Who or what is The Shockmaster of video games?

Who or what is The Shockmaster of video games?

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the Kinect

Unironically No Man's Sky

Lawbreakers obviously

Nier Automata


no mans sky

This. That entire E3 conference felt like a WWE level fuckup

But it has generally good reviews. Other than that, i'd agree.

Battleborn may be more apt

He is going to SHOCK the competition

Shocklord from LISA

Lawbreakers cut a promo that didn't land with its targeted userbase. It's career was over before it began.

who or what is the WWE of videogames?


The yeTAY was worse.

>tfw the best member of the natural disasters died but The Shockmaster is still alive
Rip Tenta


Shockmaster at least gained one big win, under a totally different get-up, then disappeared.

So, it's kinda hard to say which vidya is close

>Mfw12 year old sister was watching this garbage and he transformed and said "RUN"

Fuck man. Why did they even give Bray the belt if this was what they were going to do with him. He honestly just needs someone like Heyman to get his promos on a more consistent and less rambly path and he could easily be the face of the company. It's too bad his family if far too connected to the WWE for him to jump ship. He'd be great in Lucha Underground

I mean Cliffy B has been involved in other successful games. But is Nexon comparable to the WWE network.

Why did they make his voice so retarded

And the guys acting scared is retarded

No one would be scared of that


Shadow the Hedgehog

As in it was something that started out serious, but failed so hard that it turned into a running joke.

came here to post this dude. Shocklord is the best. ;_;

His voice was supposed to be deep and intimidating to scare the other guys but the guy who was doing it was too busy laughing his ass off after the fall.

Hey based carterposter. Don't you have New Japan threads to be making for zero dimes?

he's actually huge but they had the camera only on him and no one else in the shot he just looks like an average fat man

>Roman and Bray get sick
>Replace them at TLC with Kurt goddamn Angle and AJ Styles
What the fuck

*books a better PPV than you*

Not to mention it's a B list PPV so it's gonna be great

He fell on his arse

He fell flat on his fucking arse

Rick Flair's, "oh god" still haunts me to this very day

Best part of the scene.

Voice over, and the other guys were trying to act scared but were actually suppressing laughter

Sometimes when things go wrong live, you can only do so much to fix it. Even WWE recognizes it as one of the most hilarious things to happen in wrestling

Cant you hear him saying "I knew this would fucking happen" too?
Hilarious stuff.

That was last year. This year it was Mass Effect Andromeda

What the fuck was WCW smoking trying to sell a fat guy in a glittery Stormtrooper helmet as a threat?

Battleborn seems pretty apt.

What's the "Hulk Hogan, we comin for YOU nigga" of video games?

Wolfenstein probably


A passionate blurt followed by deep regret?

arguably Pewdiepie, but his wasn't even that immediate. Maximillian's "nigger dagger" is closer, but I can't think of actual video games where it happened

>had to put up with WCW's buttfuck retardation for a decade (including fucking up what coulda been some good shit at Starcade 97 because Hogan being Hogan)
>had to put up with TNA's buttfuck retardation for like another 6 years after that
>finally come to WWE only to get buttfucked with even more retardation since HHH being HHH

Sting deserved better

Surprised nobody mentioned this

What's the New Jack Vs. Gypsy Joe match of video games?


Mighty Number 9

Come and get me
Come after me, sid
I'm ready~

Unironically this.

Cause it's more of a "Debut that goes horribly wrong" rather than a literal tripping over something

Such a blunder nobody I've met IRL has heard of it

LISA the painful.



both had huge hype for years

>piece of shit trying to murder an old man on his last legs in front of fans

castlevania pachinko

Old man decided to actually try and hurt new jack multiple times. Gypsy Joe knew better though he knew what hardcore was, he was a pioneer in that shit back in the day.


>yfw you realize the meningitis scare is just to spare these two from this program

shit, you win

>Angle wrestling again
>Bray vs Balor is cancelled

Based virus

The psmove because no one remembers it. Or possible blunder book or the vita. NO THE PSVR !

No the pstv.

Damn, Sony has a lot of fuck ups.

And we ought to be thankful as hell, but why in the world would they give away Finn v AJ this easily? No promos, no storyline. Nothing

>being this much of a damage controlling Xbox fanboy
calm down you autist

the what

He looks like a Ken Penders character.

>implying Battleborn had ANY promise

We can only hope it leads to an interesting storyline and not just WWE blowing their load for immediate profit

Can someone give me a quick rundown of this

Also this

Interesting storyline? AJ is on Smackdown and he's gonna be on Shane's team for Survivor Series. There isn't gonna be a storyline after this until maybe the Rumble or the next shakeup. They goof'd up


It's because their marketing is dogshit. Just think about it this way, What is the defining title on ANY of the platforms you just listed.

PSV = Uncharted? Wipeout? Assassins Wuz? Failed

PSTV = See PSV Failed


PSMOVE = I honestly have never seen a game marketed using this shit so idk.

Sony just has no idea what to use to promote these platforms.

New jack is a crazy dude
Gypsy Joe is a hardcore match legend
They had a local hardcore match
New Jack was trying to keep up kayfabe and trying to play it up for the crowd to have fun
Gypsy joe wasn't playing along and tried to hurt him so new jack just said "fuck it" and beat the shit out of him

Why single out that match in particular, though? That's basically the outcome of every New Jack match on the indies and backyard bookings

Not sure? I guess because It was some old dude

Because "New Jack beats the shit out of old man" is a better headline than "New Jack beats the shit out of fortieth 20-something this month" or "New Jack stabs a fucker again"

>New Jack kills a minor