Be me 16 years ago

>be me 16 years ago
>no friends
>hide away playing vidya
>16 years later
>failed college
>no friends
>never ever been on a date (still virgin)
>still shit at games
>stop playing because losing is a constant reminder that I never have or will amount to anything worth while in life
This is the end of the ride for me Sup Forums so I just wanted to say thanks, you we're the closest I'd ever had to a friend

Other urls found in this thread:

to be fair you never had any hope of being a successful person
add me up losers

Livestream when?

Fucking git gud fag lmao

You seriously 32 op?

There is always hope to better yourselves

Stop playing games to hide from other responsibilities and get out there and try harder

Why are you so upset? You've become a wizard, man.

if you kill yourself make sure you record it
I have no pity for the weak, but obv troll

Stream it, faggot.

Friends are seriously overrated; i lost all of mine this year and i regret nothing. Just hit the gym, the endorphins will keep you alive.

If I could I would have by now
I tried bettering myself, it's not worth the effort
not a wizard yet and refuse to become one

better yourself for yourself user, not anyone else.

its not too late user, you still have time left

>Tfw hit the gym but my shit diet makes it all pointless

user all you have to do is git gud its not hard.

Nice blog, but this isn't video games.
Report and hide.

>I tried bettering myself, it's not worth the effort

Stop having this mindset, its why you are miserable. Be better

Don't whine. Life is what you make of it, make up your mind but please don't fucking blog or whine about it like a woman.

Friends are not worth having past high school. Women are worthless and marrying a woman in this day and age is a trap that sucks away all your free time and money and leaves you with a kid or two that will most likely hate you when they grow up.

Be happy with casual acquaintances, make money, lift weights and do intense cardio and bang escorts every now and again.

I did, but there's no point in trying when yourself
doesn't matter it'll be over soon

Who fucking cares about your life? Get out of here Dumb Frogposters.

Try picking up different hobbies than just vidya. This doesn't have to be outdoors, as you're clearly more comfortable indoors. Maybe take up an instrument or other creative hobby. Then maybe in some time, if you feel you've got some skill, you can try and go out and share this skill with others. You're not the kind of person who will ever have tons of friends, but you're not really the kind of person who wants that either.

Try to focus on achievable goals. Make every day a growth opportunity. Everyone is on a similar path as yours, and most of them struggle as much if not more so. Yet most make it, and so will you.

>there are anons ITT who will never amount to anything in their lives

you're not even good at shit posting

lmao fuck off grandpa

im probably one of the mightest shitposters on this entire site, user

Weak bait is weak

Social life is extremely overrated, a girlfriend will bring you way more problems than happiness and friends... well, maybe 10% of the people you know trough your Life will be at your side when you grow up, is always like that for everyone.

Get good at games and go pursue a different career, this is honestly everything a human need, entertainment and enough money.

It's not over yet user.


If you're going to end yourself why not try new things like hire a hooker for your virginity problem

You can do anything you want in this world, anything. You just have to find the RIGHT way to do it and do it.

Thanks for the advice gramps but I'd rather not take advice from a fossil who still visits Sup Forums.

*clears throat*

*Unsheath watermelon katana*

Ay yo step off playa!

Too far user that was uncalled for.

No regrets tbqh

You're just 25 you fucking retard.

Why are young people these days such fucking dramaqueens

>headpats and she goes for a hug
This is it

Does anyone want to play digimon world 4 with me
north americans only

>Still visits Sup Forums
>Implying you can ever leave

This will be my last post, got the neck tie ready
I learned to play and build guitar(s) but grew to hate it. I enjoy'd the outdoors but due to where I live there's no trails or anything worth visiting. I got so desperate that I even hired a pick up artist who gave up on me after a week. I tried to hire an escort but felt to pathetic that I had to pay for something everyone else just got.

I've overcome social anxiety but I'm just not a likable person. I've wasted years going to the gym to look better and be healthier for nothing. I went to college to get a livable career and failed due to my own stupidity.

The only thing I can say I did right was that I was never one of /r9k/'s "nice" guys


Millennials. They get babied all their lives and when life actually pushes back and they realize nothing is handed to you for free they crumple like a sack of potatoes.

>he's only 25

Move along folks nothing to see here

You refuse? Do you have hooker plans?

same here, but i'm too poor to buy proper food for it,fuck being neet Sup Forumsirgin in third world

>no friends
>surrounded by ghettofolk public school
>drop out of high school
>get GED
>get job at post office
>live at home
>pay rent
>pitch in for food and utilities
>play WoW pretending to be a girl
>voice changer + pics of family friends keeps charade going
>don't cheat anyone out of gear or ERP just enjoy anonymity and being someone else entirely
>keep this up for years
>parents convince me to go to college
>adjust to social life slowly
>chubby girl wants to be my friend
>hang out with chubby girl
>things seem normal until she wants to hang out at my apartment
>find out she's into anime slashfiction of Inuyasha and Naruto
>try to ignore it but can't
>start hanging out with her less and less
>she shows up one night asking to stay over because her roommates are all fucking their boyfriends
>it's 2 am and I have class in the morning so I give her the couch and go to bed
>wake up feeling heavy weight atop me
>she's riding my cock destroyed my virginity in one fell swoop
>try to push her off but she's too heavy and freakishly strong for a girl
>try to just accept it and let her finish
>end up cumming in her
>she says now we'll be together forever
>morning comes and she's gone
>can't make myself go to class
>end up skipping all my classes for a month
>just stay at home don't answer the door or phone and throw my life into WoW again
>end up failing out of school
>haven't told a soul that I was raped because nobody would believe me

>>be me 20 years ago
>>no friends
>>hide away playing vidya and watching
>>teaching degree
>>no friends
>>dated 2 girls in my whole life (still virgin, only got to first base during a 2 year relationship)
>>get good at games
>>Tery to get to play my 1000 steam game library.

25 is old as fuck

>develop into most of a normalfag in early 20s
>now 25
>have plenty of friends
>interact with actual normal people frequently
>go to bars and party all the time
>still can't beat porn addiction
>four times would have had sex but couldn't get it up
I claim whiskey dick but it's still wicked embarrassing that I go years without trying again.

It doesn't matter if you "amount to anything", once you've died it will make no difference. Soon enough the human race will die out entirely, and none of it will have mattered. No other forms of intelligent life will find our remains by the time the sun engulfs the planet. It's all just meaningless nothingness.

So don't sweat it.

Good thing we live on in eternal paradise while fedorafags burn in Hell.

I don't care about the future of the race. The only thing that matters is having fun now.

Play vidya and fap to monster girls.

There, your life has improved.

Okay biblethumper

>boohoo i can't be a normalfag

Is this what this website has come to?

Nice try rostie

t. millennial

Enjoy the void

You could try, you know, eating less?
add me up loser

If you have food, housing and utilities expenses covered by a third party then yeah you should kill yourself for taking for granted how good you have it. Fucking christ, live in a third world country for a month and tell me again if your existence is the worst thing ever.

I swear as an adult you either nail that pussy first date or it's not really working out. I wasted lots of time doing awkward as fuck dates that went no where and had only small kisses and shit.

So no shit my current wife got overpowering horney watching me play Viva Pinata on the first date because essentially I reminded her of a previous boyfriend - whatever, it was an in.

>Look at this aligator with an afro I made!

Why not just try to make friends all you have to do is just be confident and share your interests if they don't like it and reject you move forward every loss is a step to success

>fires get worse every year
>hurricanes keep getting worse
>high rainfall events like harvey keep getting worse
>arctic sea ice is vanishing
>more and more heatwaves every year
>more species go extinct every year
>more plastic enters the oceans every year
>the corals bleach more every year
>oceans become more acidic every year
>invasive species outcompete local species more every year creating a biological crash like during the Late Devonian period
>crops become less nutritious every year as CO2 in the atmosphere rises
>snowpack and glacier fed rivers lose a bit more flow each year
>fossil aquifers essential for crop growth depleted more each year
>less and less fossil fuel reserves each year
>more and more diseases develop antibiotic resistance each year
>tropical disease vectors able to spread further north each year
>deserts expanding each year
>acceptable growing range for crops like coffee and cocoa declining each year
>forcing per square meter of the earth climate system increasing every year
>seas rise every year
>permafrost thaws more every year
>more toxic algae blooms from Eutrophication each year
>oceans lose more and more Oxygen each year
>plankton populations decline each year
>more trees cut down in tropics each year
>more refugees each year
>population goes up each year
>ice caps melt more each year
>less and less available phosphate rock for fertilizer each year
>less and less rare earth metals available each year
>economy becomes more unequal every year
>seasons blending together more every year
>temperatures rising virtually every year
>essential pollinator numbers declining every year

i hope i die before im 30

I want more full-length ones like this. It's so fucking good.


>wife gets off to video game pinatas

Sounds like a keeper

That's rough buddy

Van Gogh started painting at 28, but then again he was a genius and killed himself anyway, so uh.

>>hurricanes keep getting worse
Stop watching The Weather Channel. We had a bad year this year, yes, it was the first bad year in 12 years.

Nice neckbeard fantasy.

>falling for the world is ending meme


Are you retarded, or just American?

Your diet consists of WHAT you consume, not HOW MUCH. You can't gain muscles if you can't eat properly. Why d you think slaves are all skin and bones despite all of the excessive manual labour?

Start IF fatty. Its the best way to cut I can eat Taco bell for dinner every night and still lose weight.

This is false. We have an immortal soul and there is a God and there is a hereafter where we shall be judged for our actions in this life. This is a fact which has been recognized from the time of Socrates onwards. We were put on this earth to do good, and he who kills himself on a whim is shirking his duty. Hence why Socrates says, "When a man kills himself without good reason, he is committing a crime," and Aristotle that "taking one’s own life to avoid poverty or desire or pain is unmanly, or rather cowardly."

If the creator of this thread wants to be happy then he ought to go and do everything he can, first, to better his health by exercise and diet, and giving up drugs and pornography if he is abusing himself in that way, because we cannot have a healthy mind without a healthy body (so said Socrates also, and so does all scientific research on the matter); but also to help as many people as he possibly can; to make that the purpose of his life. We become happy by making others so. If you are not fulfilling your moral duty to your Creator then why should you expect happiness to come to you. Your duty is to live and to do good; happiness will flow from that.

It doesnt matter, you will still feel better. Its not about looking good

More like stop watching tv in general. All they try to due is over hype the stupidest shit just to get rateings.

But they havent made the yotsuba anime yet.

God speed

>f-fucking degenerate!
>Meanwhile, I'm going to have a pure aryan family once I can find a girlfreind who hates black people and individuality as I do!
