Was Yuna a virgin?

Was Yuna a virgin?

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She likely had sex with a BBC at least once.

Why do you think Kimahri followed her around?

probably not she is retarded after all

Literally my first fap, find out about X-2 and the after stories.....kill me


only X is canon

She must be a virgin. No virgin no moe

Probably. She's pretty ugly.

What does Sup Forums think of the recently released bridge between X and X-2? Now you can find out what happened to Tidus between both games.


She must have been a virgin. Who loves a girl who lost virgin? No more bitch

Every direct sequel/prequel to every Final Fantasy is just non-canon fanfiction. No exceptions.

She probably had sex with Valefor's faith. That cinematics that plays as she exits covered in sweat was boner inducing.

If the other Mobius crossover stuff isn't canon, why should this be? Fuuuck I hate mobileshit.

It's confirmed canon though? Square said so and they even brought back the FFX director for this.

black people dont exist in final fantasy

Yeah, and I hate it even more for that. Keep in mind that this asshole is canon too.

There's a black guy in XIII

Please be excited for Gackt's appearance in VIIR.

I believe so. She acted like it

who /fappedtoyunaasakid/ here?

She's the teenage love interest for the main character of a Final Fantasy game... I don't think I need to spell it out for you that she's going to be a virgin.

Lulu was absolutely not a virgin, which isn't an issue for the Chad she eventually marries.

>who is Barrett

Fun fact: Yuna's model in Dissidia 2 has a nipple. If you position the camera right, you can see it.


Just one?


That doesn't sound true

No. Surprisingly enough Rikku is though.


It is Also, Vanille and Gentiana have nude models in their own games.

don't you pretty much have to to be a priestess/woman of the cloth?

It's not a real religion bro


yeah, she's not a real person either, so I guess it's all a moot point

>wears a bra under her dress
>can still see her nipple


Well DUH obviously

Not after her and tidus kissed in the forest scene

This man is clearly gay

No. It's actually why Jecht was locked up in Bevelle, and had to go on the pilgrimage to earn his freedom.

Fuck no. Kimahri was pounding those now gaping holes multiple times a day.

Didn't she have sex with the Fayth to gain them as summons? Why was she so sweaty when she came out of the temple at Besaid?

If that infamous novel is anything to go by, she and Tidus are implied to have sex on a boat.

Nobody wants to fuck those squiggly eyed fucks. Not even other Al Behd.

Is this confirmed?


I think most people interpreted it like that. Like with Tifa and the Highwind.

Good question, who the fuck is "Barrett"?

most likely at least for the first game
unless seymour got his hands in her

i mean on her
same thing i guess

Wakka's little bro definitely had a ride on that bike.
There was a black guy but not on Beside Island, as far as I remember

Will you tifacucks stop piggybacking on other actual canon pairings? you're so pathetic

Praying for hours costs stamina, bruv.


Until Macalania lake, sure, and in the unlikely case beyond that, then at the most until the novel boat ride, which is definitive.

Yes, she was

The real question is whether she lost it in between X and X-2

Seymour wouldn't marry used goods

Ah bruddah, Yuna was one of the good ones. Rest of the sand blasted grease monkeys were nothing but whores and savages. better to gas them all, ya? Like happy festival fireworks.

What about Lulu, was she BROWNED?

Wakka > Yuna

Prove me wrong.

>has Attack Reels

>doesn't have Attack Reels

Seems like you're correct desu