ITT: things you've learned to never trust in games

ITT: things you've learned to never trust in games

High elves
Dark elves
Wild elves
Snow elves
Sea elves
Wood elves

Other urls found in this thread:

Are there any elves you're okay with?

yeah, sex slave elves are ok

Daedra Muslims

Cumdumpster elves

Elves that give good amount of EXP when you kill them.

What's wrong user?

blood elves




Happy merchant races like goblins and shit. Mass murder is the only way to deal with these fuckers.

every single Mer is some form of degenerate or psychopath, Pelinal was correct

>Sea elves
I need pics


Pelinal needs to come back in TESVI, these Elves are getting too uppity.


These sounds cool as fuck

dead elves
