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cuckyB is probably on suicide watch now. Pls no bulli
No wonder he liked Justin Roiland enough to have him voice the Blitzball. Both Cliff himself and Justin's characters have annoying fucking catch phrases.
Fucking hell. I'm starting to hate Justin Roiland more and more every day. But I also hate Dan Harmon more.
How did Law Breakers flop so hard anyway?
It's not very good. The most players it's ever had was the pre-release open beta.
>no advertising
>shit character designs
>counter-intuitive visual style
>the quality of an unpolished f2p indie game with the price tag of a budget retail release
>since the skins are boring as shit, nobody in their right mind would spend money on loot boxes
>outright unappealing character personalities and dialogue; forgettable at best, cringe-worthy at worst
>automatic cross-region matchmaking was only just added DAYS ago
>toxic community
>shill youtubers and streamers (either paid or just hopelessly nu-male)
>cuckyB himself
It wouldn't have made sense within the bounds of this universe if it didn't flop
just search LawBreakers on youtube
no he isnt
we need to trash his game harder
a whole bunch of things, like several many factors, so many it looks like it was all crafted on purpose, and cucky cant keep his trap shut
is it really that hard to refer to a person's actual name instead of unfunny insults
christ, you're like fucking children
>Hmm why will nobody play my game
t. Cliffy Bazinga
Was CliffyB ever anything more than a glorified hype man? I mean what did he himself do that was of note?
hi cliff
>*slams dick in a drawer*
I wanna make the next billion dollar franchise
It's seriously just an Overwatch clone that tries to make itself out to be some fast paced arena shooter but it's still just a shiny Overwatch but with no charm. I tried the free weekend and the entire time I just thought "I could just be playing Overwatch instead."
he made xbox players salty
kinda sad that that game doesn't have players and shit like DOTA2 and Paladins does
and holy shit paladins is bad
He should have launched the game as an Xbox One exclusive. There really aren't any actual exlusives on that console other than Halo, so they'd have pretended it was amazing and all bought it day one.
>tfw Rod took his franchise from him and made a smoother playing game than he ever could
We all saw that video too. But nice youtube comment, fellow redditor!
Is that supposed to be a Japanese nigger, or just a black weeb? And why did he think anyone would want to play as that disgusting thing? Did he really think he'd win over Overwatch's SJW crowd?
How do you even manage to fuck up OW clone?
I mean f2p carbon copy of OW made by bunch of nobodies is killing it on steam. It's like Cliffy picked everything which made OW popular and made sure those features are made into opposites.
yes, he was the lead guy behind lots of classics of many different genres. sadly he is most known for gears of war, which had a pretty harmful effect on the industry overall, but we're getting past that now.
The two don't even feel similar. Still, OW is the better game and people compare them for superficial reasons.
>none of that 60$ multiplayer only bullshit
> multiplayer
> players
For a gravity defying game it flopped hard boy.
>0 players
>no bots
>30$ price
I think that character design is pretty important in these games and the characters in lawbreakers(and battleborn) look like garbage, they don't look appealing, at least not to me. I never played overwatch but there are a lot of characters in that game that make me think "i'd like to play as that guy" like the space marine with the hammer, or the purple sniper chick with the thicc ass, even the edgy guy because he has a cool mariachi dia de muertos outfit.
That's just my opinion though, and obviously what kind of characters people like is very subjective, but the characters in lawbreakers just don't look appealing or interesting to me.
Reddit: the game
>purple sniper chick with the thicc ass
The most important part of the game
>no bots.
this. all multiplayer games need bots in some way to help with future longevity. like unreal tournament or quake
I mean, he is by all accounts a truly shitty person but he did make some great games way back in the day
unreal 1. you fucking faggot.
the best fps ever made
>Unlovable cuck of a lead developer/figurehead too far up his ass and fiercely seeks the euphoria of virtue signalling
>Lots of problems with balancing at release with TTK being CoD tier and general balance issues.
>Bad tutorial so the few casuals that tried the game couldn't get good. They were blown away and discouraged.
>the gimmick wasn't enough of a reason to stick around
>large skill gap ensures the game would have eventually died down to a small community in time even if it had moderate success
>Characters were not fledged out well while also looking awful in the eyes of most, the world feels soulless
>Doesn't do enough different to differentiate itself from the others enough to outshine competition
>Does too much the same in a worse way for people to not just go back to what they were doing on overwatch or paladins or whatever other games are in this fad of a genre
>New update shows that the devs/marketing team are stupendously out of touch with what is cool and simply throw shit they see on the front page of reddit into their game(R&M voice)
Games with a better balance of both skill cap, casual pandering and fun exist, Different balances for different tastes as well. This game tries to be far too much about le esports and runs off most people and those that did want this game don't want 2 hour queues and left as well. Pretending casuals don't matter will kill your game, if you can't achieve both a high enough skill cap to appease esports grimlins and an approachable fun game don't expect anyone to care.
In lawbreakers case, bots are necessary because NO PALYEARS
>I turned myself into a shitty desperate DLC for a shitty game no one plays RICK!
We have to go back Morty
also this, kek
He helped make games like jazz jackrabbit and unreal. He is most certainly out of touch and high off his own farts like anyone who becomes too successful too early in life.
Was he the Jazz Jackrabbit guy?
Man, I'm going to go download Jazz Jackrabbit.
>implying Boss Key can program bots when they can't even program a proper kill cam replay
Didn't he work on unreal tournament? How does he not see their value?
The best way to make an esports game is just to make a popular casual game and then don't fuck with the balancing, and given the tools the competitive community will form itself.
C'mon guys, I know it's popular to shit on things you haven't played but it really is a good game, and it's far more appealing then overwatch or tf2.
What was his name again, Sup Forums?
hi cliffy.
fuck bots
with bots you end up with garbage like paladins that forces you to play against them and then you get shrekt playing real people the first time
you're not gonna have that problem on lawbreakers tho
Chuck Bazinga
s a v a g e
>years of over the shoulder 3rd-person shooters with a cover system
And this is coming from someone who had fun with the first gears of war
cliff blessyouski
Mike Wazowski
check thisfivesky
no, it was Check Thisfivesky
you're correct, and it's not only appeal that comes from a character design, good character designs in these "hero shooters" should also give you a quick, accurate impression of what/how you expect the character to play and what type of abilities they have and so on
TF2 did this very well, overwatch did it competently, and battleborn and lawbreakers absolutely missed the fucking mark completely on it
just look at these lawbreakers characters, they give no impression of what their role, abilities, or playstyle is like, 90% of the ones i've ever seen are just "guy in smooth futuristic space armour", how are you meant to get an impression of the game like that?
How does one even get rekt playing Paladins vs real people anyway? after the bot games you'll fight newbies who are mostly retarded. If you get rekt by those players, you might need to git gud.
That bitch is uglier than me.
>hero shooter with zero memorable or interesting looking characters. In fact the designs were often offensively ugly.
I was under the impression that Paladins doesn't have any kind of pregame auto balance when I played with a friend who has just under 100hrs and we got immediately steamrolled just out of spawn
Besides Tranny Pharah and Black Uraraka, there's some good designs
My guess would be that you got matched with smurfs. Because players under lvl 30 will only be matched with others who are under lvl 30.
the only character that I feel is decent is the Japanese medic chick, the others are meh.
hope she is 18, so I can shove my meat into her mouth
This horse is not dead, its corpse is fucking rotten already. Why do you keep beating it?
>over saturated market
>Blizzard basically ruined another game genre for everyone else
I still don't get how Blizzard can keep pumping out these mediocre to shitty games yet still stay this strong.
They haven't made a good game in almost 20 years
>Generic Asian who was so bland that they redesigned him into another Generic Asian
>gimp mask Bane
>some Clive Barker reject-looking motherfucker
>Raiden from MGR:R
Y-yeah, user, "good"...
Fuck you
buy this game
Steam charts says there is more than 10 people playing. Why did you make this thread?
But without Overwatch, half of this game's characters wouldn't exist.
Battle Medic = junkrat + zenyatta w/ a backpack
Enforcer = Soldier 75 + Sombra
Titan = Winston
hi, cliff
Visually very cluttered, i tried the open beta and a character said "#rekt" so i unistalled the game.
hi jeff
It gets worse, there's boot decals which cover the enemy screen if you kill them with a melee kick. Shit like "git gud," "u got rekt," "xxxLOSERxxx," etc.
Justin Roiland has been the voice for the blitzball since the beta. It doesn't help the game at all but you being wrong annoys me.
>how should we design the characters
>make them look like throwaway boss characters
you do realize that abilities in OW has existed in other games before right?
Lawbreakers did many things wrong, but "stealing abilities from OW" isn't one of them.
It's a sad day when Justin Roiland's voice is the best thing about something.
isnt this more fascinating to talk about? like how the fuck do they get 2 million players CONCURRENT. has there ever been any game with public stats to do it?
A lot of people on this site can write you a book on why this game failed but my number one reasoning for why this game will always be the lack of advertisement and doing nothing to stand out from the competetion.
It doesn't matter if your game play was lovingly crafted by the gods them selves. It won't matter shit when there is just zero appeal for anyone to even give it a try.
They did, but Overwatch made them trendy.
But of course when the esports scene starts you have to start pretending to care about balancing.
mostly chinks
Not every game needs to be "GoTY", Overwatch looks like(i never played so maybe i'm just completely wrong) a fun little game you play with friends, basically like smash brothers, doesn't have to be amazing as long as it's entertaining and fun, and Blizzard got there first and they have the Blizzard name so they basically caught a bunch of people, now it's the biggest game in that genre and all the people playing it have no reason to play other games of that genre. Especially when they are shit.
Paladins has a playerbase because it followed right after and they are F2P, so plenty of people that would want to play a game like overwatch but don't want to pay for a mediocre game(like you said) can just play that with friends when they are boring.
Meanwhile Battleborn and Lawbreakers look like shit, came in late, cost 60 bucks and tried to directly compete with Blizzard.
chinks, loot box grinders, and bandwagoners. It's more fascinating to talk about why Sup Forums wont stop trying to turn lawbreakers into the next tortanic when it was just a fucking nexon game
>buy gaem
>git item
>sell for steam bucks
he only made four of the maps in that game
Any shooter that wants to be taken seriously should fuckoff with abilities and infinite ammo.
overwatch is taken pretty seriously, i think you are just stuck in the past to be honest
Which is exactly why new games suck nowadays.
3D trying to pull off 2D porn faces is top-tier cringe. Fucking disgusting.
Every other gane he's been a part of before was a xbox exclusive.
Why didn't he max profits by making a xbone release?
I'd fuck her mouth so hard she'd dislocate her jaw
Idlers and chink grinders.