What happen

What happen

They tooker.

Making a game to be an "X Killer" is a death sentence.

f13 devs banned all their players probably

Wasn't this game in production well before DBD?

Dead by Daylight is a buggy mess
Friday the 13th is an unplayable buggy mess

Probably unbalanced and repetitive

>DbD made by a Canadian studio
>OP's steam currency is Canadian dollar

For anyone doubting shilling isn't a real thing

Dbd super fun f13 is shit.

>cheaper game with more stuff
>expensive game with less stuff

I prefer Friday the 13th though

Why would anyone even want to buy a game where you literally only play as the one killer as opposed to a game with lots of different killers to play as

Why though?

Coming from the dev team that bans players for hooking people and waiting for them to die? Lol

DBD goes for ESPOOOOORTS and is really a simple arena game so it attracts third worlders a lot. lik e80% of DBD's playerbase is Chinese. There's a reason they added a DLC character who was Chinese.

Personally I don't think you need 10,000 players to play a game.

Who cares

>pretty much the same game
>one of them costs double than the other

hmm wonder which one ill go with

More fun and open ended.

>Same game
So you haven't played either?

F13 is more fun since there's more objectives to choose from, Jason is threatening and voice adds to enjoyment.

What happen?

Where are all you /asg/ fags who told me it wouldn't die now?

I love DbD, but its biggest fucking drawback right now is that you can't personally kill anyone.
yes, I know about mori's, but they're rng and rare as fuck to get.

I still can't convince myself $13 is worth it for Dead by Daylight considering my urge for horror games is going to die for the year once October ends

The devs stated 'camping' is a fair strategy, you can't get banned for it.
Salty survivor cucks will whine and scream and piss about it after game and probably mass report you, but you can't get banned for it.
survivor cucks will report you for anything though so it really doesn't matter.

Well likewise the devs in Friday the 13th have only banned for glitch in on top of houses or helping Jason. There haven't really been any bans for anything else. Don't know where that meme started

One had the video game and druggy legend The Sess working on it, the other didn't.

That's like saying that a German making a Gothic/ELEX thread or a Pole making a Witcher thread is shilling

The fad died and PUBG came in as the new "FOTM", lacking a better term, for streamers?

>Play as Jason
>At least vaguely a threat, people who know what they're doing can fuck you over but even making one small mistake means you kill them
>play DBD killers
>every high ranked survivor is a massive piece of shit who treats you like you're a fucking joker, constantly swarming you like you're no threat. You're basically there for their enjoyment and theirs alone

Basically that

This will happen to Friday the 13th eventually.


Possibly. The problem is that in F13, it's an APPROACHING thing, we'll see how the devs react to jasons performing poorly against teams of competent people.

Because Behavior has been fully aware of all the shit going on in the game and they legitimately do not care, they realize that keeping 4 people happy is better than keeping 1 guy happy so they're just kinda going with it.

I'm actually not on either side of the argument, I own both games and think they both have good and bad points.
I'm just around for the discussion because /assg/ moves at a fucking snails pace.
I agree with you too. Sup Forums seems to think there was some mass banning in F13, but it's been shown the devs literally warn people multiple times not to fuck around on top of the houses.

Not to mention all of them are try harder who take this game so seriously, i stop playing the game because of it.

>What happen

beat them to market

one is reasonably priced and also had a sale recently

I really wanna play F13 but fuck paying the asking price.

Art style was revolting, and the gameplay looked stupid.

$20 vs $40.

>cant buy a key outside of steam

dead on arrival !

Lawbreakers was still a flop though

One had more streamer attention.


DBD was first. DBD has better unlock system. DBD is grindy as fuck so people grind them perks.
Meanwhile F13: Jason can shift grab you, once u fuck up it's game over, if u die in order to get 500 participation exp u need to wait till end of game (that can take from 2 to 18 min depending on how quickly u died), perk unlocking is FUCKING RANDOM, after a while it's same shit everytime and since perk unlocking is gay nobody bother to play this game. If u get lucky to play Jason people will quit during kill animations so u don't get exp.