>Get Dying Light because Sup Forums keeps saying it's good.
>Character is weak as fuck till, apparently, midway through the game.
>Literally hitting zombies hundreds of times just to kill them.
>Can never stand still because one of those running zombies will come out of nowhere and hit me from behind.
Wow thanks for wasting my money, Sup Forums.
Get Dying Light because Sup Forums keeps saying it's good
Other urls found in this thread:
Dying Light is not even a hard game, get it together op
>Literally hitting zombies hundreds of times just to kill them.
you're thinking Dead Island, DL zombies die in a few hits
How was the expansion? Been thinking about playing this again
NIGGA WHICH DYING LIGHT ARE YOU PLAYING?!?! I have weapons that do like 60 DM and my ass is always hitting those fuckers like 10+ times just to kill them.
with the kick you currently can kill them in two hits.
the only reason I bought it was because the lady zombies had textured vaginas
>Character is weak as fuck till, apparently, midway through the game
You are awful at videogames OP, the only time you are weak is at the start.
Literally drop kick
>Pays for his games
In Nightmare the zombies are statted to fuck. You have to abuse instant-kills and avoid using firearms as the effort it takes to kill the summoned runners is simply not worth it.
Best advice is to climb on something just tall enough that the zombies are around shin-height. Then you can pop their heads instant-kill with a curbstomp.
And anyone know which DLC are worth getting, if any? Waiting for a sale, of course.
Just get The Following.
Others are pretty meh
Anyone new to this I recommend the no lock picking mod. There's so much of it it becomes tedious quickly.
I got it on sale a week or so ago that had everything for 20$. The Following is pretty nice so far.
>fighting zombies
Playing the game wrong. You get 500 different tools and moves to avoid them entirely or kill them in one hit. Focus on knockdowns and stuns more than pure damage, then run away or go for execution kills. Weapons are always weak as fuck unless you're playing on normal difficulty.
Using a weak weapon. Yeah no wonder your having an insane go at it. GL it does get better. Beat it on the ps4 with my friend, and its more fun co-op if you can go that route.
>im a retarded shitter and not hitting things in the head with my fucking joystick tier aiming
fuck off retard, you can kill most zombies in 3 hits at level 1 on the hardest difficulty
Why do they do content updates for this game still, what is the goal? A few new guns is nice, but it wouldn't get me back to the game
>everyone who survives has given up fighting them and just stays away
>hey i wonder if i should try fighting them
Dying Light 2 after they release the last DLC.
Also a nice way to encourage the community that stuck with the online game components for so long.
Man I played the hell out of this game but did not stop to check for puss
wow you werent kidding
t. shitter
maybe you should try avoiding them like literally everyone else
Get a friend to play with you. Should be easier in coop. And more fun.
first of all
>60 dmg
nigga you gotta get past the first mission before you can shit on the game.
Do a few missions till you unlock sidequests, then focus on those to rack up xp and get the stomp kill, the vault over zombies one and the drop kick.
The more you progress through the main quest, the more health zombies have. So do auxiliary stuff for a bit if things get too hard. Good thing is, the side quests can be pretty great sometimes.
fuckin tolga and fatin up in them slums
>zombie game is hard
>"fuck u v!"
If anything it's too easy. Once you get 60% through you're Spiderman and can level a horde of virals like it's nothing.
if you adored the parkour only, the game replaces most of it for the buggy, but it's surprisingly pretty fun to level and use. Parkour's not gone but there's just a smaller town where you can really use it like you would in the base game. Story was interesting enough for me, enjoyed it all the way through. The crossbow adds a not shit silent snipe weapon. Lots of sidequests that can be fun. Pretty good.
I never really got past the first few times you do shit for Ras (that's the bad bloke, right?), I just found the game kinda fucking boring. The parkour gimmick just got really old quite quickly for me.
Call me a casual but some limited amount of fast travel would've taken the edge off, you spend more time going to missions than actually doing them.
I did like that sidequest though that involved the settlements by the coast and that, that was pretty cool. It had some moments where it stood out as a pretty good genre defining game, but I just found those spots were too few and far between, with the majority of the time just spent travelling and being bored af.
is another DLC planned?
Fucking excellent. It was actually a full expansion pack, unlike the DLC shit most games do. Introduced new gameplay mechanics, with the buggy and scavenging for gas, a new map (IIRC it is bigger than the original game's map) and more. Great value.
forgot to mention, weapons level with your survivor level, so stop progressing through the story to get better gear, when it's easy, keep going.
Try not hitting them with your ass dum dum
I liked it. Game was about running around and away before becoming overpowered, kept tension high especially on the first night mission
>make an entire game based around a parkour movement system
>put shit tons of environmental kills everywhere that insta kill every single regular zombie and even fuck up the special ones
>throw in good fall damage and give the player dozens of way to knock them off the tall buildings you put every 5 feet
>top it off with a crafting system that easily lets you make tons of thrown shit like molotovs and knives that can be tossed out quickly while running around
>the average retarded gamer does nothing but run up to them and mash attack then complain they have too much health
This game is far from perfect but retards like OP are a perfect example of why shit is so dumbed down nowadays
My 2000+ damage weapons still take 5 or 6 hits to kill a normal zombie. But I'm also playing on nightmare, which basically means you die right away if you try to take more than one or two on.
I still have to play The Following DLC but god, the quarantine zones were some of the most scary and intense parts to play in the entire game.
The fact you're locked inside a really dark and usually tight place like an apartment complex, with zombies pounding on the doors and screaming or pretending to be dead until you get close enough to them was one of the spookiest shit i encountered in it. Running around during day and night time felt more like am adventure or walk in the park. The real horror and spooks is always in the quarantine zones.
how do you level up legend? I'm done with most quests but I can't see how you could effectively level that up without cheesing since you lose 100% of your xp on death and I keep dying for bullshit reasons even on normal.
Stop lying. I take out mook zombies in one blow on hard.
those fucking exploding zombies made me scared for my life in that hotel one. Holy hell. It gets so spoopy even when you know exactly what's gonna be there.
I got really spooped this one tiem I opened a dresser and instead of clothes or loot was a standing zombie. They let you look at it standing still for half a second before it jumps at you and I wasnt sure as it happened so it really caught me off guard. Never happened again strangely.
It's extremely tedious for me too. The easiest way I found to do it is just delivering drops to the quartermaster. But I'm only legend level 16 so I don't know how viable that is later on.
Also, turn multiplayer on to anytime. Deaths while fighting invaders don't cause you to lose exp. And even if you lose completely, you still get a decent number of legend points.
>dying light is too hard
holy shit dude you suck
Did you guys prefer the first or second location in the base game?
Probably second because it's easier to escape the zombies. But I prefer the first based on how it feels.
first is better, it doesn't feel like you spend much time in the second location.. and weirdly enough it felt like you're still playing in the first town
Did you really get about halfway through the game without realizing that maybe, just maybe, you're supposed to avoid fighting zombies and instead take advantage of the terrain and your mobility to get around them?
Anyone know an easy way to kill those big armored zombies or hammer zombies in nightmare?
The main campaign is hot garbage, the free running is what makes it good
>80 damage
wow you're like 2 hours into the game
>waah why can't I one shot zombies from the get-go so I can complain about how easy the game is
the entire point of the progression in this game is that as you play more and level up you become more effective at killing zombies
guns and explosives
To anybody thinking about getting this game or getting frustrated after having already tried it, I have a tip: PLAY ON NORMAL! The the higher difficulties are NOT balanced around low level characters in the slightest.
>Stop lying. I take out mook zombies in one blow on hard.
You're either outright lying or are playing with a character that already has powerful weapons. Starting weapons will not kill any enemy on the higher difficulties, even if you slam them in the head.
If you want to level quickly just repeat the supermarket sidemission in the first area.
You reach max level within an hour.
I kinda like first better but it might b just because that's where everything was wonderful and new. They did a good job bringing variety while keeping the core entertaining.
>go into a quarantine zone
>it's dark
>see a guy who hung himself dangling in the middle of the path I need to take
>keep hearing zombies screaming in the distance
I noped the fuck out of there so fast
headshots my dude. It feels cheap but even on normal you can get rid of the big guys in like 2 accurate shotgun shots or 20 AR bullets instead of dodging bullshit for 20 minutes.
Listen to this. I waited until I was level 25 in everything before trying nightmare and it still kicks my ass.
Took me about 20 shots with a 2500 double barrel on nightmare. Those armored fucks are a pain in the ass
yeah it's fucking hard. You have toplay like you would at the very beginning of the game but even with all the OP gear and tools.
yeah i didn't play nightmare a lot. Did you put tons of points in the gun branch of the legend tree? You can respec anytime so if you can find a quiet spot to do that you'll be shitting out a fair bit of damage.
I really think nightmare is made for those who are minimum 25+ legend level otherwise it's literally nightmare mode.
And no matter how good I get, viral and human enemies still kick my ass because of their bullshit dodge mechanics
>dodge animations that negate all damage
>dodge animations that negate all damage and roll directly into attacks
>fucking HUMAN enemies having tons of health despite that being retarded
I just stop bothering and use my gun on virals/humans.
What kind of retard buys a game in 2017 without knowing exactly what the gameplay is like?
There are thousands of hours of gameplay on Youtube, you don't have to go by the screenshots on the box anymore.
And it's only slightly better than Dead Island, as in not good.
Humans have more health opposed to the putrid rotting corpses because they're wearing armor and supposed to be tougher than a fucking corpse.
i quite enjoyed train to busan
i expected something way less arcadey
It was a pretty good movie.
try to not hitting them with your broken weapon
Looks good from the trailers, but does the kid die? I hate horror movies with children in them.
The next Dying Light game needs to have a larger focus on guns instead of melee weapons. Guns are 1000x more fun than the melee weapons.
Also, make the melee weapons more realistic/no upgrades. A machete with a flamethrower on it is stupid and a main reason why I stuck with handguns.
Game was alright. Made me want Breakdown-esque hand to hand combat with zombies and less grappling hook.
I actually feel the opposite way. I hope we can apply upgrades and blueprints to guns in the sequel if there is one.
I liked how it gave a positive portrayal of masculinity and fatherhood to a culture that sorely needs it
If they made melee weapons perform uniquely I'd much prefer that change than a shift toward guns.
Spit in the air and it will land on an FPS zombie with shooter focus.
>positive portrayal of masculinity and fatherhood
uh... from the blue collar guy? Or are you talking about the father?
i played this game on hard and i just remember my weapons breaking all the time. took me forever to kill a mini boss just had to jump around him and craft new bats or whatever the fuck. like an even worse version of breath of the wild
The bara guy, and later the father
The father had a good bit of character growth
>using breakable weapons
>when the best weapon is free
It's great, but won't help too much in the higher difficulties when you're surrounded. Love kicking zombies off buildings though.
Divekicking zombies off roofs never gets old
The first time you come across the Child zombies
Very true, one of the best feelings other than camping out on a fence and kicking waves of them down during the night.
Is this from the following DLC? Because I don't remember any child zombies.
They're in the base game, but they are kinda rare. I do remember one town had like three of them in it. The essentially just scream which causes every zombie within 200 miles to come for you.
The screamers
You can play however you want by spending like 10mins grinding the grocery store's 3 boxes over and over to get levels.
Then you can upgrade everything legacy or whatever and make the zombies as strong or as weak as you want.
You can even upgrade the unarmed stats if you want and hand to hand combat the whole game.
I actually had to do this to increase the zombies hp several times just so it stayed on a consistent level.
Honestly I think if you aren't playing melee only and using grapples to fight zombies and people, youre really missing out on the experience.
There's also a console command to turn off the hud, which helps a lot as well.
its really nice when they add the extra dmg on special events
This. I can mod the fuck out of blue-tier weapons all damn day in the beginning, full weapon condition, it takes usually over 10 direct hits to the head to manage to drop even basic enemies. If the argument is I'm doing something wrong, I fail to see what it could be when apparently the only thing to do is hit them in the head. I do this, but it takes a fuckton more than "a few hits" to drop even the most basic of enemies. Then there's runners, which could be awesome but were designed to abuse the fuck out of this impossibly-timed dodge mechanic which isn't based on collision detection but is instead just auto-triggered to dodge your attacks unfailingly even when your weapon clearly made contact with them, and that is just the worst kind of artificial difficulty I've seen in a zombie game to date.
We're talking about wearing a full-condition sledgehammer with a cloud 9 mod down to 0% to take out a single basic enemy because I have to land 5 or more direct headshots. It's a shit game that rode on the coattails of the zombie pop culture resurgence, nothing more. The parkour mechanics are neat but that's literally all it has going for it.
I'm surprised anybody actually recommended this. It's not being a contrarian when the game is, in fact, certified hot garbage.
You just have to run up on them and break their necks.
Sledges fucking suck.
>buy the game during last christmas sale
>have really fun with it
>finish it, collect most extra shit
>"time for the following! hype!"
>its fucking shit
>lol cars lol raciiiiing!!!!!
>literally nothing to climb
>OH and heres 10 gigantic special zombies with x7486 as much HP as the regular specials
Yeah you're not really supposed to plow through hordes just like that. That's the point of the game, hence all the parkour. You're supposed to want to escape. If anything lategame is the deviation from the core concept. When you have the lightning flame poison machete and infinite stamina.
I think the bigger problem of this game is that every quest you get is "go there, fetch this, come back"
I remember thinking that Dead Island and Call of Juarez The Cartel were such trash that Techland would never make a good game, Dying Light fucking proved me wrong
Considering Dying Light is the same shit as Dead Island, but takes itself sooooo fucking serious and tries so desperately to have their own Vaas (because you still remember FC3... right?) it just falls flat. The gameplay is meh, the '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''story''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' is hot garbage and unless you play it co-op, the game is simply unfun, while co-op fun comes from random fuck-ups and interaction with other player rather than game itself.
>Didn't play co-op
>Had the time of my life
You're gay.
honestly i remember having to hit them a shit ton at first too, but i figured thats why characters in-universe tell you to run from them and use distractions. plus there are lots of environmental kills for zombies
yeah that was really disappointing. also the progression was completely fucked. you reach max reputation in like 2 hours without even trying
That's why I used firearms for most part of campaign. It was really satisfying too, operating with handgun and rifle, killing Raiz's goons, cleaning places.