archerage NA private server launches in 12.5 hours
what are you rolling?
Archerage NA private server launches in 12.5 hours
Whats the dps class? Never played archeage but intrested now that I heard about this.
Outrider at least if this is an early version of the game. If this is a later version,
just replace Archery with Defense
Archery + Stealth + Warrior
they're using v2.9 or some shit, how big is the metachange since a retail launch version
Yeah, then Outrider should still be the best.
Why play private over retail?
Did that shitty p2w Russian one die yet and is this at all related to it?
The only good thing about current retail is playable lolis. ArcheAge is one of the most horribly handled MMOs in the genre's history.
Don't need to support the kikery of Trion/XL, plus these guys speed up labor gains and gives everyone patron so the autistic Korean grind isn't as terrible.
Is it... free?
has there been a paid launch of a private meme for any game ever?
Sorry but I already play the superior MMO.
I wouldn't be surprised considering these are indeed the same people who started that Russian server earlier this year where you still can spend real money to get ahead of everyone else, just at slightly cheaper rates than retail.
So it's trash.
a private server would have more rampant exploiting and gold farming than vanilla did lol
archeage was better than any iteration of WoW ever even vanilla. it was EVE online in a 3rd person fantasy mmo, it had better community interaction than almost any MMO and had world pvp that felt high risk and meaningful. care bear raiding babbies need not apply.
Do you know if Defiler is a terrible, terrible idea? I remember wanting to play this a lot during launch but never managed to build up the armor for it.
heavy armor + spell memes
>archeage was better than any iteration of WoW ever even vanilla
It could've been if Trion hadn't shit it up.
>Implying it was Trion and not the XL jew
desu XLGames, the developer, made everything shit and pushed it all out.
Trion just made zero effort to facilitate anything for a western audience, like the BDO guys who tried to remove p2w from the NA/EU servers.
i think defiler is one of those niche classes that works better in teams because of its stuns and tanking, i dont recall that skill set being very good for burst damage killing but probably has decent survivability in 1v1.
how will this server handle the pay to win items?
the healing in this game felt so damn rewarding and fun, especially in PVP, god i miss this game its a shame i deleted all my gear in a foolhardy attempt to quit playing.
you can only reply to this post if you had celestial + t4 obsidian gear/epherium or a divine weapon or better.
we'll find out how shit it is tomorrow
It's a Russian server.
this. i remember there being a shit ton of regrade boosts or whatever and workers comp poitions and other P2W bullshit by 2.9. not like i'll play this game again, way too much work trying to farm the gear i had on vanilla.
>P2W bullshit by 2.9. not like i'll play this game again, way too much work trying to farm the gear i had on vanilla.
>he played past the 2nd month where they first sold thunderstrucks on the cash shop
you missed literally the best parts of the game
I stopped shortly after the 3rd continent with the sieges came out.
They were the biggest letdown I've ever experienced in an MMO, especially after playing fucktons of RvR games like DAOC, WAR, GW2.
Well fuck this
I thought it was going to be a reworked to not be p2w and just handout the p2w items occassionally or remove them so everyone was on even footing.
i'm kind of jaded about it since BDO
neet2win is just as bad as pay2win in my eyes, so you deal with both in any korean MMO until westerners finally come out with a decent """sandbox""" MMO
I never got to play archeage before it apparently got super fucked, but it sounded like the raddest shit ever. Should I play on this server, or is this post-fucking-everything-up?
>actually playing the game to get ahead is bad
You're the reason timegating cancer exists.
1st month might be a fuckton of fun, unless there's a lot of veteran strats that'll ruin everything that I'm unaware of
Yeah I don't like neet2win either. I prefer horizontal progression or progression that requires careful planning to maximize growth. Asian MMOs and Blizzard will never ever do that and they're the games new games will copy.
I played my fill of the game during the closed beta, i remember hopping aboard an enemy ship and standing on the mast playing music, got bored after an hour and hoped down expecting them to kill me, instead they had me play more music and help them carry cargo. beta times, best times.
It is terrible, and it's terrible you think I'm interested in WoW-like mechanics.
Fuck you wowbabbies.
i dont think itll be the same experience as it was on launch anyways.
shame eve online's gameplay is seen as terrible by most so the underlying mechanics behind the economy will never be given a shot in another MMO
Good thing horizontal progression is a thing or even designing progression where it's more skill based than autism based.
Thanks, I'll probably give it a try.
It doesn't necessarily have to be the same as the real launch, as long as there's nothing that someone who actually played the game would think that the version they have made will be un-fun.
I bought into the closed alpha and it was just as comfy then. Making music was the best thing in the game, people would pay me just to sit around and chat and play requests during long sails. I remember the first time a clan took down the kraken and it was a big deal. Full release was so garbage but I'm glad I got the experience all the same.
Alright Sup Forums
are we rolling east or west?
i've no idea what races are in now since it's not just elves vs. furries anymore
would've said west during retail launch
Remind me which is better , This sounds like fun with out all korean bs
ah shit i had no clue this was happening. i'm 8000 miles from home and can't try it out during that extremely important launch moment when everyone grabs up all the land near the best trade zones.
anyways, probably not gonna start playing so here were my farming spots. afaik they are the best places to do trade packs and fishing
the red area is the rookborne housing area and there is a 95% safe secret path over the hills into falcourth plains to turn in your trade packs. get land near there or better yet locate the entry to the safe passage and place your land as close to it as possible.
in the blue area was a 95% safe fishing area that people pretty much never checked because it was too out of the way, where you can fish and turn them in at ynystere. the old fisherman trick was to load up their fishing boat, than to sail it maybe 100m away from your fishing spot and let it despawn, dropping all your fish in the water, than you can repeat this fishing, loading and despawning trick until your out of bait/chum. all of your fish will be floating in the water ready for you to turn in all at once over the course of a few trips. this maximizes your time fishing so you don't have to turn away and sail back to town to fish again.
conversely, gankers and griefers now you have a place you can occasionally check for fishers and traders
What's the name of the server?
what did it take to get the first house blueprint to plant down? no idea how i'll claim anything before anyone else
pretty sure theres a quest in the first or second zone. you get an 8x8 pretty fast, i think the 16x16 is given in the same quest, or shortly after. you can google it.
*shoots ruski*
eh, Ill try it unt-
wait a second!
>instant anything
into the trash
who cares
>Let me autistically level on every server this side of neptune because I have nothing better to do
Hey, it wouldnt hurt to try it, Its not like liking archeage makes you morally superior or anything of the sort
Never played Archeage
Is the PvE fast paced enough to be actually interesting, or is it another WoW snoozefest where you slaughter harmless mooks endlessly?
well, if you prefer themepark MMOs over sandbox MMOs you might be going to hell after death...
Pre Cata WoW isnt a themepark mmo, user...
The PvE is dogshit, the game shines at open-world PVP
It was, it was just a comparatively better one.
>Is the PvE fast paced enough to be actually interesting
No, low level to mid lvl is slow because you can't just aggro a bunch and burn them, its mostly 1 vs 1 because they hit like a truck at same lvl.
> it another WoW snoozefest where you slaughter harmless mooks endlessly
Pretty much.
This game is good for its "freedom" and pvp experiences after a certain level.
Do you like to raid players who are just innocently fishing at the high sea? Game is for you.
>Run around the entire world to beat class quests
>Berserker Stance
>Aquatic Form
>The Hunter Bows (fuck those bows)
Just because you've got special quests for your own class doesn't mean it's not a themepark.
Themepark vs sandbox also isn't determined by difficulty of play, fucking EQ is widely considered the first themepark MMO and WoW was basically blizzard taking EQ and improving upon it.
>Do you like to raid players who are just innocently fishing at the high sea? Game is for you.
bls do not bully
I kinda miss this game
The sandbox aspect was so promising, but everything else was a huge letdown
Yeah tired of all eu fucken cucks on wow ps and instant is trash that's right. 80/20 horde ally ratio
The two things that ruined Archeage were the bots and how the moderators handled the entire situation.
user, are you really suggesting an American of all things make a server in AMERICA?
you make me laugh
looks like it's 15 gildas for a house and those tax cert memes or the long trade quest for a 16x16 farm
i don't remember which is faster
No I never said that I just hate eu cucks. Rather play with NA on EU server.
Eufags cant read
Had a shitload of fun during the headstart, then stopped playing it because endgame involved sitting in a crammed area of the game with 500 other people grinding for tokens. Im glad I wasn't around for the p2w outfits and shit.
that hasla shit was retarded, came out way too early
Does the private server not have playable lolis?
serpentis is pretty fun actually but not worth doing. the game is based around its open world pvp and job professions/crafting and trading. its a lot like EVE online with a focus on the economy and player interaction more so than raiding. the open world pvp is the best in any MMO ive played.
>Are the nuians racist against elves too?
>he actually farmed hasla
What's the waifu race and which class swings the biggest weapon.
will Hasla be out instantly on this server? definitely worth farming off the bat
The class combo that uses 2h most effectively is battlerage/shadowplay/(any thing that complements these 2 skill trees, especially auramancy, witchcraft, defense, vitalism)
Oops not defense, and vitalism only works if you have a healing spear
That all sounds interesting. How is this private server going to be monetized?
Cash shop + donations
theyre russians so if elysium is any indication probably in the scummiest way possible and there will be a bunch of back room underhanded deals and selling of personal info to gold farmers and the like.
no it couldnt you dumb faggot because nostalgia will ALWAYS win
the funny part is even without nostalgia it was still a worse game than classic WoW.
What point in the game was version 2.9? I don't remember shit as I primarily played the russian version because trion took for-fuckin-ever to localize it for NA
Starting to think I might actually play regardless of landclaim rush nonsense. I really miss the sailing aspect and BDO's isn't as good.
When are they going to add another skill set holy shit ten isn't enough.
how fucked are you without land?
these russian are making it even more p2w so fuck that
Free players actually have no way of obtaining store only items btw since u know u cant buy apex
everything is cheaper which means now it wont take u 1000 dollars to win but 300$
Fucking idiots are launching an EU one later on. So what am I now supposed to do, wait for EU or play on NA? :(
>Did that shitty p2w Russian one die yet and is this at all related to it?
It's actually very profitable so the same guys are opening this.
Then I have absolutely zero interest.
myself out of bed to work. fuuug. What are the rates?
>Free players actually have no way of obtaining store only items btw since u know u cant buy apex
Can't you just buy the items themselves off the market board? Or am I misremembering.
looks like xp is 5x and everything else is 2x
4x labor point regen
5x XP, 2x growth and production speed, 4x labor point regen
>I thought it was going to be a reworked to not be p2w and just handout the p2w items occassionally or remove them so everyone was on even footing.
Well fuck, I just found out this is the same P2W shit as in retail. Why the fuck would anyone play?
>It doesn't necessarily have to be the same as the real launch, as long as there's nothing that someone who actually played the game would think that the version they have made will be un-fun.
People now have knowledge of everything in the game so you can expect people to just buy the right shit in the cash shop and make a land grab and basically start controlling everything from the first few hours of the game. And you absolutely need P2W for that.
east or west?
Fuck if I know, I never had land when I played. I never felt limited by not having a house but I also primarily just hauled trade packages around when not sailing on my harpoon boat.