what the fuck? this game is impossible. I've beaten all the "haha le supreme difficulty" meme games but this shit is actually fucking insane.
have you beaten this game, Sup Forums?
what the fuck? this game is impossible. I've beaten all the "haha le supreme difficulty" meme games but this shit is actually fucking insane.
have you beaten this game, Sup Forums?
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I see four games there my man.
All 4.
Unfortunately. They have one or two bullshit moments per game, even 3.
I'm talking mainly about 1, I've heard the others aren't so bad but I'm not gonna play them until I've beaten the first
Do they get any easier?
I used up all my continues multiple times on the first level (well, you get to pick, but I fucked them all up at least once).
It just seems like so many attacks are incredibly tough to dodge EVEN WHEN I know the patterns from having died already
Yeah, they're tough, especially the first one.
2 is the best and hardest. 3 and 4 have easy modes. I think they all have super easy mode in zero collection.
Grind your weapons mainly Z saber until they are maxed early on.
>losing on first level
you might not be playing correctly spam dash and Z saber shit, change buttons so L is sub weapon instead of L+A
>Blast through the level without getting hit and picking all secrets
>And using no item/fairy
>Take 1s more to beat the boss than you should
rank B
I'm probably not gonna play easy mode but good to know its there. I'm sure I sound like I'm bitching but I love a hard game, these just seem to go REALLY far sometimes, hah.
Z saber is good to know, still getting a grasp on which weapons are good, I don't really like the spear at all
I thank the zero games for helping not be like you shitters as a kid.
I often blaze though zero 2 in an hour and a half, getting As and Ss. They botched zero 3 with those baby doors. pisses me off when shitters say it's the best one.
They aren't that hard dude.
Z saber is your main with gun as secondary, everything else is situational or just for shits and giggles.
This is true for all 4 of the games.
I mean I own it because I played it as a kid. I have no idea how I ever played it, my old save is further than I am now though.
I remember playing mm&b on zsnes all the time when I was little though. that shit was a blast
>have you beaten this game, Sup Forums?
Yeah many times.
Keep your buster charged at all times, buster is really good in the Zero games. And kill as many enemies as you can, not only does this keep your Enemy score high, but it builds up weapon experience.
Don't spend too long on Zero 1, otherwise you might lose motivation to play the next games, which are much much better.
>Not playing an one weapon run
>Not playing a shield only run
Its like people here hates fun
The first game is fucking annoying and I was almost put off from continuing the series after I beat it
Was it made easier in the DS collection? I didn't have an issue with it outside of the spear being useless until the final boss.
Pretty sure there is an easy mode that starts you with 2 subtanks or something.
Zero 1 is pretty short and the other games don't have the interconnected world at least.
shield boomerang was introduced in zero 2
>charge throw shield
>jump over shield over and over again
>become unstoppable
Many many times over the years. Zero would be hard to a total newcomer just jumping in. But keep playing OP.
i honestly was never able to beat this as a kid when it first came out but i was shit at video games back then so im not sure if i'd still find it difficult
That's what I figured.
…it turns out it's kinda hard. I'm getting better though, I'm gonna stick with it.
I'd totally recommend you give it a shot, I'm having a good time
>Z saber is your main with gun as secondary, everything else is situational or just for shits and giggles. This is true for all 4 of the games.
If you get enough weapon experience, the charged chain in Zero 2 is incredibly powerful because it can combo after saber attacks. Chain/Saber would be the boss rape setup.
Evidently you are still shit.
I beat all this shit when I was 10-12. They were challenging but nothing crazy. This isn't Ghosts and goblins shit.
have you tried not being shit at video games OP?
The spiritual successor to Zero and ZX ended up having a shitload of options to either increase or decrease difficulty to avoid situations like this. Even Inti realized they kind of overdid it with those games.
To this day, I still have never beaten 2.
Bosses are all easy as shit due to elements. I only ever bothered to use the chain combo vs the easy snake dude. It's mostly a gimmick/speedrun tactic.
you actually need buster as a secondary to play well through most levels.
Gunvolt is too fucking easy no matter what.
I beat the first one yesterday. Almost did it with no Cyber Elves.
Fuck Copy X's second form. I really wish I had a sub tank, so I caved in and used an elf to get me at that last part.
Im playing 2, trying to beat the game without sub elves, it's doable since I get 2 free subtanks. Keeping an A rank is fucking difficult, the ranking system is so unforgiving.
>great clear time
>no elves used
>mission objectives 100%
>oh wait you didn't kill 500 enemies?
I have, and it's not even that hard. git good faggot
Inti just went to shit. They didn't overdo it at all and every attempt to make them easier made them worse.
ZX and Advent fucked up because they made it more buster focused, in the end you end up with a game that plays worse than X and Zero because it's stuck poorly in between them.
Does anyone know how to more easily avoid Daytona's Desperation Move in ASG1 without getting hit?
How does a spiritual successor have nothing in common but artstyle?
>since I get 2 free subtanks
Honestly please stop playing, when shitters enter the community the community and games become worse, even when there is no hope for sequels.
Spam charge with the chargeguard pendant
>L is sub weapon instead of L+A
>not using L for dash
No one cares about your need to defend the community of a series that ended twelve years ago.
The Shield + Z Saber boss damage exploit was great though
And in Zero 3's hard mode, the Shield and the Recoil Rod are the only chargeable weapons.
I mean you get a subtank in the snake level which you should be doing first anyway, and it's fun finding it using the chain to pull those blocks. You've ruined the game balance you aren't even playing zero 2 anymore.
Restart, and after the intro level return to the intro level until you get to the point just before the second giant robot. Dash back and forth grinding on the two enemies that respawn there and grinding your Z saber until you can to a triple attack. Now you are good to go for the whole game.
In terms of difficulty it goes like this: 4 > power gap > 3 > 1 >> 2, I only use the z-saber tho, so maybe with the buster the shit goes easy.
>zero 2
it was in the first one
>They botched zero 3 with those baby doors. pisses me off when shitters say it's the best one.
>using the doors
Kill yourself, shitter.
>Keeping an A rank is fucking difficult, the ranking system is so unforgiving.
Just slow down. Kill everything on the way, then it'll be an easy S Rank. From my experimenting, the time score at the end will stay at full 20 points even if you walk the whole way, so unless you're dying, or being held back by bosses, there's no need to dash the whole way, that's for speedrunners.
>You've ruined the game balance you aren't even playing zero 2 anymore.
But that's the exact sub tank I got, that's what I meant by free.
I don't know if there's a second one, Im only assuming because Zero 3 had 2 non-cyber elf sub tanks.
This is not an efficient setup. Sub weapon should be just one button, either L or R, that way you can charge both your main and sub weapons at the same time.
I didn't use the doors retard, the fact that they are there makes the game worse by giving people an easy out. Just like the weather system in 4. Giving people options to play inferior games because they bad game design and makes you feel like playing correctly is just you being a tryhard,
The only reason Zero games were difficult is because of that tiny screen. Combined with the goddamn ranking system that forces you to rush if you want ex skills means you'll be dashing blind into enemies.
Friendly reminder that if you charge the z saber or use any other weapon you are a shitter.
>muh tiny screen
This isn't sonic or Megaman and bass shitter
Go away Proto-form hard mode asshole
Remember me?
Yeah. I fucking hate you.
>2 is the best and hardest
I thought Zero 1 was much harder than any of the later games, thanks to the limited options with lifes and cyber elfs, even though 4 had a fucking huge difficulty spike with Craft, and I don't remember which game, but that one level with the sinking platforms in lava was the worst in the whole series.
Also, just as with Battle Network, I believe that the best game is the third one.
I thought it was interesting how Phantom fights you at the beginning of the level. Definitely shows how unorthodox and different he is compared to his peers.
I played the game for my second time earlier this year, that part wasn't too hard desu.
It had one of the best tracks from the first game.
This one too
Man Megaman Zero had such a great soundtrack, it set the tone so well for many stages.
The craft fight was a clusterfuck
>Deals a fuck ton of damage
>Covers almost all the fucking screen with bombs
>That fucking laser
>Nigga don't stop jumping all over the place
>Shit load of life
>Fucking annoying stage
What a shit load of fuck.
The Craft stage and the boss where one of the few things I liked about Zero 4.
Sure I loved how it wrapped everything up, but the game is just too easy compared to the first three.
And the Z "Knuckle" sucked.
Z1 had a nice OST. The later games get more love then the first. But it should still be appreciated.
When you get good enough to beat Aztec Falcon, you're good enough to beat the rest of the game.
The hard mode added in the Steam and Switch versions made me like the first game a lot more, but even that is kinda disappointing because you can't use anything besides the flashfield and tags.
I fucking hated the Library Section in MMZ 3, otherwise it was pretty fun throughout.
Yeah I enjoy playing as Gunvolt but I do wish he got some boss weapons like Copen.
best track coming through
Man, the 4th game was full of feels
Aztec falcon was easy, the fucking fire nigger in the desert is the actual casual filter.
>ZX and Advent fucked up because they made it more buster focused
Are you talking about Model X in ZX, or...? Because playing as Model ZX is more or less the same experience as how the Zero games were, I always just went to town with the saber and maybe used the buster whenever I had a full charge. ZXAdvent admittedly had you playing as the buster-focused Model A most of the time, but I thought it was a welcome change, and at least Ashe still played slightly different from your usual buster shot.
I only remember two instances in the whole series where you absolutely need to use a dash to barely dogde under a boss attack
>the twin red and blue beetles
The good thiing is that the beetles were piss easy.
The bad thing is that you have to fight Craft. Twice. He was pretty fuckng awesome after you get the hang of it, buut before that, he's going to make you his bitch.
Not too related and I forgot in which game, but there was a boss that if you were grabbed by him, he ended up attacking you with a combo attack with Sigma and Vile holograms. That was fucking sick.
So is Weil the best antagonist of any Megaman game ever?
>that increase in key at 2:18
They never seemed to have that in the rearrangements. The live performance version didn't either, but it was great in its own way.
Aztec Falcon is pretty easy even as a kid he never gave me trouble. Now that phoenix in Z2 is a cunt. Also this
Yeah, this
I fucking loved this series. I want more but am also happy with the closure 3 gave Zero. 4 was just kind of there. Someone should make a spiritual successor
>playing as Model ZX is more or less the same experience as how the Zero games were
If you are so casual you can't tell the difference sure. The game engine is a hybrid regardless of the metal you use. It feels like shit.
Ranking system was so fucked in the games. At least 4 fixed it.
He's pretty great. All the MMZ antagonists felt memorable and distinct.
While Zero 3 had perfect closure for Zero's character, 4 had closure for everyone, the resistance, Ciel, and specially Weil.
I'd argue 4 had a great closure for Zero's character. That Weil confrontation makes the game worth it.
Fafnir? What's so bad about that guy? You can basically just stand around and react to everything he does. He can lunge straight at you, dash back or jump over him. He can jump at you, dash back or dash under him. He can shoot at you, either jump over or use the terrain to go under the shots.
>charged saber's reach nerfed by a few pixels
>charged buster's damage buffed slightly
Yeah, soooo different. You still get better burst damage by just dashing in and hacking away at everything with the saber.
>I know you are out there zero and one day you'll return to us!
>cuts to zero's mangled body
Fuckin metal
>Sigma and Vile holograms
Vile, Agile, Bit, and Colonel holograms
>That girl in the resistance camp who was the granddaughter of Andrew's Student
This and the ending gave me some feels I wasn't expecting in a MMZ game
The physics are different you retard. It has nothing to do with dumb balance changes.
She was kind of right.
He does.
As a fucking talking rock.
Now explain what that has to do with the game supposedly favoring buster playstyle. Increased screen estate is not a 'physics' thing.
I managed to beat everything in Z1 with no upgrades, except for the final boss.
For that one alone I used the double hp upgrade, fuckers second form just shits out so much hard to dodge damage.
Rest I managed to beat without using any cyber elfs, but each game also gives progressively more items that you don't have to penalize your own score to get and doesn't dock a billion points for taking a few hits.
I cared way too much about ranking for some reason.
"Hey, you expecting Megaman-style checkpoints? Fuck you." -MMZ
>people don't realize fucking METAL was a reference
Andrew was always my favorite resistance member. His stories all feel so human. He had his body modified to an old man to make his aging human wife not hate herself for getting older as he stayed young in his immortal reploid body.
So many good stories.
It wasn't a mangled body it was just his broken helmet which could come off, you could see his shadow. So it seemed to me after going maverick he just wanted a vacation.
As much as I loved Z saber I enjoyed messing with others, jumping around shield to keep it out full time, pogoing with recoil rod.
The real difficulty is trying to get A or S ranks. I've accepted that getting them is too difficult for me so I can actually enjoy the games more. That said I've never used an elf
Grind the z sabre to at least a charge shot. Dumb mechanic that the other games dont do.
You're too stupid to even bother talking to if you don't even realize how the slow floaty physics impacts the game.
It's uncomfortable knowing that Ciel probably died alone.
>I cared way too much about ranking for some reason.
>mfw it was only last wekk that I found out your ranking was an average score of ALL you current missions over them being treated as individual ones.
That explains so much for my past playthroughs not being able to rise above B rank again and having to use those A rank up Cyber Elves
I found this gimmick silly until I learned I could cling to ceiling with phantom. Played majority of game using it