Excite to play tf2 update

>excite to play tf2 update
>laggy as fuck and item servers are all shit

why u do dis valve?

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This has always been the case with major updates to Valve games. Anyone who expected otherwise on the launch date of a major update of a well-populated game is either a newfag or stupid.

>game crashes whenever I join a server
HOW do I fix this shit.

wait your turn like a good little goy

It is motherfucking impossible to get the airblast bonus when NOBODY IS PLAYING SOLDIER

So far the update is pretty bad, for one step forward they made five steps back

>jetpack is slow and you have to select it
>dragon's breath is getting nerf because people bitch too much about it even when it got a puny as fuck range and proyectile speed
>gas can is the new piss 'n sting with the neon annihilator; they will nerf it soon or later because the close combat class cant be good at close range but the Sniper can
>slappy hand is just boring
>eviction notice nerf just destroyed the weapon
>the caber aint back
>Rescue ranger nerf encourage even more camping; the main problem they wanted to fix

So far the update is 3/10 for me. The wait was not worth it

Just reflect the Dragon's Fury, my man

>new rainblower flame particles are the exact same as the new default particles except the colors are overlayed to change in a rainbow pattern
How fucking lazy can you get Valve? It was uch better when it actually fired rainbows. Now it may as well be called the rainbow flamer or some shit.

>The server you're trying to connect to is running a newer version of the game
>12.3MB update

>still playing tf2


what games should I play? Lawbreakers?

>Rescue Ranger takes metal
>bonk has slowdown

do they think before they patch things?

>with the neon annihilator

The Gas counts as liquid

Neon Aniihilator crits wet enemies. Jarate, Mad Milk and Gas Passer effects count as wet

No Battleborn.

>F2P game
>expecting anything better
People got what they asked for.


That's what happens when an overhyped update drops. I can't even do any of the contracts because any server even remotely related to TF2 is under a heavy load.

Ok, can anyone fucking tell me how I can see my fucking flames again?
I mean seriously, FUCKING TELL ME PLEASE

only good fun multiplayer shooters are battlefield and titanfall 2. Might as well find another hobby if you suck at those.

>new update is supposed to fix the Contracker
>now mine is broken despite working fine before
Th-thanks Valve

You forgot
>flamethrower stupidly OP

Reminder to wait a few days after major updates. They always fuck them up somehow and take a bit to fix it.

>Add a jetpack to the game
>Make it so unusably terrible it isn't even fun to use

>randomly lose 20CP on a contracker objective

uh... thanks i guess

also the dragon refuses to stay in my fucking inventory for more than 15 minutes at a time

>Implying you could see a god damn thing with a giant neon rainbow covering 75% of the screen at any given moment while using it
>Let alone see where you're shooting
People whining about the new fire particles have never played Pyro before. I don't wanna sound like I'm sucking Valve's cock, because this update is pretty shitty, but being able to actually see where the fuck you're aiming is a massive improvement, even if you don't like how it looks.

I can't get on. How bad is it?

>hate new flame particles
>want to mod old ones in
>remember I can't use mods anywhere anymore ever which was why i didn't use better flamethrower mods to begin with

>server shutting down

I've played TF2 since console and had absolutely no problem seeing my targets with any of the particles.

the fucking new flamer thrower mechanics are strong as fuck though

>servers dead at launch, come back in 6 hours
>they're still dead
450 days

The new particles are better gameplay wise since they much more resemble the hitboxes for the flame.

>the only Christian server has no crits or quickspawn, and is x/24
Ready to go back to the church of good tastes, user?

>catch someone off guard
>Insta triple hit with dragon

would love it more though if jet pack had after burn on land

>actually get to play again, its pretty fun with 8 pyros per team and me as a dh soldier
>new maps are pretty good
people are going to hate, but it's ok, better than OW for sure

It's not about seeing your target, it's about seeing where the hitbox is.
Either way, it just looks better. Granted, the rainblower just being retextured into rainbow fire sounds pretty lame, but who the fuck uses the rainblower?

It takes a full second and a half to both deploy and holster
It has two charges with extremely slow startup time
It extinguishes team mates if they are basically inside your player model when you take off
If you physically collide with another player it does like 30 damage and knocks them back a little
It's just slow and clunky and not fun at all, and there is no reason to use it instead of a shotgun or the gas passer.


How can I get a Gas Passer?

Join an official server

>can't get the new pyro weapons because server fuckery
>my community server added a plugin that lets you equip them

The reason to use it is to get to high ledges than only soldier and demos could before.
look up when using it dude.

>mfw no issues at all, dominating half the enemy team with the dragon/thruster

Gas and neon isn't as great as you think, the cooldown on gas is too useless for using it as anything other than a choke point hold.

Also did they just break coordinator and release thebzame fix twice?

>Reset my computer four times and restart tf2 20 times
>Played about 40 minutes total
>Upset but almost everytime i re-opened TF2 this groovy as fuck song came on

call valve a lot of things, but their music is and always will be A+


>join 4 games
>all team stacking cunts
really annoying wish these asian/russian/german players leave

>have to switch to the jetpack to use it
who's idea was this

So are the servers down entirely now? I'm not able to matchmake, contract, or even open my items at all.

>tfw you have to use the default hud till your favorite one is updated

He's dead, Jim.

>MASSIVE framerate loss after the update
>Custom hud not updated, forced to play with the atrocious default UI
>pyro turds everywhere

Yeah no, ill wait a month or so to try this crap.

Same guy's idea as it was to make it so that you had to switch to the Atomizer to use its triple jump.

>after burn is now stupid useful

>being this overpowered isnt an issue
fuck off

>make normal flame usage stronger so that brainless w+m1 pyros do better
>nerf poofing and axtinguisher usage so that higher skill cap pyros become less useful
Fuck this shit game any anyone who supports it.

How fast until they nerf Dragon's Fury for being too godlike


Why am ordering from Panda Express?

You're pretty daft if you want pyros to charge at you

>>flamethrower stupidly OP

the main difference is that now you can see where the fuck you are aiming

>dumb frogposter can't even post his unintelligent comment in the right thread

What's wrong with Medic now? It feels like my medigun heals at half the rate it used to. I know that some Afterburn change made it so that the target gets reduced healing, but my healing feels super slow even without my healing target being burned.

>pyro is op

Haha no

prove it


you heal more depending on how long its been since you were in combat. If you're in the middle of combat it'll heal a lot more than in the spawn room

Go spy. It's really fun.

That shouldn't be happening

They had a year and a half to get their shit together

That's stupid.

>play engineer
>entire enemy team is pyro
>endless cascade of contract kills

Probably a bug.

Are your targets on fire a lot?

>>the caber aint back
Fuck the caber. That shit is not fun to fight against.


go to steam, switch to offline and launch TF2. DOubled my framerate to 40 lol

>Have to manually click join game

>member of your party

Excuse me?

>Update where you have to complete contracts to get the new Pyro weapons
>Could have made contracts for varying classes, or a free for all contract for each as to make the servers more balanced class wise
>Nah fuck it, lets just make all of the contracts not only purely Pyro based, but also require you to use the items for some of them

At least they let you party and get points so it's a little bit less extreme but still

Remember to jump before jettpacking


>he chose to do the pyro shit now

Do the all class contracts, then do pyro ones when the servers arent full of fire retardant retards

>can't get the stupid fucking controller UI to go away even when my controller is unplugged(which I shouldn't have to do in the first place)
>the new overlay on its own is 100x uglier than the old in game overlay anyway
Who the fuck is pulling shit at Valve? This update feels like a giant clusterfuck and it seems like it's a reflection of Valve's hippy way they run their company with no real central leadership.

>matchmaking is fucking dead
>contracts aren't working
>item server is a fucking distant memory at this point
>lag through the asshole

RIP valve, tf2 was fun while it lasted


>tf2 fans are turning against valve after 4 days
Boyo and I thought blizzcucks were quick to judge

>that profile pic

lmao kys right now

>either of those games being good
Neck yourself

overwatch is fucking terrible though they are actively destroying the game

Can we all agree that this is the worst major update TF2 has ever seen?

You can't
It locks all of the other ones behind the pyro one




nah. tf2 becoming f2p was the worst update.

>make the free contracts pyro exclusive

With any other game I'd say "who the fuck thought this was a good idea" but shit like this is expected out of the tf2 devs at this point