You walk into Gamestop and these three block your path. What do you do?

You walk into Gamestop and these three block your path. What do you do?

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defeat them

Call Gohan Blanco

Can I get a quick rundown on the gohan blanco meme?

Yo los mato y luego busca a GRANDE PADRE

Tell them to follow me

Spanish DBZ clickbait youtube thumbnails have funny things in them.
The meme gets out of hand and absurd fanfiction is born due to it melding with a bunch of Sup Forums DBS general maymays.


He just jobs

Spics LOVE dragon ball. All their art is clickbait tier shit. Gohanfags on Sup Forums keep on memeing about how Gohan is going to win the ToP since they keep on hyping him up. They think he's going to go super saiyan white aka Gohan blanco.
Spics also believe that the Grand Priest is evil which is were el grande padre comes.

tldr: Gohanfags were a mistake

Unleash a Blaze Kamehameha, which is a very, very, catastrophic Kamehameha wave. It's so intense that it can go up to 140,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 degrees fahrenheit. It can burn a black hole easily. Lava Goku uses it to kill Blizzeron.

Post your spic art

Hakai all of them

Why are Goku and Vegetales cucking their eposas?

Tell them to go job elsewhere.

politely ask them to step aside. they're fighters for justice, they have no quarrel with me

Ask for directions to walmart or any other store in the world that sells games

Take out a pencil & erase them fron existence.

Tell them go be bald elsewhere.

Why do latinos have the shittiest fanart and fanfics?

>Goku goes UI
>tosses toppo and bitch bunny around like nothing
>goku goes toe to toe with jiren
>Jiren beats goku because his energy ran out.
>Leaves goku in the ring so he's still in and has time to heal
>looks at goku and says "lmao no one for me to fight haha"

Call Gohan Blanco so he wrecks their shit

Not sure about Gohan Spic Blanco but I'm sure Goku and maybe Vegeta will put in a lot of work then Gohan will get one final blow in the end. Like Trunks with Zamasu.

take the el blanco pill

Shaggy > Gohan Calvo > Jiren

El Hermano vs Gohan Negro when?



>even his spanish is getting weaker


God those designs are diahrrea to my eyes.

>inb4 Pedro

I call my girl Mokou
Then we go in and buy ULiL on PS4


A little longer, but this is the funniest Gohan video I've found so far. Anyone got anything better? I love GOHAN blanco!

I'm gettin' hungry, hombre.

>posting filler

Webm related happened for real and is canon

Keep walking into the store, they are justice enforcers not Biker dicks, or Gang assholes.


gohan in a museum

oh yai it's ya boi g-han_blanco


True, but gohan el blanco specifically came from fananimation done by HUES, look for it in YouTube, the vid has 5 million views.

I watch a better anime. Super is pooper.

Leave Jiren to me

why do people hate gohan so much? I'd be pretty hype if he was the one to win the whole thing. but i dont care if he doesnt either.

His fans are completely rabid. I think the treatment he got in the beginning of Super was shitty too, but I stopped caring.
These guys genuinely think Gohan is going to beat Jiren despite how much stronger the motherfucker is than him and Jiren even said he has no interest in anyone else.

>why do people hate gohan so much?
But spics LOVE gohan

fuck yeah shaggy!

Potential Unleashed should be way stronger than it is, imo.

Unless the power of Super saiyan 5!

Truly the greatest story of our time.

>Don’t buy amiibos
>Get all my gaming news online, so Game Informer is absolute
> Any old, “used” games are easily piratable, even on console homberew
>If I do pre-order or but a new game, it’s always either a download title or through amazon prime’s discount
>Any prerelease or launch events are fucking terrible

What reason do I have to go into a Gamestop again

When your relatives get you gamestop giftcards for lack of any other gift ideas because you never interact with them longer than 10 minutes at a time over the phone, but they still love you enough to remember your birthday and want to get you something nice.

Step aside Shaggy, the original is here.



can shaggy EVER be stopped?


jiren only came to kick the ass of strong people
he doesn't care about anything else he is stronger than a weak god

way to weak he fought a saiyan saga piccolo namek saga goku without kaioken or super saiyan and king piccolo

Hermano, Kiero

Shaggy in fighterz when?

>What do you do?

I use Beerus-sama technique.

To be honest, it wouldn't be a terrible idea to give gohan, vegitales and goku their own source of power to boost them beyond SSG. Goku could use ultra instinct, gohan could use angel ki and vegita improves upon the brolly form/continues the supersaiyan advancement. It would be more interesting at least for their next training episodes.

Keep walking like an idiot

I feel like I need to read the manga now.
This actually happened?

Left left
Right right
Spin and turn
And a great big smile!


his version is shitty super hard to do and takes a while
and the manga is way better in terms of story even if it's the same thing kinda

Goku black is way cooler


I knew this blanco shit was going to kick off. And to think that months ago blancoposting was the cancer killing dbs threads in Sup Forums

G e t l o s t

>goku black uses regular super saiyan and abuses the zenkai boost until he hits god status
>rose is just his version of super saiyan blue
much better than just having an OC donut steel form

Sup Forums is always too thin-skinned for its best memes

All that moe shit softening them up

>This actually happened?
The Zamasu arc on the manga is much better than the bloated mess they mad that arc in the anime.

>Stopped watching Dragon Ball in the android saga or whatever (last episode I watched was when Yamcha got arm-stabbed by Gero)
>Mfw seeing all this shit

Whatever happened to it being the whacky adventures of human-like Sun Wukong with the occasional martial tournament

Nothing people just latch on the fighting shit.
Super is a real sequel to Z, it actually goes forward with the history so it has a bunch o great comedy and comfy moments like Bulma pregnancy, Goku personal like shenanigans, Gohan life with baby Pan and more.

keep posting pls

The only direction they could go is up.
That doesn't mean up is always best or good.

What's the deal with Shaggy?

>mfw Zeno is the Jaded King

If you didnt watch it as a kid, its really hard to recommend anything dragonball past namek

it's still ok
watch kai then read the dragonball super manga or skip episodes of the anime
or original if you like filler and 5 hours of freiza vs goku which was all just 5 minutes in the dbz

It became iredeemably shit the moment we found out that on the multi-cosmic level, everything's a bloody tournament arc.

>Whatever happened to it being the whacky adventures of human-like Sun Wukong
the daimaou saga

I scamper off as carefully as i can, because if they're here, whatever they're hunting is also here.

>Cell saga Gohan still used as a measurement of power
Just how strong was this kid?

>in Super Manga this outfit is back while inSuper anime is not

I watched it as a kid in the 90's. Even then I remember liking the original Dragon Ball a lot more than Z, though I kept watching until the Androids showed up.

Seeing all this power levels shit and how powerful characters have gotten is weird to me because I still remember when King Piccolo was the worst thing Goku had faced.

anybody who complains about that type of stuff is retarded in db the highest powerlevels were about 300 and some people were able to destroy the moon with less and then dbz comes piccolo destroys the moon when he was weaker than raditz and then all the way into the buu saga people already reached billions/trillions broly destroyed south galaxy in a few minutes

I would wish these three HEROS OF JUSTICE a fine day.