Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are someone else
I am still right here
Beneath the stains of time
*posts the most forgettable zone
first for the best vanilla pvp player
anybody else excited for the announcement of legacy servers this blizzcon
Oh man i sure as fuck love walking through a marsh with crocs that one-shot me.
I used to think I 'wasted' time playing WoW from vanilla to wrath - but my life has gotten progressively worse every year since 2011, with no end in sight
Those were the best years of my life, playing the best game ever made, nothing comes close, I am grateful I got to play through the zenith of WoW and would give anything to go back, I'd play twice as much
life is just dogshit, I used to actually think this game 'ruined' my life - but it didn't, it was honestly the only good thing i've experienced in two decades of ignominy and humiliation
>he thinks nu-blizzard will allow legacy servers
>a-anytime now !
all I ask is the possibility to go back to pre-cata azeroth for questing, making questing a challenge and the possibility to remove quest indicators from the map.
How do you cope with the fact that no MMO will ever capture the feeling of wonder and exploration Vanilla WoW had?
At the end of the day, it's simple. The game was based on a famous, established franchise that had a decent lore. Most people who grew up with WarCraft games were hyped as hell to actually get to explore the world. That, and the fact that the devs had spent a decade working on the world by the time of WoW's release contributed to it being more coherent and well-designed than that of your run-of-the-mill MMO where the story is just an afterthought. The zones were interesting and you kept having these "oh man, it's THIS place" moments.
Most of the world's success can be attributed to that single fact. I can't think of many, if any, other franchises I'd be interested in the same fashion these days even if they made a good MMO out of them.
Did he have an npc created just for him like Uro had?
mark my words. legacy will happen when retail dies
Post yfw the furbolg cave in Teldrassil
retail will not die soon. the game might be shit but there are people who have been playing for more than 10 years and will never abandon it no matter how shit it can become.
It doesn't help that wow has no real concurrent except ff14.
Never ever.
And i was a Nostcuck but im looking forward to finish work and studies to get a 3 months sub
Stupid thread and stupid OP for clinging to a dead game
Retail is dying hard right now game does not have more than 1 million players. Probably less than 500k if cut out chinks and bots. The new shining star is PUBG and Blizzard really needs to rethink they way they handle WoW. Pretty sure some private servers have more player than the highest populated retail server.
source: my arse
fuck off retard. its a clear chance for them to make money when retail dies and retail will die one day
>play legacy servers
>get bored after a few months
>tell myself retail was not so bad after all and there is a shit ton of stuff to do
>take 1 month sub
>launch the game
>play for a few hours
>quit, uninstall, and cancel subscription
rinse and repeat
not this guy but look at the graph. legion is not more popular than wod
That place was impossible without a group, even then it was hard since they run away on low hp and there are lots of furry healers.
>Legion ain't even on there
>only 5 million subs or something
wow so dead
>if we stop showing the sub numbers it totally means the game is still alive guys
Mist was actually a good expansion, I can completely understand if someone was put off because of the pandas, that happened to me too. But beneath the initial kung fu panda junk the expansion was just so fucking good.
I sure loved wasting time doing a bunch of tedious boring shit because there was no other options back then and everquest was just too unfun and hard with its poopie graphics
>5 million
>4.5 millon chinks
Source: my ass
I want the game to die as much as you do but you're deluding yourselves if you think it's actually anywhere close to dying.
>when you're one of the early rogues who found out you could backstab without having to be behind your target and make subtlety a viable leveling spec
>5 million players
>3.1 billion chinks and bots
It's over, Blizzard is finished!
so you are stupid. legion is even more unpopular than wod, dont need the numbers to know it. if they are lucky they still have 7 digits
back when pve players were also pvp players
>ywn gather form a circle with your guild mates after downing thunderaan to witness an epic duel and see thunderfury in action
>I want the game to die as much as you
Y tho?
What difference does it make?
Yes, I too will miss the game that popularized extensive DLC, popularized subscription models, popularized selling vanity items, popularized lootboxes, etc.
>alakhazam and thotbot didn't exist back then because my history revisionist says so
>legion is even more unpopular than wod
but that's your opinion
>server emptier than ever
I feel like the harsh segregation of PvE and PvP is a huge mistake many MMO devs keep making nowadays. It artificially cuts character progression into two paths because people are fucking babies.
>Waah this guy with raid gear killed me in PvP wttfff grind2win game -.--
>Waaah this guy with PvP gear outDPS'd me in a raid wtf PvP is supposed to just be a minigame for faggots who aren't skilled enough to press frostbolt frostbolt frostbolt in a raid setting
Just let me fucking play the game in various ways to progress.
I just paid 30 usd for a character transfer the other day, turned my femtaur into a femworg. What's the better of the two dps specs for dk currently? For hitting consistent big numbers.
>server emptier than ever
why did they create an npc for him?
Same here. Played the game for over ten years, quit in WoD because it was so awful, and the only regret I have is playing the last few months of Cataclysm and playing WoD at all. Aside from that, I don't regret for a second that most of my teenage years were spent playing WoW. I wish I could go back to the summer of 2006.
the graph i posted shows a downward trend, heres you evidence you fucking cuck
Retail will not die though. Every expansion brings a fucking ton of players, vanilla is just an old-niche game that it´s filled with nostalgic fags.
I enjoyed Nost a lot but it lacks a lot of mechanichs from modern wow that make the gameplay quite stale, also the dungeon finder is great since my guild wasn´t connected 24/7, world is bigger, more items, raids, etc...
Also i don´t get mixed with mafias in retail, is just big papa blizzard being retarded, but not 4 chinesse guilds literally controlling everything.
Because he was the best warrior and pvper in Vanilla.
>vanillafags still think 10k is a fucking massive number
but that's for only for wod. For all we know legion could have as many subs as mop or it could be at an all time low. we just don't know.
Well, we still think that UBRS or AQ was hard so...
>some shitty private server represents anything at all
wow retail fags are just a lot smarter than the average person it seems
LOL DAE remember old WoW? lol
This comment would be a lot more interesting if 10k was referring to 10k HP or 10k damage.
Because I think the inflation of HP/damage/whatever numbers in both WoW and D3 is a huge problem.
No one cares about Kurdistani cuck servers.
Name one other number that vanillafags have boasted about and thrown more in retailfags' faces than muh glorious apex 10k population.
execpt vanillashitters constantly like to brag about their 10k pop damn near every fucking second as if thats not literally 1% of the current retail pop
You're still playing the same game with a lower sub count than it had in Vanilla/TBC/WotLK you literal mong.
all i am trying to say is blizzard backed legacy servers would get you a lot more than only 10k
You clearly don't get it
So what exactly did you vanillabros do in wetlands that made it anything more than a transit zone?
grinding for a little dragon pet
I think it's just because people are too lazy to make new images of Wojak plastered onto a zone map.
Wetlands was a relatively unremarkable zone.
yeah I liked it when PvE was just a way to get sweet gear to own in PvP, that's also how Diablo 2 worked and the majority of the end game was creating builds for pvp with gear obtained killing bosses.
The absolute state of the official forums
The red line is your answer
> Legacy happens
> Start getting condensed bits of the later expansions but with no level inflation, just more specialized gear rather than higher tiers
but that's not vurtne
I'm asking besides that red line. From what I understand we're all sharing a beer over the glory days of autorunning for 8 straight minutes through a dull colored marsh and acting like we're vietnam veterans.
Exactly. This 100%.
Grinding gear in PvE for the sake of killing things faster in PvE only keeps me entertained for so long. At some point the time it takes to upgrade just makes it all feel not worth it anymore. This is what made me spent decades of playing Diablo II, and what makes PoE/D3/Whatever only interesting for a month max at a time of every season or league.
There was always a reason to keep grinding because of PvP, and always a reason to keep logging in to do some PvP even if you couldn't be arsed to grind. There's no reason to log into PoE if I don't feel like grinding.
Would you play an MMO that reset itself every month or so with a rotating cocktail of features and modifiers and something completely new to discover each time?
Sub based, so you pay 20 bucks for both the sub and the incrementally added new content?
My first experience in WoW was in Wetlands. A friend of mine was playing on his human paladin and doing quests for a big bog lord. It stuck in my mind and I remember to this day.
>I am very violent man physically and mentally.All time wasted is less fighting on the streets. The cracking of bones and moaning of my victims satisfies my slake of lust way more than this simplified joke of an RPG
hits me like no other
I'm still mad Diablo 3 never had PvP despite showing footage of it years ago. I'm glad the game is dead.
I feel like I'm the only one who likes both retail and the vanilla servers.
Just enjoy them for what they are! Both have their positives.
>if you had any insanity or human left in you you would have done this already
He's not clinging to a dead game you utter fucking retarded mong. He's reminiscing about good old times.
It will be microtransaction city and probably have some bullshit where you need to buy the expansion to play it but yes I'm excited for it.
>tfw vanilla was the ultimate escapism from my shit life.
>mfw my life is worse now and no other Mmo comes close to what it could provide.
Komm, süßer Tod, komm selge Ruh
I bet you're a healslut
I have very found memories of early WoW, but I understand that it was mostly a product of me being kid/teenager then. Don't get me wrong, the game was damn good, but the period in your life is responsible for a lot of the nostalgia.
We do, Legion is worse than WoD. I'm sorry you got paid off by (((Activision))) to shill but the truth is the truth even if you don't like it.
I wish priests weren't so boring to level. I'd like to have one at 110 but after hitting 70 I just can't take it anymore.
there's thousands of people playing on private servers today, you can always start playing there. light's hope (vanilla server) has more than 5000 people online right now and there's also a lot of people playing on warmanes wotlk and tbc servers.
> Legion is worse than WoD
again that's your opinion.
>I'm sorry you got paid off by (((Activision))) to shill
>you disagree with me so you must be a shill
>the spider cave in the 1-6 zone with the poisons
>the furbolg camp where the casters are grouped up together and hit you for 30-40 damage each
>the furbolg barrow where you pull 5 mobs at a time and 3 of them are always healers
>the marsh beasts with lightning shields that heal themselves
>the harpies that always stayed in groups of 3s and 4s
>no copper ore so miners were screwed
>the long 40 minute corpse-hopping trek if you wanted to go anywhere else
Was the Nelf starter zone the toughest starter zone in vanilla?
it's mostly about a certain kind of pve players who never ever want to engage in any pvp
That music just screams vanilla wow pvp to me.
>the furbolg barrow where you pull 5 mobs at a time and 3 of them are always healers
I played a druid and I legit could not kill the healers because they would outheal my damage.
I guess that's what grouping up is for.
Players now get extremely pissy if they are EVER forced into content they don't want to do. Was it in MoP or WoD that you were required to win two (2) BGs for a legendary questline, and there was no end of the crying about it.
pic related
>all those tears
>that level 19 twink who camped people in redridge
>the last time they ever did something like this
fuck blizzard man
>Was the Nelf starter zone the toughest starter zone in vanilla?
Probably, I don't think I can think of any other that's harder, there are some places that are hard like the Murloc camp in NE Elwynn maybe, but not like in it's entirety like Teldrassil.
As for starting+1 zones, like The Barrens, I'd say Westfall is the hardest one.
I wanna go back
>that level 1 twink who dueled level 20s in crossroads
>and won
More like fuck the fanbase
They fucked up cata because the fanbase cried too much
They stopped making cool things like the frozen throne even because they cried too much
They changed the talents because they cried too much.
Blizzdrones are the fucking worse.
Hold me