SMT Switch

>we're getting news on SMT Switch in 2 days
Who's /hype/ here?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm hype for the PS4 anouncement.


Yep, who's hyped for Cuphead LE PS4

8/10 hype. Really want a portable dark jrpg on the Switch.

There are several SMT games on PS consoles. Nice arguement, faggot.

user, except for the two ps2 games they've all been ports made well after the original release.

There hasn't been an SMT game made for PS consoles in over 10 years.

If it's Switch exclusive, I'll cave in and finally buy one. I have sincere doubts about it being multiplat.

2 Devil Summoner's
2 DDS games
Persona 1-5
>Persona 5 isn't on PS3 and PS4 exclusively

>comparing Persona and Devil Summoner to mainline SMT
fuck off
by that logic there is more chance that Persona 5 will come out on the Switch

I'm nervous it'll be more of the crappy IV world.

Pick one. Persona was always a Megami Ibunroku game not a Shin Megami Tensei game.

Hoping it's not SMT5 as between P5 and SMT4:A, I'm fucking sick of Tokyo for a while.

Nocturne. Also know as the best SMT game was on Playstation 2.

>the kindgom of Law

Mikado is much better than Tokyo. Too bad we have Mikado in 2D and fucking Tokyo in 3D.

Im sorry, what other Persona games have been released on Nintendo consoles. Also, every SMT game fits in the same universe. Dont give me the "MUH MAINLINE" bullshit.

>gameplay of SMT 4:A
>atmosphere and living, breathijng world of Nocturne
>models/art of P5
GOAT time boys

You realise that just about every Megaten game is set in Tokyo right?

Not Strange Journey or DDS.

>Dont give me the "MUH MAINLINE" bullshit.
Persona 5 confirmed for Switch then PQ confirms it.

>Strange Journey
>P3 and 4

In case you struggle with reading, can you tell me what those three words say above P3F?

None of those are SMT games.

Can't wait. Might be nice to finally chat SMT with my friends without having to explain what it is every time.

>just about every
As in the majority but not all.

What is it with Sup Forums and poor reading comprehension.

You are a retard, congrats.

Persona Q? How else would P5 have a portable version, anyway?
Also, look at this SMT game that doesn't even have Shin Megami Tensei in the title!
Atlus is clearly separating both brands, and Persona became it's own thing.

And the majority of those games came out long before the ones listed.

The majority of SMT games since the PS2 have NOT been set in Tokyo

What's with Sup Forums and not realizing "every SMT game is in tokyo" might mean it's time for less Tokyo?

Hmm it certainly couldn't be the error that has been attributed to Persona during that era that was removed with subsequent releases could it?

Persona Q was clearly the fan service game Sony didnt want. Nintendo got the non canon reject.

"SMT" was added to DDS and Persona titles for marketing purposes in NA releases.

I can sorta see your retarded logical leaps in regards to Persona but how in the fuck is Strange Journey not an SMT game?

I'd like a game entirely set in the eastern kingdom of mikado, it changes from the usual tokyo setting

Q is actually canon now.
And I like how you've resorted to a "muh mainline" argument.

Youre right, it certainly wasnt the characters or gameplay ripped from other SMT games. Fucking idiot.

>fanservice game Sony didn't want
>Etrian Odyssey with Persona skin

And "Revelations" was originally the American name for SMT so whats your point my dude

>"Revelations" was originally the American name for SMT
Except it wasn't.

So, we're saying bullshit Street Fighter and Dance Dance Revolution ripoffs are canon? Also, PQ is the EO ripoff in case you didnt know.

>Sonygro still don't know the difference between megaten and SMT

What is this thread even?

I have no expectations. I just want to see what the setting and new MC look like.

>we're saying bullshit Street Fighter and Dance Dance Revolution ripoffs are canon?
Dude 4A/U and 4DAN were always canon.
As was Q.

For daring to suggest that an SMT game may not be set in Tokyo and that it won't be coming to PS4, the ludites have come out of the woodworks to complain.

They are spin-offs. Not Shin Megami Tensei games.

>a game with a shitton of reused assets, almost exactly the same gameplay, and only a slightly different structure is not the same series
wew lad

They're fanfiction tier knockoffs with zero gameplay from SMT or Persona. Im sure it was some Atlus NA weeb who said theyre canon.

So what you're saying is... that when I said in my first post that I hoped it wasn't SMT5 so that it wouldn't be set in Tokyo... that I was completely justified?

how are you so fucking stupid, seriously just fuck off

Same complaints every thread. I know smtg is always there for "actual discussion" but I'd like to hear some predictions about the game itself sometimes.
>may not be set in Tokyo
Where's that coming from?

Uh yeah.
It's part of the Megaten series but SMT is a completely different set of games.

Holy shit, this thread is cancer.

>What is this thread even?
No one has news since it comes out in a few days so the theeads have devolved into the usual consolewar/is persona part of the series shitposting.

>Revelations: Persona September 20, 1996
>Revelations: The Demon Slayer, August 27, 1999
And then it was abandoned, P2 got a stealth half release and SMT games weren't localized until Nocturne. Please don't talk if you don't know

Now show me the gen 7/8 SMT games

>Im sure it was some Atlus NA weeb who said theyre canon.
Atlus JP actually.

But user, Im merely trolling for (yous). Now post your "only pretending to be retatded" image and leave.

Strange Journey was originally developed as SMT4. The gameplay is near identical to classic SMT

>Is Persona a part of the series shit posting

I see now that this is actually a thing. I've been out of the loop for awhile apparently.


It's less a ''is Persona part of the series'' and more a ''is Persona a mainline game'' sort of deal.

How is it hard to understand? Persona is not a part of the main series but it is part of the Shin Megami Tensei franchise as a spin-off. There's no reason for this every thread.

Also, SMT if... apparently ties the two together continuity wise.

Megami Ibunroku
Megami Tensei Gaiden
They are literally not SMT games user. They're MEGATEN games but not SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI games. Please don't talk if you don't know.

fuck purseowner s0nyggers for shitting up the thread. and fuck anyone that replies to his obvious bait.

can't wait to see if best demon makes it in.


>Persona is not a part of the main series but it is part of the Shin Megami Tensei franchise as a spin-off.
They were literally never SMT games.

This. Im not even a sonyfag but its so easy to bait consolefags.

>never SMT games
Correct, it is a spin-off.

Does this mean SJ is a spinoff?

tbqh even if it comes out on PS4 I'll still get it for Switch for the comfy handheld factor.

Performance wise a turn based jrpg with presumably P5's engine won't be a significant downgrade so portability wins for me.

They were never spin offs either. They were their own series.

>Also, SMT if... apparently ties the two together continuity wise.
It doesn't, Persona was just inspired by its high school setting and the port gave you bonuses for having other Atlus game saves.
That's the extent of their connection.

Persona,[a] also known as Shin Megami Tensei: Persona, is a video game franchise developed and primarily published by Atlus.[b] Focusing around a series of role-playing video games, Persona is a spin-off from Atlus' Megami Tensei franchise, and was originally based on the high school setting of Shin Megami Tensei If.... The first entry in the series, Revelations: Persona,[c] was released in 1996. There have since been five further main titles, with the latest—Persona 5—being released in 2016 in Japan.

Also, the plot of shin megami tensai and Persona are literally connected. How can you be this retarded?

SJ is a SMT game. It says so in the damn Japanese title.

They have always been their own series but the basis of the gameplay as well as the demon summoning developed out of the SMT games. Without SMT, there is no Persona. Much like without Megami Tensei, there is no SMT.
Unsure. Technically it was supposed to be SMT4 but that was changed during development. By definition it could be considered a spinoff but I believe Atlus treats it as a mainline title.

>Shin Megami Tensei: Persona
It was never called this. It was Megami Ibunroku Persona or Revelations Persona.

>the plot of shin megami tensai and Persona are literally connected.
They aren't.
If... inspired Persona but the games have no story connection.

So does Persona 3 and 4. Are they still spinoffs?

>but the basis of the gameplay as well as the demon summoning developed out of the SMT games.
Duh, that's because they're both MegaTen games what you aren't getting is that SMT and Persona are two different sets of games.

Click on this link, scroll down to the Japanese cover art and tell me where the kanji is for Shin Megami Tensei?

If..., NINE and Strange Journey are mainline titles. They just aren't numbered because they don't take place in Tokyo.

I've been agreeing with you. SMT and Persona are two entirely different entities. This doesn't change the fact that Persona was conceived out of SMT if... thus making it a spinoff.

I'm unsure as to why you're even arguing with me. I'm not saying that Persona is SMT, I'm saying the opposite.

>Also, the plot of shin megami tensai and Persona are literally connected. How can you be this retarded?
Snow Queen quest ain't canon. Just like Raidou in Soul Hackers.

I know that that's the English only title, but the rest of my point still stands. The Persona series is openly a spinoff of Shin Megami Tensei. You're arguing semantics when the creators even refer to it as a spinoff.

>They aren't.

Persona 2 features the "Kuzunoha Detective Agency" which originates from SMT: Devil Summoner for the Sega Saturn, and it also features Tamaki Uchida, the female protagonist of Shin Megami Tensei: If...

Tamaki also appears as a character in Persona 1.

>This doesn't change the fact that Persona was conceived out of SMT if... thus making it a spinoff.
user that's not what a spin off is.


>implying im weeb enough to learn and read kanji

What's a spinoff?


OP's mom

Are we expecting a Persona game or a SMT game or something else?

We are expecting an SMT game based off of the trailer.

nice this is probably the only game that would make me buy a switch

>post hype for new SMT
>thread derails in sony fanboy arguments
Wow... who cares about ps4 now? It's not like it was a problem when III came out on ps2.
IV was on 3DS, and V will probably be for switch.
If you like the series you shouldn't care about which console gets the game, since you can afford a shitty console, right?
For fuck's sake this board needs a purging, it can't be like this every single time. Go to Sony HQ and suck everyone's dick if you care about them this much, and the same goes for nintenbabbies an xboners, microsoft shill and PCbros. Go and suck off cocks at your favourite corporation.
Leave us to games and discussions about games.
Yes I'm fucking mad.

>Hype for SMT
>go into SMT thread
>pointless infighting and console warring
Thanks v

>Buying consoles for 1 (one) game

That is pretty retarded

i don't know why you were expecting something else

All console smt games are on playstation

>Pointless infighting and console warring
That should be Sup Forums's tagline

I won't get it if I can't go law