If this isn't your GOTY then that's fine. It's a great game though.
If this isn't your GOTY then that's fine. It's a great game though
Its okay
On my second playthrough, and i've come to realise it's the best game i've ever played. So, yeah, my GOTY to ssy the least.
I didn't care for the scenarios, characters other than the doctor, or writing, but the presentation was really nice.
3 and 4 are still better, it's an amazing game and the gameplay has improved significant but the story and characters were kinda a let down
I cant reasonably decide between P5 and Yakuza 0, they're the best PS4 games to come out this year
>not botw
Nah fuck off
well at the very least i think we can all agree on the girl of the year
*breathes in*
It's not my GOTY, but it's not it's fault.
It's been an absolutely amazing year for games.
That's not Makoto though
No one with a high iq thinks Makoto is good.
to be fair,
>other than the doctor
My senpai
>tfw starting 5th playthrough soon
>tfw gonna have 4 omnipotent orbs
It probably is, I guess XCOM2 WOTC comes second
It came out last year though.
I had a great time with it but too many issues come up in hindsight.
This game just bored me. It finally seemed to have a good combat system but the pacing is whack.
It's shit
I agree with your opinion, but please be nicer to others
Fucking steady on. I loved it too, 150 hours playtime and got the platinum trophy, but if it's the best game you've ever played then that's just embarrassing.
I honestly have no idea how people can claim the characters in P3 were anything special.
>but muh junpei
Ryuji is way better than Junpei.
after two playthroughs still haven't hit plat because of the stupid passionate listener trophy. never got this shit in p4g either. I've got a save on the last day thinking someday I'll go back and autism out those missing lines but I have no real motivation to do so.
I played it last year, but it was definitely GOTY 2016. I'd probably give it to Automata this year, I'm just not all that excited for Mario and BOTW was incredibly overrated. Still want to do a run in English at some point but I haven't gotten around to it.
Junpei was da man
I didn't expect NG+ to be as good as it was, normally I hate it, but it makes the game so much more comfy.
>have the shekels to actually be able to play around with the immensely improved VR mechanics
>have the stats to do slinks at a leisurely pace with plenty of time to explore Tokyo, take your waifu on dates, and play vidya/watch movies with the lads
>have time to get /fit/ as fuck
>have the resources to build up and flesh out your high-end personas
>get Futaba's unique dialogue when you solo Sae
>can bully Akechi 1v1 without rushing to min/max your shit
>Twins fight
It's criminally underrated and is hands down the best expansion for any game since Homeworld Cataclysm.
>released in 2016
What did he mean by this?
If it isn't in English, it doesn't exist.
If the story/characters aren't even as good as the previous titles, then what's the point of this game?
They're better than P4, but that's not very hard.
Persona wasn't even Game of the Week.
Game of the Year doesn't mean VN of the Year, and P5's gameplay was by far the best in the series. Sure, the characters and story aren't as good as P3, but both were closer to it in quality in P5 than they were in P4.
The story/characters have never been good in Persona, so it doesn't matter
Elizabeth and Eriko were kino tbqh
I finally decided to play the Persona series last year, so I started with the first game. I enjoyed it and the two Persona 2s. I tried really hard to like 3-5 and played them all to completion, but I just can't see the appeal.
>playing them all back-to-back
Found your problem
I didn't. I took a break for a few months between 2 and 3, and another break before 4. I started Persona 5 in September, but after a couple in game months, realized that I wasn't in the Persona mood, so I came back to it 6 months later, started over since I hadn't gotten far, and actually finished it.
Maybe it would be goty if the palaces past the 4th were actually enjoyable and not the same shit over and over again. The plot also turned to shit at some point. How anyone can go through all of them again in NG+ is beyond me.
Ann is my WOTY
futaba best girl
>great game
Not is not , when only the first part of the game is good. Everything after the gym guy is trash
Not true. The last couple months are good too. Not that that makes it any better. Persona 3+ do great beginnings and climaxes, but everything in between feels like filler.
I think a lot of P5's pacing problems could be fixed by them abandoning their 'plot day vs. free day' formula.
>have a cutscene in the afternoon with the crew for plot reasons
>this somehow eats up everything until the next day, which is then punctuated by another cutscene forcing you to just sleep
If it gave you those evenings to do shit, or if some plot points happened during the evening to give you time during the day, it'd be much better. I don't mind not being able to hang out with Takemi or Iwai for a day because plot shit is going down during their available hours, but wasting days-weeks on four-minute scripted conversations during which you can't even save is just awful.
That's because if they didn't you would get through the social content really quick. Persona games are just too long for the content they have. They need to abandon the calendar system or just add more content to the game, so you don't just have hours and hours of repeating plot conversations. Pacing is completely fucked and ruins the enjoyment of any of the games.