/tf2/ - TONIGHT General

>Post hype or disappointment
>Post contract progress and new items
>Complain about the unresponsiveness of the game and servers

>Close range DPS that sacrifices mobility over damage
>People are angry that he deals high amounts of damage when you let him get near him
>Despite the fact Soldier can two shot 3 classes at the same range Pyro needs to to deal damage
>Despite the fact Scout can two shot 4 classes at the same range Pyro needs to deal damage
>Despite the fact Demoman can two shot 8 of the 9 classes at any time and has another primary weapon for long/mid range to boot

The soldier, heavy, scout, and demoman all require much more effort and reliable aiming to take down classes that quick. Pyro now just holds M1 and kills everything in half a second because the flamethrower's DPS is about 5x higher.

>muh WM1
The difference is that all of those other classes have either mobility options or can actually deal damage before the Pyro could even reach them, while Pyro is literally held by the fact that he can't do shit unless at close ranged to them. Want to know the secret of killing a close range DPS class that can ONLY deal damage at close range?

Kill them before they reach or. Or if your Scout, easily run away.

>Hour 0
>Can't get into game because both coordinator and item servers are down
>Hour 2
>Get into a game and its laggy as fuck
>Contracts are broken
>inventory is broken
>Hour 4
>See Hour 2
>Hour 6
>Patch didnt do shit for me
>Contracts are STILL broken on my end
>game STILL Lags like shit

This shit better be fixed in the morning valve.


The patch was awhile ago man.

starting to regret buying the pass ;_;

>Fixed not being able to use the Thermal Thruster after taunting with it
how the shit do you miss this

But the pyro and his DPS were fine before. Now they've made the flamethrower have higher DPS than a minigun at pointblank.

Same, my loaner keeps disappearing.

If anything it should be half that.

But I mean, isn't that good? A class with really low mobility and a weapon that's only effective at point-blank range should realistically do more damage than the minigun. Which is still devastating even at ranges outside the flamethrower.

>really low mobility
The third fastest class in the game with a particle-based weapon.

>But the pyro and his DPS were fine before.
Yes, it was fine before. It wasn't like he was literally the second weakest and useless class only managing to beat out Spy and was only ever used as an annoying Airblast time waster and occasional Engineer support.

Pyro was always trash and the only people who didn't think so were new players who constantly choke while aiming and use him to replace the need for skill to get easy kills on other new players thinking this was what reflected the class as a whole, despite the fact anyone that actually grew to learn the game and gotten some semblance of skill easily realized he's a joke to fight.

But the pyro moves faster and can reflect stuff and has after burn which causes damage while the heavy has none of those.

How the FUCK do you use the jetpack to kill people.

It’s annoying, especially when you don’t want to switch off the class for fear of losing your progress.
Al least I have my banana now.

Because Heavy is a defense class. He has a very specific role (i.e. Area denial) and deals that amount of large DPS in a much farther range then Pyro itself.

Heavy was never meant to be offensive based. So even less mobility was his down side to reflect his extreme amount of health and damage.

When burst jumping try to land on someone. Alternatively, get the high ground and whilst falling burst straight at them.

Oh hardly. Heavy still has falloff that makes his damage shit at medium range while pyro can still pop in and out easily.

The Heavy should be balanced, not just "he's slow so he should be shit in every situation except chokepoint area defense."

Valve tried that with the Demo to a lesser degree and caused a lot of shouting.

I haven't played Team Fortress 2 since Halloween 2015.

Should I give it a try again? Will I enjoy this?
Will I enjoy anything from this game? Can I enjoy trading again?

Are there still fucking furries????

deactivate and reactivate the contract

tomorrow things might be more stable, but so far, im loving the fuck out of this update

All the fire was invisible when I played an hour ago. Has this been fixed?

>The Heavy should be balanced
He is? He is easily the most useful class in a defense role with him being paired with Medic being the biggest bane of any attacking team.

Just because he is a specialized role doesn't make him "unbalanced". Predictable or dull maybe, but not remotely unbalanced. If you want an offensive Heavy though, I could see using unlocks as a neat way to spice up the class.

>The third fastest class in the game
Which is still not that huge of a difference unless we're talking Soldier or Heavy. And while that's specifically Heavy's weakness, the Soldier has fucking rocket jumping and superior range to make up for any weaknesses in the matchup. Realistically only the Engineer, Sniper and Heavy lack any outstanding mobility that the Pyro can really take advantage of.

I'm tired of these little alerts taunting me while I've been sitting in a queue for over 10 minutes.

You can drop a heavy in 2 seconds as pyro now. I feel dirty using the fury right now.

Post them flybros boys

Then you should've won the contest too bad

Demo can do the same thing.
Soldier could take a Heavy out in three seconds
Sniper and Spy can do it in an instant.

>Baby Face Blaster still isn't fixed

It's not broken, just nerfed to piss.

>This is one of Valve's flagship products
Few maps and stupid microtransactions. Maps are community made (i.e. made free for Valve which is a billion dollar corporation). Few minor corrections and rebalances which should have done ages ago. Spreading a patch and few fan made maps as a Special Update is jewing in it's purest form.

Fuck you Valve. They don't do anything else but scam people. Fuck you Gabe.

Demo and soldier both have a pretty slow fire rate compared to the fury without missing, paired along side the fact that pyro doesn't have to reload and can keep on firing. I just feel that pyro has insane damage at the moment compared to the effort he has to put in.

Can you airblast back the dragon?

dont think so, its a flame projectile like the ones from the normal flamethrower

>Soldier and demo have a slow fire rate

Demoman can literally 3 shot a heavy with his pills from a medium range, while Pyro in that Situation would be mowed down before he could get near the heavy
the whole point of this update was to make Pyro actually useful in Comp and in general play, I think it's more of the fact no one in the tf2 fanbase has ever really thought up a counter to this new pyro but they will in time

>You can't join any servers because "a member of your party has already joined one"

>I just feel that pyro has insane damage at the moment compared to the effort he has to put in.
That's a fair criticism however at the end of the day his inability to do very much at long/mid ranges beyond being a mild annoyance ala flareguns doesn't allow him to be anymore OP then the other DPS classes and honestly is still considered weaker compared to their more rounded-ness.

If I have to be honest, I always felt that on Close range DPS class was enough and Pyro existed to make Scouts job worse. However what we have right now is probably the most optimal way to implement two close range classes together whilst giving them both their one identity and roles.

>I think it's more of the fact no one in the tf2 fanbase has ever really thought up a counter to this new pyro
No that Pyros actually have to aim and keep firing, Scouts are going to shit all over them.

Yeah I guess I kinda forgot about just how close you have to get in at the moment to even start being useful. Soldier and demo both still outclass him in that regard. Although i'm starting to see him more as a flanker with the DPS he has going on.

>tf2 fanbase has ever really thought up a counter to this new pyro.


Yeah but the point of pyro is to pop up in a cokepoint and just burn everyone to a crisp, the jetpack helps in that regard at the cost of extra damage
I mean a lot of 6v6 comp players are saying that they could be seeing a lot more pyros in future games

>Although i'm starting to see him more as a flanker with the DPS he has going on.
That was literally Pyro's intended role from the start.
It's just for ten years he's been so bad at it people had to make new uses for him.

This is why people really are happy about this update user. I'm sure once you get accustomed to the meta Pyro's won't be too bad, just think of them as fat Spies and watch your flank.

So what did that 4.9MB patch just do, and who's working the late shift?

Oh don't get me wrong i'm really excited about this update too. I just wanted to share some of my thoughts on Pyro and his potential after playing a couple of games with the new weapons. I guess we'll see how other classes interact with Pyro from now on.

>new pyro stuff is garbage and not worth wasting time to get
>the jet pack is just a scorch shot
>the new maps are trash
>the new cosmetics are trash
>can't even join quick play because the update is so garbage it destroyed the servers

This game is officially dead.

inventory fix I guess.

>more medic nerf
>all new maps are pretty bad
I really hope they launch a new "mammoth" soon.

hey Sup Forums,

>new pyro stuff is garbage
The new flamethrower is great though



Maybe the Gas can but everything else serves its intended purpose.
>Even the melee. Shits Hilarious.

>>new pyro stuff is garbage and not worth wasting time to get
>>the jet pack is just a scorch shot

what the fuck am i reading?

>these fags are JUST NOW getting their jetpacks

I can't believe the jetpack is a scorch shot and the new flamethrower is just a rocket launcher.


It's not an actual jet pack. It just gives you a slight boost for a very short time, just like the scorch shot.

It's garbage, and so is this update that took over a year to release.


Update was trash ever since they announced the pyro vs heavy update, both classes are shit.

Holy shit guys! Did you know the scorch shot lets you boost in the air with nothing around you, and that you can boost forward or down!? HOLY SHIT I NEVER KNEW

>a slight boost

>a slight boost

what's it like having autism?

Why would you wanna go down if you're already on the ground. The only purpose it serves for people who actually know how to play the game is to get to out of reach places, but the scorch shot already did that. It's another useless fucking weapon.

>not wanting to descend rapidly to get out of the way of incoming fire
brainlets, when will they learn?

I really really really like this update.

This is TF2, not Quake. It's not as complicated as you like to think it is.

>get 500 afterburn damage in one life


>Why would you wanna go down if you're already on the ground. The only purpose it serves for people who actually know how to play the game is to get to out of reach places, but the scorch shot already did that. It's another useless fucking weapon.

What the fuck am I reading
if point of the Jetpack was to get pyros to places they couldn't have before like the gunboats for Soldier and granted you could do it with the scorch shot but the mobility the jetpack provides is wayyy better than the pitiful moon jump the Scorch shot shits out

In other words, it's an easier to use scorch shot, which is what I've been saying this whole time.

Casuals like you are killed this game.

Because the scorch shot can let you get to the second floor of Hightower in a matter of seconds



>pyro becomes anything but shit
>people bitch and complain
pyro was always trash in tfc because the devs were afraid of the same thing I guess

Shits fucking nuts, being able to ignite pyros with that projectile speed is insane

>Casuals like you are killed this game.
>It's not as complicated as you like to think it is

>This is TF2, not Quake. It's not as complicated as you like to think it is.

do you know how team fortress was created?

>that shitty first person model
what were they thinking

Yes, and it doesn't mean jack shit because they're still two totally different games.

he's a brainlet. So no.

> complains about casual in a casual FPS
Go play csgo or something

you do know that a lot of comp players like b4nny are even saying this jetpack is a god-sent for pyro's entry into 6s

>comp tf2

Ye I know but still, it'll be nice to see their meta get shaped up

Anyone else having an issue where the game just loads into controller mode and I can't turn it off? It acts like I have a controller plugged in when I don't.

Also, fuck war paint. I wanna paint my strange, not get a new weapon.


>get 5 kills with the dragon's fury in a single life
Why is this so frustrating? Why am I so fucking mad right now?

>Finish a map
>Game starts to load the next one
>In doing so, boots me back to the main screen telling me that ad hoc connections do not work with valve servers
>"You will join your game in 10 seconds!"
>Brings me back to the screen saying ad hoc is not allowed
>"You will join your game in 10 seconds!"
>Trying to cancel it gives me a screen that says abandoning will result in significant penalties
make it stop
i reset my stats today pls don't judge too hard

Serious question? Let me guess, you're also that fag medic who spams "lol W+M1 noob" after I scatter or strafe down or through your pack of fuckboi soldiers and heavies and push your shit in before you can take out your memesaw. Right? Right? Am I right, user-sama?

Fuck comp, fuck b4nny, fuck rebalancefags and fuck autists who want to grind the same autistic combos and strats in the same autistic ways over and over again vs each other.

>die every time i get 4
im always so close to the last kill too and get cucked


I just don't know how to get that much afterburn damage with the nerf it got

What fucking faggot came up with the idea of the dragon's fury? It's literally a flame sniper rifle for the pyro, it's impossible to reflect because the amount of time that it takes for the shot to hit you and kill you is faster than the amount of time it takes for you to even register that the enemy is firing.

post yfw the dragons fury will most likely get nerfed

Will compfags fuck off already? I'm sick of their constant bitching over any class that isn't Soldier, Scout, or Demo having a good weapon actually holding a sway over Volvo's decisions despite making up like 3% of the playerbase.

>Flame sniper rifle

You mean flame shotgun, its range is about the same as a flamethrower

*teleports behind you*
*throws gas passer on you*
*rips you from this mortal coil with the dragon's fury*
mmmpphh.... nothin personnel... kid...

Someone donate shit to me pls