Will you pick it up, Sup Forums?

Will you pick it up, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:




>Elex turned out to be turd
>Gran Turismo is always online cancer
>Shadow of Morder is even worse cancer

At this point, yes.

Yes, I like Egypt and the world map in Origins seems fun as fuck

Like all Ubisoft games, I'll eventually get it when it's half price, then another 20% off at BB. They put in about 50% effort, so it's a fair exchange.

Already pre-ordered it



>how do you do, fellow gamers
>epic, epic for the win


Haven't skipped a major entry in AC yet. Even though some of their recent stuff has been hit or miss I still have enough faith to go for it on this one.

We, our African ancestors that is, were members of ancient Egyptian royalty and other similar historical positions of power.

Shill detected.

Guys there were black people in Egypt.



>falls for the diversity meme (Egyptian protagonist sounds like a fucking African tribal warlord)
>20 different special editions including an $800 edition that still doesn't include everything
>microtransactions in a $60 game
>casual mode which disables all combat so vidya """reviewers""" can gush over it

Yeah nah.

No I hate niggers

Why is Sup Forums still obsessed with the game?
The main character looks arab.

The combat actually looks decent this time so I'll give it a shot

>(Egyptian protagonist sounds like a fucking African tribal warlord)
So what?
Who the fuck cares about how egyptians sounded?
Hell, who the fuck cares about ancient egypt?
They didn't do anything of value at all aside from rearranging some rocks.

already did.

Hey bud

Yeah, as fucking slaves. They weren't the brains of the operation

Of course. Gonna pirate it the second I can.

Fuck off shill.


The game doesn't tell that.

>invented brain surgery
>invented cataracts surgery
>pioneered engineering methods that were used for centuries afterwards

Next time you make a post like this, do us all a favor and do ten minutes' worth of reading, hmm?



I still enjoy this series,

Why so focused on defending the "historical accuracy" of one of the most worthless civilizations in history, along with mayans?

>invented brain surgery
>invented cataracts surgery
Just like how dinosaurs invented amputations when one of them decided to rip off the limb of another.

>pioneered engineering methods that were used for centuries afterwards
Yeah, look at all these pyramids we have around.



Fuck off Tumblr.

Where were you when Altair, Ezio, Arno and all AC protagonists other than Connor and Edward didn't sound like they should?


if it'll work on win 7 without update then yes

>(Egyptian protagonist sounds like a fucking African tribal warlord)
Then AC1 was SJW propaganda too, since Altair sounded American for some reason.

I became disinterested in the series after Brotherhood, got too action-oriented for my taste but I still played Black Flag.

Maybe if the next game is Greece I'll be interested

Back then it wasn't really mentioned much because no one really questioned it, actually didn't really factor into the final score or appeal of the game at all to most people. A lot of games were like that before the social and political climate changed after the crash of 2008 and subsequent rise of the far left.

I don't care about Egypt so no

Yeah because Ancient Egypt equals pyramids.

Fucking surface level understanding of history.

>For Honor
>Fucked up because maximum jew
>Unpolish piece of shit with bugs every corner
>South Park
>Full price with jewish dlc

Assassin creed kings? LUL


Fuck no, what do you think I am, an idiot? I don't fuck with AAA bullshit unless I pirate it and this doesn't even look like it's worth that.

Well, can't wait until we go back to when all idealists kept their traps shut.

No, because I'm not a brainlet who falls for shitty Ubisoft titles and then cries about getting ripped off. Too bad I'm the only one in this thread, you stupid niggers deserve getting constantly conned. I haven't touched Ubishit since the first Ass creed game

Just because you go to r/Sup Forums doesn't mean you fit in here, reddit.

It's kinda going back to that, real art folk are starting not to give a shit again. Which is nice.

It's a twitch meme appropriated by reddit

>human history

You shit on Ubisoft to hard. Once in a blue moon they have a good title like Mario+Rabbids. But even then they fuck it up with bad dlc. The last true good games Ubisoft put out were when the leaf studio made two open world Naruto games for 360.

Why do ubisoft games always get shilled the hardest? It's not even subtle.

I'm picking up the Cleopatra porn, if you know what I mean.

is just a maymay. Honestly the game has very little to do with how WE posting is supposed to go, but since the E3 trailer got WE bombed so hard it's just been associated with the game since.
To answer the OP I think the game looks interesting, but Assassins creed games are all boring as shit so I probably won't buy it. They can't fool me again.

Nah shadow of war ubi clone is better than the real thing.

What game would that be?

idk but it's pissing me off

go shill your trash somewhere else fuckign retard. tell your boss no one buy game here

I know that like every AC game, it will have a long and obnoxious intro sequence before letting me explore the open world. I hate this shit in openworld vidya the most.

>Middle Earth Shadow of War
Kinda sad it in the sentence.

Last one put you straight into the game.


I don't know how different it will be than BOTW except egyptian setting. Might as well get Ass creed, at least get to pretend to be Moon Knight or mess with romans.

Since Black flag or rogue, they have been decreasing the real world shit.

I think so. I liked all the others, but it looks like they didnt learn anything and just made another one after a short break........yay.

This game is bringing in some of the bordering roman cities...in dlc though (fuckers)



>The last true good games Ubisoft put out were when the leaf studio made two open world Naruto games for 360
naruto the broken bond? it was shit

That sounds like a wonderful idea.
Hilarious pick by the way.

>Far left
WE is literally a meme completely driven by the far right

They explained it in one of the games. The Animus utilizes whatever language you speak, so no matter what language they spoke to your ancestors in the past, when you're viewing their memories everything will be said in English if you're a native English speaker.

The thing that person doesn't get is, games are like cigarettes to people. The enjoy some, unwind from a shitty day or how life is getting worse, and are just tired and want some enjoyment. Sure they could add worse things to it that can kill people faster, and the people could care less cause that just want that brief happiness and either die or get the next pack.

Next person to post under me gets a fart in the face



The controls in all the games since Revelations have been total shit. Revelations had the best controls, felt so good to play with keyboard and mouse.

*squats down over your face and pushes out a wisp of gas



*asks if i've torn the back of my trousers

You bend down to look for a tear in the material


Oh you made it sound like ubi cloned SOW

Let me take in a big wiff, oh, oh my.

Yeah, I remember this explanation as well. Either way, it's pretty irrelevant. Would be cool to see the extra effort. I don't expect much from big development teams though.

>dynamic resolution

Whats wrong with Eziomand Arno? Altair is the only legitimate one and it isn't even bad.

Hmm smells like a ubisoft game

Sure after heavy discounts


>everyone who disagrees with me is le Sup Forums boogeymang because i said so XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD
Kill yourself, kike.

Kill yourself, kike.

daily reminder

Fuck you. Sup Forums has always been right wing and racist as shit from the very start, before Sup Forums was even a thing. Right now Sup Forums makes like half the site, Sup Forums probably won't be able to pay the bills without Sup Forums. And the only reason why it's so active is because of the increasing shit SJWs and libtards are trying to pull. Like this very "accusation", I wonder who is behind it?

Go go another website if you want a left echo hugging chamber.

Egyptians werent black, but they sure as he'll weren't pasty white either. The had a caramel color like the Phoenicians.


I will rent it from my local family video for five dollars and play through all of it.

>read it as Shadow of Moroder
>mfw high fantasy with 80s electronic music

Every AC game is exactly the same.
Every open world Ubisoft game has a boring map and repetitive side content.

It's like Ubisoft has a hat full of pieces of paper to help them decide what game to work on and every piece says assassins creed.

if you buy new modern games you are a hack