Who was in the wrong here?


this is the dumbest thing i've ever seen

Why arent they aiming at each other?
What, you dodged a supersonic bullet by making a roll? Are you retarded?

How many rounds do those pistol mags hold? I honestly lost count

what game

Why is Jap shit always so blatantly fucking stupid? Do they think this shit is cool?

Guy in the suit was right. Fuck the US for drone striking his wedding.

tell me why its dumb

It was entertaining. Like the stupid live action movies. I'm pretty sure that's all that matters

The part when they both run in a circle while firing down into the ground always gets me. How could the animators spend hours planning and then meticulously animating that segment without realizing how stupid it looks?

>tell me why its dumb

Fuck off.


this is so fucking retarded. who made this? who thought this was a good idea?

not an argument

why dont you just watch op's webm

>not posting the full battle

Is that supposed to look cool?
They are both incompetent idiots unable to hit each other.

You didn't either

Stupid questions don't deserve a coherent response.

I mean, really? You can't fathom why someone would see that webm as fucking retarded?

Its point blank range with automatic weapons, there's no way a person could outmaneuver your aim unless you're a sloth with parkinsons.

>tell me why its dumb


You know what's actually fucking stupid? Meatheads walking around making retarded banter while fighting things that barely resemble aliens.

OP is actually fun.

not an argument


... what did he mean by this? is that supposed to describe a specific game?

Here comes the nippon internet defense force.

Is Gears of Shit not a thing anymore?

>while fighting things that barely resemble aliens

I think he means... Halo... Maybe?

>watching vidya game movies
Really making me think about your life choice
pic related
it's me thinking really hard


does it end with one of them throwing a knife at the other?

>these two tacticool jackasses can't hit each other even ONCE from a fucking meter away

don't be mean


I don't know about Chris, but the other guy clearly has an extended magazine for his pistol, so probably 20+


Chris normally would've taken him down no problem, but the other guy is also really experienced, so he gave Chris a challenge. That was the idea.

Riding Bean fuck yeah niqqa

it would be watchable if they just fought hand to hand. this shit is absurd

With the amount of rounds fired you'd think these guys are using LMGs

Given that the last two games sold poorly, the main series ended in 2012 and there are currently no new games announced, one can assume it's not a thing any more.

I'm pretty sure they do at one point.

Even if they're fucking so agile or whatever that they can outmanuver subsonic rounds, one of them should at some point figure out how to lead the god damn shot.


>that part where they're running in circles trying to shoot at each other's feet

This is the most funniest thing I have ever seen in awhile.

This sums it up perfectly, no words needed.

Chris could've avoided a huge chunk of the final battle if he used his underbarrel grenade launcher on him in this fight.

Leslie Nielson was great.

Not an argument. Neither of them are moving so it's not impressive in the least.

I wonder how old that cigarette is.

The TRUE Resident Evil 7.

lol why isnt it dark and gritty?! that shit would be h ella cash if they'd had both layed there covered in there own blood and viscera, thinking about the hard choices they madeFucking nips ruin everything,

lets play the game "Bait? or Retard?"

I'm guessing bait

No. That webm is basically RE6.

funny how no one is actually able to make arguments

You'd probably have to be moving several hundred mph to dodge a shot aimed at center mass from that range though.

My point is that they aren't comparable.

Which is why it's the true RE7.

>retarded people thinking leading shots at point blank will somehow solve infinitely fast combat encounter

Except he just compared them.

You can literally compare anything to anything, and the only way to make proper judgements between different things is to have higher brain power.

A lot of handgun rounds are just under subsonic, like 9mm in a short barrel or .45 ACP which is notorious for low velocity.


Just... Stop.

Those are amazing brakes on that truck.

No. He TRIED to, but failed.

M8, no gun battle at any point in history has ever reached anywhere near the threshold of how fucking unbelievably stupid that webm does.

Stop trying to apply rationality to pure fantasy.

Or have you never even touched a gun in your entire life?

just under supersonic, I mean.

You still haven't explained why it's dumb.

Here, let me do it for you since you're such a pussy.

>It's not realistic

It's a video game. It's not supposed to be.

Are you even listening to yourself? I'm just asking you over and over to make arguments and you're acting like refusing means you've won. I don't get it.

Nah, Chris throws him down the elevator shaft and he splats like a bug.

>Why is the scene where two men are twirling and rolling around like idiots but shooting at each other with infinite ammo and missing each other even though they're literally dancing dumb?

People are stupid. It's easy to relate an idea on an instinctive level, but relaying that into words is generally hard for most. It's like when a teacher gives you a problem that you can easily solve in two words, but then they ask you to explain why.

Good job Mr.obvious, you solved your own riddle. Congratulations.

Yes. Explain why it's dumb.

fuckin weeb

Explain why it isn't stupid, or explain what's good about it.

Chris runs out, and the other guy has a huge extended mag. They're missing because they're both trying to dodge so they can't focus on being as accurate. Try again.

Leon is literally hiding behind a fucking table.

The wooden support beam I could maybe see stopping a round or two but a fucking typical cafe table?

>It's a video game

Not him but, it looks cool. Your turn.

Are you 13? Serious question.

they would literally have to be trying not to shoot each other at that distance

>It looks cool

I wholeheartedly disagree.

The burden of proof is on you to explain why its stupid, I wasn't the person who proposed the initial idea.

No, it doesn't. It looks retarded.

It's a movie adaption of a video game. Is that better autismo?

not an argument

Okay, cool. Feel free to leave the thread then.

You can't ruse me, faggot give it up.

So you can't even say anything good about it, glad to know you're just being a retarded shitposter.


That's your opinion, albeit a shitty one, but still just an opinion.

You can't lead a shot from someone three feet in front of you.

Wow frikkin epic.

>he doesn't own bulletproof tables

This conversation wasn't about the pros and cons of the scene in general, its about whether or not its dumb. Someone said it was dumb, and I asked them why. I still haven't been given a valid reason.

You must be blind, Leon has preternatural senses and knew that that spot is where the bullets would not land.

Make me.

hmm NICE

Everyone has fucking explained it to you already, you won't accept any reasons anyone gives you you fucking moron.