Realistic female armor in video games fucking when?

Realistic female armor in video games fucking when?

plate armor cute >boobmail bikini

Because History disagrees with it.

I think we had this thread yesterday.
Closest thing that comes to mind as having 'realistic' female armor is Dragon's Dogma, and that's more sorta a middle ground. Never played it, but the Witcher probably has something that emulates what you'd think of as realistic female armor.

Why does the game need "realistic armor" when the game is magical, fantasy, not even realistic in the slightest?

Both are fine. Stop having autism.

needs more scifi

Mountain Blade

depends on the game depends on the game depends on the game depends on the game depends on the game depends on the game

it depends on the game

>wanting 'realistic' female armor when realistically no women ever went to wore wearing any armor

Women didnt fight in wars they were merely there to take care of the home and produce children.

the bikini armors are really fucking rare and while i'd also like to get rid off the metal boobs, they are no more unrealistic than other fancy shit on video game armors.