What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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>i posted it again xD
Most of Bioware staff that actually knew what they're doing left during DA2 development because of working conditions.
Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Bioware in general.
Woah... this ms paint comparison... has opened... my mind...
DA:O was pretty good desu. Probably one of the fantasies RPGs that got me invested in RPGs maybe because I learned to speak English by that time since they rely heavily on story and whatnot.
DA:2 was bland and DA:I was so fucking boring I could fall sleep while playing it, something that only VNs have accomplished with me
1. Bioware let the DA:O team spend FIVE YEARS making the game. No game they've made before or since has had that kind of development cycle.
2. Jennifer Hepler was, by Bioware standards, a good writer.
It was too good for any of its EAware sequels to even seem okay or alright
There's not enough energy in the building or several plane worths of jet fuel to even fatigue the steel beams you know.
Unlikely they'd even reach 600 Celsius.
They haven't produced anything worthwhile throughout their existence, Baldur's Gate was carried entirely by Black Isle and even that wasn't as great as your nostalgia clouded brain tells you.
>You can kill him off
Apart from the ones the devs decided would come back to life later because fuck your choices. Or the times they completely rob you of the choice to kill/stop a complete cunt because they are writer's pet and your character is forced to become a beta bitch and let it happen.
This but unironically
The Deep Roads, Brazilian Forest, The Fade
Why even pretend that you have played any of their older games becaues you clealry haven't.
More actually, I think the earliest screenshots were from 2002 and it released in 2009
Name some of those good early Bioware games.
Jade Empire, Kotor, Bloodlines, DA:O counts too.
Also kotor is typical bioware shit.
Any game they released before 2011
here's your you
KOTOR probably has the worst combat of any AAA release ever.
The muwic is BADASS, tho
Anything after Witch Hunt doesn't exist.
Every game they ever released before EA took over. Aka. all the games you have not played.
>caring about combat in an rpg
Fallout 4's in another thread son. Maybe you should go there.
False, that's Witcher 3
Morrigan's comments on her romanced Warden in DA:I are pretty cute m80 they totally happened
>What remains of BioWare now is "excited for Mike Laidlaw to see what the next DA will be"
In other words, the former lead designer and creative director has no fucking clue wha the next DA will be. And he left, what, a week ago.
They haven't even started doing anything and the last game was 3 years ago. Might as well just drop it because no one will remember what Dragon Age even is by the time they have that next game ready.
Take everything in Meh and put them down to Shit Tier, then move Jade Empire to Good, and ME2 to Meh and you will have a pretty accurate list.
Didn't they show some shitty-looking MMO called Anthem? I remember they hired actors to sound nothing like people playing an MMO and showed it off on E3.
Swap Kotor with BG1, drop DA:O, DA:I and ME3 down one
Anthem looks like some chimaera of all the Destiny/Titanfall related games.
If I had to guess, they started work on it the moment they saw positive reactions to their trailers, so it's going to be the video game equivalent to the string of 'name' Movie "parodies".
I'm also guessing they're going to fuck it up by making some marketing blunder before release, since their PR team is easily the worst I've ever seen in any industry.
That's depressing but maybe DA should just rest at this point before it turns into an MMO too
I whole heartedly believe that they should have released DA4 before a new Mass Effect. The wounds from ME3 were still fresh in a lot of people's minds and at least DA3 did not have a shitstorm around it. Plus, ME concluded its story with 3, there was no reason to reboot it so soon; while DA3 did not conclude shit and left it open for another game.