>The Codex Astartes leaves no room for doubt, you cannot touch the Warp and emerge unscathed
The Codex Astartes leaves no room for doubt, you cannot touch the Warp and emerge unscathed
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>What about The Emperor?
Leandros is such a fucking faggot going over the chapters head and getting the inquisition involved. I'm glad rowboat is back hopefully he slaps his shit in.
So Leandros got turned into a bulkhauler servitor for falsely condemning his commander when Ventris returned from the Eye and Roboute was revived, right?
Inquisitors are fucking stupid though, so fuck 'em. There are plenty of stories, both in books and in tabletop of Spess Mehreens going into the warp and coming out without problems
Hell, the Grey Knight's founder was one of them
I imagine he got a stern talking to and probably a dead end assignment.
nah, roboute probably ordered a squadron of primaris to follow Leandros around and laugh at him while stealing away any honor he could gain in a fight.
>Grey Knight's
Ordos Hereticus
Theyre the space marine chapter of the Inquisition. Its implied Garviel Loken was one of their founders
>the joke
>your head
>>Grey Knight's
>Ordos Hereticus
Stop making shit up dude
>Commander's interpretation is different from mine
>Said Commander saves the forge world with Warlord-class Titans from an Ork WAAAAGH! and a Chaos invasion with every method a Space Marine could use
>"Huh, this guy did the same thing as Captain Uriel Ventris and our Primarch while saving a tremendous asset of the Imperium."
If he wasn't recycled into an automaton and his progenoid gland used as a chewing gum by Cassius he would have had some mad connections.
eh, I mean it's a different situation than the ones listed
He's still a battle brother, I'm sure from the Ultra perspective the only person fit to touch him (physically) would be Titus.
>There will never be a sequel to this game
If the Inquisition is secretive, how do people contact them?
>this was supposed to be a trilogy
>that article that revealed the premises for the other two proposed games
>it'll never happen now
When are we going to get another 40k game like this? Something that isn't an RTS.
I liked the ideas for the sequels, really upset
>WB Games approaches GW
>"Sure man, SEGA doesn't have exclusive rights lol, knock yourselves out"
>Monolith makes a Warhammer 40k game of Punished/Deathwatch Titus fighting on Armageddon or some random shithole near Octavius against Orks, Tau, Eldar and other crap
>Action RPG with the Nemesis System
Why cant I live in an alternate universe where fucking Warcraft tanked and Warhammer /40k became a cultural hit
Think they are secretive in regards to what they do, who they are "chasing" and such, not that they live in a secret place none knows about.
Because normalfags don't like 40k
>"[My teachings] are yet flawed. No one, not even one such as I, can anticipate every possible outcome of battle. My words are not some holy writ that must be obeyed. There must always be room for personal initiative on the battlefield. You and I both know how one spark of heroism can turn the tide of battle. That knowledge and personal experience can only be earned in blood, and the leader in the field must always be the ultimate arbiter of what course of action should be followed." - Roboute Guilliman
Leandros is a tard
Alright niggers, stop everything youre doing and go read this
And only the worst sort of nerd likes Warhammer
They pick up vox traffic and messages as well as maintain contacts whereever and whenever they show up.
In Titus's case they probably noticed how one of their allegedly dead guys was still active on the Forgeworld, went there to check it out and found Titus's left nut who implied Titus is a Chaos-tainted double agent because he didn't follow the Codex Astartes
I don't feel like dealing with the panda tonight, maybe tomorrow.
>he can't get past the panda
>your resistance to the corrupting powers of the warp means you are corrupted by the warp
But if they were going there before Leandros contacted them, then how did they get Black Templars as an escort? The only way I could see those dudes coming along is if they told them there was some heretic captain mucking about that could need purging, and they couldn't know that before Leandros told them.
>Because normalfags don't like 40k
That's why Warhammer are Ubisoft of tabletop games?
Well they ARE witch hunters
>You float to the surface of the water, or your body burns like wood.
>You must be a witch
Fucking mutants.
Not necessarily, he could have been corrupted but just be hiding it and using chaos power to overpower a bigger threat in order to gain favor from the gods before fucking things up from within the chapter.
Was probably sent to the deathwatch.
In my head I always imagine Titus escaped (cracking plenty of Black Templar skulls in the process) and made his way back to the Macragge over the course of a massive journey filled with hijinks while the Inquisition was one step behind him at every turn.
Because the world was still a fuckhuge warzone teeming with Orks (and the readings probably showed a lot of Warp activity too which can indicate Chaos shenanigans) and needed an escort. Some Inquisitors don't drag around entire battallions and instead opt to requisite honour guards / strike teams or squads from other organizations.
Black Templars are one of the easiest Chapters for this if you're a puritan or zealous Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor. Just claim you want to go on a holy Crusade to save an Imperial Planet and you'll get an entire company begging to tag along.
>was probably nominated for one of the highest honors
I see.
>But if they were going there before Leandros contacted them
And there was a chaos presence.
>how did they get Black Templars as an escort?
Either that Inquisitor had them already or picked them up because he was heading into a war zone.
>one of the highest honors
Smurfs aren't one of the chapters that see it that way.
I seriously doubt it, that would only cause problems, chances are the Inquisitor looked him over and either sent him back or gave him an offer.
Did you know that the Ultimate Apocalypse mod for Soul Storm has a special model for Mira specifically with a lot of variations? The unit is really good too
When was that established? The Deathwatch are only sent the elite of a chapter.
>get an entire company begging to tag along.
You'll get while chapter and if you weren't going to start a crusade you'd get it anyway..
>40k is going the way of AoS with Imperium v Chaos being the only important conflict, with Orks and Nids still fighting (Though that could change, arguably the biggest possibility out of everything else), the Eldar now follow Queen Sue or die, DEldar are a bleeding corpse, the Necrons are off in their eternal beauty sleep, and the Tau are the fucking Tau
>Meanwhile it's vidya is either shit (DoW3, the mobile shit), niche (BFGA, the mobile not-shit), or both (EC).
>FB is dead and AoS is pissing on the corpse
>But their vidya is doing great
>I seriously doubt it
Well I'm not saying it's likely, but The Odyssey: 40k sounds like fun.
>leaves no room for doubt
>specifically says it is not meant to be a set-in-stone set of rules, thus, leaving room for doubt
The navy deserves this, and it's a good game.
Who'd/what'd be the "wife" he is returning to? The chapter?
Elites, and insubordinate marines too celebrated to properly punish.
It was in one of the McNeil novels, two marines were talking about how another marine was sent to the deathwatch for going over his superior's head.
Just wait, the time of 40k will come. The untapped potential of shit like Necromunda might usher in a rekindled focus on the franchise.
That and the Black Library novels are still going strong even if Graham McNeil is now a sweatshop workhorse for Riot Games and Dan Abnett is GRRM lite.
>Just wait, the time of 40k will come. The untapped potential of shit like Necromunda might usher in a rekindled focus on the franchise
Nope. Hope you enjoy Primaris Marines with their Banshee wives, because at this point GW's gonna throw anything that doesn't have Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, or TEH IMPERIUM to the side as they AoS-ify as much as they can.
Just waiting for Archaon to replace Abaddon now.
>It was in one of the McNeil novels
Sounds like Warriors of Ultramar, which was written something like 15 years ago.
There's a Deathwatch codex now. Try reading that instead. Tyrannic War veterans were especially prized candidates for seconding to the Deathwatch.