Post the Dark Souls of a series.
Post the Dark Souls of a series
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por and ooe are the worst castlevania metroidvanias....
Wrong, Harmony of Disonnance is worse.
Megaman X6
Super mario 2 lost level
no way
ya way
HoD is substantially worse than PoR.
HOD is better in almost every way.
That really upset me.
ZombiU was a fucking masterpiece, specially on WiiU
I'm pretty sad that people were too dumb to appreciate it.
>Path of Exile - The Dark Souls of Action RPGs
Then what the fuck is Dark Souls' genre?
With Action RPGs they probably meant Diablo-like games.
Is this harder than the other soulsborne games?
It's the easiest souls game.
It's the easiest.
Unironically this, the other Fallout games are all piss easy
What is the Dark Souls of Undervanias?
What's the game beneath Nocturne?
I think Dark Souls is the Dark Souls of Dark Souls.
this linear trash?
Oh god, this is getting as stupid as rock "genres".
Monster Girl Quest.
>Demon's Souls is the Dark Souls of Souls.
i'm terrible at games, but really didn't find fallout 4 hard, just time consuming.
fallout 3 i've tried to get into like 3 separate occasions, but i just can't do it. it's not even hard, just not fun compared to 4 or NV.
Shouldn't Cave Story be there too?
Crop the image with saucenao and google rever image search it, also you can read the title of the game, but I know you're just being a retard on purpose.
That's used for the series, when talking about other games people use "souls-like".
Oh come on.
Is DS piracy on 3DS a thing yet or do I still have to buy a chinese cart ?
You can play it on an emulator on your pc, there's no touch heavy controls.
That's not Lost Levels.
i think you just answered your own question there bud.
carts are dirt cheap these days.
strategic i-frame simulator
if you're a fan of old school mario, you oughta check out super mario bros crossover
fucking shit up in world 1-1 as one of the contra bros is pretty satisfying
I remember being stuck on the final boss for a day.