slug's Earthworm Jim

But there have been tonnes of games like that and they were for the most part fantastic

So pong and Tetris are shit then?

The point is that they were all 'bland' a lack of style is preciously the definition of bland.

And I cannot think of a single side scroller that had a complete lack of style and was 'fantastic' maybe some that were 'barely playable'.

so do these kind of fags get off on going against the popular opinion? You can't really attribute it to a mere difference of opinion because they're always so incendiary. It's like the only validation they find is by hating something other people like because they have no defining characteristics themselves.

Asteroids and snake were dope as af

No matter the quality of the game and popularity, the Contrarians are fucking bored so they criticize a game for no reason because Contrarians.

is it because they no longer enjoy video games? I don't get it, truly.

Does anyone fucking play Pong? Of course the game fucking sucks.

Tetris does try to have style in the few areas it does. It has catchy tunes and the blocks are pretty, in later versions they have groovy particle effects.

And yes there are games that have bad style but are still fun (usually strategy games). However they ARE BLAND. The point is that lack of style and bland mean the same thing.

welcome to Sup Forums my dude, enjoy your stay

nah, I've been here for a while, I feel like it's more a subgroup of people than the majority.

Read the post again.

Look at the first sentence, think if your post is relevant to that. Than look at the second sentence and pay attention to the word 'side' and 'scroller' than tell me if your post is relevant.

>ur bad cuz u don like popular thing


a VERY vocal subgroup
as in "8 different threads" sort of vocal

>like how Run-n-Gun levels are nothing more than filler content
Pretty sure they were tacked on at the very end

Oh okay.
I think OP's trying to suggest that the gameplay is bland though.
I mean, you're kinda just arguing semantics right now.

my post is relevant

It's because of threads like these that videogames can't be art.

Why are you so angry?

Take away the anger, and Sup Forumsnon is pretty chill.

Hmm. A game is good, so what happens next? It gets popular.

Really makes you think.

I play dwarf fortress on a regular basis. It's probably not the best gameplay in the world but it sure looks like utter crap.

You could literally say that about a lot of fucking games. They are a whole package, and removing some aspect like music, or aesthetic are huge.

video games cant be art cause they arent art

If "video" is art, why can't video games be art?

It's more Gunstar than Contra. Otherwise I agree.

because they are games and not art


Art isn't real

It's not like Cuphead's gameplay is terrible anyway, but yeah I'd prefer to play Slug or Contra

Repeat after me:

Gameplay > Sound > Graphics

I think what OP is trying to say here is that graphics don't make a good game. Which confirms he's a console pleb.

If OP thinks the gameplay is bland he should type that. I can only know what he types, not what he thinks. And the entire fucking point is that OP sucks at pre-school level symnatics. If he meant 'gameplay' than he sucks even more than I thought as he can't even communicate that.

Snake and Asteroids are not side-scrollers so it's not relevant to the second line. It also. The first line isn't even about video games so it's even less relevant.

You can tell how seething you are because of the fucking. You had a little twitch of rage at that moment which caused you to type that, I can tell.

Deadly Premonition

no, it's relevant

What if you make a video game where the video part is art and game part is not art? Seems feasible. In fact, I'd say a lot of game fit that description where the game part of video games isn't art but the video part is art.

What's a game without video? 0% art.

no no, you see, a video game is a video game not a video and a game, so therefore it will never be art

It doesn't exist. All games are art, it's just a matter of art quality.

Well, he did use words like "challenge" and "variety."
Ain't too hard to infer he's saying "the artstyle is the main draw of this game, without it it would be very generic."
I haven't played it btw, so I have no horse in this race.

Yes. Games can't be art due to no video. Thus, the video portion is considered applicable to art. In a weird way, let's plays can be applicable to art. However, the game or "ruleset" is not art.

A ruleset by itself is just a bunch of words akin to law. So games can't be art.

video games cant be art because they arent art

check mate

You're half right. Games can't be art.

Art's whatever the fuck you want it to be dummies

I think he means by the second line 'the game is easy' which is an unrelated concept.

Even your use of 'generic' is unrelated. If Contra or Metal Slug had it's art style stripped it would also be generic even if they are difficult or have 'variety'.

I know I'm sounding like a grammar nazi here but if someone isn't clear on their points you can't discuss them (because you don't know what they hell they are).

"The art style is good but the game lacks challenge" is something you can discuss

"The art style is good but the game is generic" is vague. It sounds like you mean the art is generic (it isn't).

no im 100% right, video games can't be art

I'm going to pull a philophy card out here.

Unless 'art' is defined we can't say if a game can or cannot be art.

go away redlettermedia

No it hasn't.

If that's the case why are there coloring book flash games?
Checkmate atheists

i don't think you know what substance means

those arent art, those are video games and by extension not art

sorry bro, just because your mom put your coloured outside the line pictures on the fridge doesnt make it art


Love it. Don't know why. I just love it.

If were going to go and compare it to Treasure games, then it's much closer to Alien Soldier you absolute philistine. Even the dash with smoke screen reminds me a bit of that game.

>yeah, well guess what? last time I checked, it's not the 80s anymore, retard
This is one the most irritating sentences I've read on Sup Forums in quite awhile. Well done.

>Don't know why.
it's because you have autism

I dont give a fuck, videogames are not art
videogames should be that, videogames and nothing more

>Popularity is the same as quality

Because you are 12

I can say the same about metal slug. without the artstyle, it's just a poor man's contra.

>It sounds like you mean the art is generic (it isn't).
wat. My reworded interpretation suggests everything but the artstyle is generic.
>The art style is good but the game lacks challenge
This is basically what he said, plus variety and a contra comparison. I don't think he was talking about Contra's fucking artstyle lol.

Whatever man, this is silly