What is the Blade Runner 2049 of Video Games?


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Blade Runner

Deus Ex, Observer, Halo 3 Odst to some extend, and cyberpunk 2077 once it comes out

I've already been spoiled so much about this movie simply because you fucks can't keep the discussion in Sup Forums

The Evil Within 2
>any thought of a sequel had left everyone's minds
>sequel is announced out of nowhere
>it's distinictly different from the original, but still great

>they both flopped
Feels bad man

The plot isn't that important user.

>I watch it for the plo-

>tfw the Wallace jingle from your waifu emulator goes off while you're talking to a grill
Why is this even a feature? It's like they built an alarm to randomly go off and alert everyone around you that you're a virgin

the jingle went off at that moment because Joi was getting jealous of the roastie sluts talking to K

>cyberpunk 2077 once it comes out
>once it comes out

It wasn't actually jealous, and didn't actually love him. It was just a very cleverly made simulation. Even the name "Joe" is preprogrammed into it, hence the billboard near the end repeating some of the lines from earlier in the film. It really was just the story of a man and his fictional waifu.

>Alien Covenant does bad in the theater
>Blade Runner 2049 does bad in the theater

They are both good movies with Blade Runner being a lot better than Alien Covenant. Why did they both bomb Sup Forums?

BR2049 was 3 hours long and released in a season where people don't normally watch non-horror movies. It opened at #1 in over 40 countries and was still underperforming.

>Why did they both bomb Sup Forums?
It's not a Marvel movie

>GitS (rightfully) bombs
>BR2049 bombs
The next time Hollywood releases another big budget cyberpunk film, it'll be because it's the cyberpunk future and all films set in modern-day will be cyberpunk by default.

Blade Runner 2049 is a slow, thoughtful film that doesn't appeal to the mass market.

Alien Covenant is a rancid pile of dog shit that doesn't appeal to any market.

Did blade runner actually bomb or was it just like the original blade runner? Lower sales that desired but still recognized as good

there's several scenes where Joi goes beyond her programming, the rainy rooftop scene, the jealous chime sound scene, the microscope room scene, the part where she tells the prostitute to gtfo after she's done using her. The point of the final scene is that K realizes he can go beyond the purpose of his creation, like Joi did, and become human through actions not through birth

Got released in the wrong time, if this had been in Jan/Feb it would have done better. The length didn't help that much, like the original a good watch, but you need to be in the right mood and have some time to take it in.

From wiki:
>Budget: $150–185 million
>Box Office: $161.2 million
No bueno

Horizon Zero Dawn
>Simple but well executed story
>Soundtrack is it's own character
>Fantastic world building
>Immersive visuals
>Memorable characters
>nobody played/watched it

>the jealous chime sound scene
>product for lonely neckbeard virgins programmed to sabotage any interaction the user does have with a real life girl, thus keeping him reliant on the product
Wallace is absolutely DEVILISH

protip: the prostitutes were also Wallace products

Can't let the user build his confidence practicing his game on replicants. He might move onto non-Wallace products, real girls.


Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Same genre.
Similar plot.
Similar elements (holo-waifus and shit).
It was also a mediocre sequel to a beloved cult-classic.

i skipped this movie opening week assuming it would be shit, because i have become about as cynical toward the u.s. film industry as is humanly possible
i don't know how common that sentiment is

>interpolation on a cam rip

>nobody played/watched it
You mean Sup Forums didn't play/watch it. The game sold really well from what I recall.

Snatcher, or the Blade Runner video game

"Blade Runner" made by Westwood obviously.

To be fair, for a camrip it seems like good quality.
But that could be the case because literally no one is in the cinema to watch this movie in the US.


But BR2049 did his cyberpunk theme in a interesting way. Instead of just doing "DUDE! Holo boards LMAO!" it's the further developed technology of the 80s technology in the first Blade Runner. That's why it doesn't look like GitS or any other Cyberpunk movie, it has a very unique look in Detail, K researches in a fucking huge computer thing who makes "Click" everytime he changes the picture, I thought it was extremely charming, also the big Atari Logo and that the Soviet Union still exists in the BR Universe.

More scenes you say?

I was ready to ignore it until some reviewers I like started raving about it and I learned who was directing it, then I went to see it with some buddies and boy was that a good choice.

Not posting the proper version.

What would be the proper version?

just go watch it already

fixes the timing

how the fuck did blade runner bomb? I thought normies fell for cool sci-fi every time?

>Create robot virgins that must sustain themselves on robot prostitutes and AI hologram waifus so that you have a bustling economy made of robots

What the fuck? Now that we're finally getting into mass roboticization in modern day, it seems so fucking hilarious that people thought the future would be full of intelligent humanoid robots to serve us rather than machines specialized for everything.

Did you add this shitty distracting song? I don't remember it

How can you not know about Drive?

There's timing in that scene?
It's just a piece of music over a scene of him slowly sitting down on the stairs. It's not like you have to match beats to his blinks or anything.

3/10 bait, made me somewhat angry.

scifi is not popular
star wars and star trek are popular

oh ok, it's from drive. haven't seen it sorry


3 hour long cyberpunk sci fi? No way. It's not "pop" or actiony enough.

Replicants aren't robots, Replicants are biologically humans with faster regeneration and strength and longer or shorter life span.

Well... see it then.
It's a damn good movie.

It has a 3 hour run time which not only deters normies from watching it but also cuts down on the amount of showtimes any theater can have in a single day.
Plus cyberpunk never sold very well, especially if it's not an action flick. The original Blade Runner was a bomb in theaters too.

Why were replicants made with artificial organs but not the animals?

i haven't watched capeshit for a while but aren't all of them 2+ hours? Thought normies liked the "epics" these days.

It's just a Sup Forums meme to like BR2049, right? You guys aren't actually serious are you?
The story was so fucking shitty. The fake girlfriend was creepy and un-relatable, who the fuck gets that attached to a fictional character? Robots giving birth? Even if that was possible it's fucking stupid. And then it ends with a huge cliffhanger (Robot uprising, which would have made a much more interesting movie)
And then there were so many scenes that were fucking nothing but the car driving around in the city. You could have halved the movie if you took those filler scenes out

This movie is the fucking best

Being a cheesy, easily digestible action flick marketing a character everyone knows makes a big difference.