>be stereotypical Aryan-Germanic-looking male with blonde hair, blue eyes, Germanic jawline and a thin nose
>get retconned to be a Jew
If they wanted to make a Jewish hero for Jews to relate to, why didn't they make one that actually looks Jewish?
>be stereotypical Aryan-Germanic-looking male with blonde hair, blue eyes, Germanic jawline and a thin nose
>get retconned to be a Jew
If they wanted to make a Jewish hero for Jews to relate to, why didn't they make one that actually looks Jewish?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pretty sure poles can actually look like that.
Wasn't he always Jewish?
A surname with an -owitz ending sounds jewy as fuck to me, not Polish.
It's called irony
If you'd ever been to Poland, you'd know it's easier to find a three eyed dog than a masculine/attractive Pole.
Disregard this, I suck cocks, pic related existed.
Yes. What the fuck kind of name is Blazkowitz otherwise?
Because Jews have always had an inferiority complex about their looks.
Part of their anger towards the white man stems from having all this power yet never being considered cool or beautiful.
masculine yes, but the structure of his skull is clearly not aryan
Rarely, but sure, when I was going to the gym half of the people there looked like that.
Because he's not a 'hero for jews to relate to'.
People like you need to get fucked, if you haven't played all previous Wolfenstein games then fuck off with your criticisms until you've actually spent some time with the franchise.
He looks very close to how he did in 3D and RTCW yet you say they make him look like a "Jewish Hero".
You're a god damn cry baby looking to get offended
never thought about this man being anything other than the whitest white
He was canonically retconned to be Jewish only recently though
Gee I wonder why the average conservative doesn't like that liberals are constantly advocating for violence against "Nazis"
why are slavic women attractive but the men look like shriveled peasants?
pic related is also a jew
in my experience they aren't, just overly shilled just like swedish memes etc (das right they aren't very attractive)
only south slavs are on average very attractive, eg bulgarians serbs etc
Because conservatives are Nazis and don't want to have their fragile faces hit, probably.
Have not met many Jews have you? Lol more Jews have blonde hair and blue eyes than Swedish people these days.
Source? I'm pretty sure he's mentioned Jesus a few times
The structure of his skull isn't really human either
Swedes don't count.
have you ever been to sweden/norway? they've always been majority brown haired no matter what some dumb american and his sourceless chart says
Simply epic post my friend, have an upvote :))))
>been to Sweden and Norway user?
Yes but it was difficult to get around not speaking Arabic.
Only attractive jews have high Euro admixture. Pic related average jewesses
>sleep with a Euro
>durrrrrrr we duh aryunz nao
she's a jew no matter what way you put it
Are you saying Poland is the land of traps?
But he was always Jewish. Is Sup Forums spreading lies again?
shut up Hitler
He wasn't retconned to be a Jew. He was stated to be Jewish a few games into the Wolfenstein series. In fact the reboot makes it so he might NOT be Jewish since they never reference it in TNO
And she's only attractive because of her Euro admixture, no matter way you put it
>thinks there is such a thing as Aryan people
And ancient aliens built the pyramids lol
not denying that. but she's a jew
>Muh Blaskowitz was retconned into a jew
>but they're a fake jew
>bu bu bu muh nazism
nazi go kill yourself
>he's always been a blonde, blue eyed, Aryan looking jew
I'm not even saying he canonically isn't, it just shows how pathetic the jew power fantasy is
You sound salty. Are all neo Nazi cucks this butthurt?
OP pic looks nothing like Germans
here is a pic for reference
he wasn't a blonde pussy in RTCW, the best wolfenstein game
>why didn't they make one that actually looks Jewish
Because then no one would like him.
Do you do standup, user? Would love to see you live
what nice young teens
Second from right is gorgeous.
Jews are the best comedians. That's how we know that Nazis are people without a sense of humor.
>there's only one nation on Earth populated by people of European descent that is explicitly race and religion based and puts brown people into concentration camps
wow really makes me think
BJ is unrealistic, this is what an actual alpha male looks like
>no such thing as Aryan
Your nose is showing, Shlomo
Depends what you mean by jew
>ashkenazi and khazars
>not cavebeast converts
Good goy
You sound salty. Are all Askhenazi cucks this butthurt?
he just uses jewish tricks to defeat nazis
such as putting on an invulnerable nano-machine suit
desu if he lost some weight and fixed his teeth, he would be hot
>Jews are the best comedians
Fuck off Amy Schumer
>member when you were 12 and believed leftwing media?!
Hey leddit
he has jewish ancestry but thats enough to trigger Sup Forums
>repeats shit back at you
How very Hitler of you.
I think it was originally meant as a joke. Typical aryan looking fellow killing nazis. It's not like wolfenstein 3d was a serious game.
Jews make the best propaganda
>Jewish ancestory
>is a Polish American
Really makes you think
So the answer is yes? Salty ashkenazi cucks are this butthurt?
I mean...
>Implying that it's never happened before
Sort of like making a WW2 movie with Brad Pitt and claiming he's jewISH
Oy vey, we wuz nazis BJ is an anti-semite!
Tbh the structure of his skeleton isn't even human. No way this massive slab of meat fit into those cents in TNO and TOB.
He's a manlet
Way to trigger pol with that pic. What's next, tell them Steven Spielberg is Jewish? Mad man!
>why are slavic women attractive but the men look like shriveled peasants?
Because their grandmothers were ARYANed during the war
>generations ago
>boys and girls of the same mother
You sure you thought this through? Lol Nazis baka
Literally no jew has ever looked like that they look like this
>as a man I always considered myself Irish, as an actor I always considered myself Jewish
What did he mean by this?
Western poles were once largely Germanic, which is why Germany invaded in ww2. One Germany for all Germans
Not trying to be rude but none of them are very attractive
I will never hate my life again.
Look at his face in Wolfenstein 3D and tell me he didn't look aryan before.
kek true
It isn't complicated. Maybe use that peanut between your ears for a second and you can solve the puzzle lol
Why are /pol so retarded?
The sixth person looks like a British man in disguise.
>Why are /pol so retarded?
lol ESL