Tfw have a crush on my guild mate

>tfw have a crush on my guild mate

tell him to send nude

meet up and suck him down

Don't be a loser user go out and get a girl who's face you've actually seen.

Literally this.

>tfw crush my guild mate

>tfw no one to succ

This. Among dudes things should be straightforward. If he acts like a bitch just tell him he's a terrible friend and that you thought you were closer than that.


how do I make someone crush on me

B qt

but op probably never seen his crush
and i'm not qt

Hard way: talk to them everyday and develop a relationship.
Easy way: send them nudes if you're good looking

use emotes a lot

tfw have slight crush on grill from guild, but live in a different country

>playing in a guild with women
That's even worse than being a faggot.

Weren't they called emoticons? We people changed the name of this shit all of sudden?

it better not be ME you motherfucker

it is you

>tfw know 3 people online who have crush on me
Of course I told them to fuck off. Online dating is fucking stupid because you don't even know that bitch in real life. I used to have my first girlfriend online but we broke up one day because of some reasons. We are still friends though but that experience certainly taught me a lesson.
Also, my first crush online was actually a boy. He fucking laughed his ass off and told everyone in the guild about it.
Never fall for the online love meme. The girls are either girl(male) or an autist whale.


*leans closer*

I just wish I had bravery to play MMOs socially and make friends. No ERP or similar shit, I just want friends.

Does it really matter you handsome devil? :3

>crush on someone
>they turn me down
>still good friends and talk regularly
I could recover because I didn't go "all-in" emotionally before getting the green light.

now crushing on someone else but they're on a different server and i dont wanna leave my current one

>> hahahaha guys i pretended to be a girl online, spending countless hours playing this one guy, while pretending to girl it up guys, so funny, he thought I was a girl, but instead i was just a fag hahahaha right guys?

I pretended to be a girl for months in a guild. One day they invited me to a group ERP where I would have a gangbang with them. I logged out immediately.

should have gone through with it. sounds hot as fuck

It felt way too surreal for me.

I would've made them all cum desu

>implying you have what it takes

serves you right faggot.

>>they turn me down
>>still good friends and talk regularly

what a fucking beta

You don't know him user; he might be a master of the english language, able to make any man quiver at the mere glance of his "i start to suck ur dick" prose.

don't underestimate my ERP skills

How so?

I have a crush on the next poster.



>someone had a crash on me
>just wanted to play the game no social/rl shit
>had to turn her down
>felt bad afterwards

*notices bulge* OwO what's this ???

>best e-friend develops a crush on me
>have no idea why, but send him nudes of my ass anyway
>wants more
What a faggot

>me want fuck you, send pics of body

Queers being classy as usual. That's why most normal people think of you as animals.

you sound very bitter and jealous sweetie

you sound very loose and std ridden, sweetie

rawr x3 *runs paws down your chest*

I don't have an std but I do have a lot of sex unlike you lonely loser :3

Same thing happen to me a few times except I didn't feel bad. Felt good actually.

>grill from guild has a thing for me
>barely talk to her
>she hasn't even heard my voice
>she's obviously in a state of mind where she'd get attached to a fly if it landed on her
>might be at least slightly autistic
>have to awkwardly dodge questions left and right because I don't know how to deal with this
She also lives on a different end of the country than I do so the chance of getting some vagina on my face out of the whole deal is near zero. what do

>same country
>near zero

What the fuck dude, if you're both in the same country it might as well be next door. Fuck do you have to lose?

>ask her to send pics
>see she's fat and looks like big foot and ETs love child that was a failed abortion
>proceed to vomit
>never play game again