By far the most innovative shooter of this century

by far the most innovative shooter of this century

It's pretty fun, and Ubisoft does seem to be /trying/ to fix the issues that plague it. That said, it's Ubisoft and they can't do anything right.

Here, this might help.

the original trailer looked like an innovative shooter
what ubisoft released is a "tactical" CoD

>can ads = cod


With latency issues so bad I'm surprised I'm not leading my shots 2 meters in front of what I'm shooting at like when Halo first released on PC.

>has drones = not cod


>Every shooter is cod, even before cod every shooter was cod

siege is cod though, why are you pretending it isn't

in cod you have to get 3 kills in order to jew the enemy position, in siege you get a gadget
NOT cod

Because it's not. You aim down sights and shoot people, the similarities begin and end there.

does it have sprinting? does it have weapon customization? does it have fast ttk? does it have some sort of way to play with different "perks"? is it mostly close quarters? is it a twitch shooter?

Yeah, but this last update was by and large the worst in a while. I don't mind the clusterfuck of new operators they included, but they should've been introduced differently. At this point the game would benefit from tweaks to the current operators rather than new ones who don't do much more than cause random chaos, i.e. this slut.

so this is the power of the most innovative shooter of this century

> get peeked in cod
> shit on the peeker
pretty innovative of ubisoft tbqh, I always felt it was unfair to me when I couldn't just bust into the room and kill the guy who is looking straight at me

Ela ruins the game more than Cav and Ash

I'll bite. Most of your questions are vague though and there's important tweaks in siege to most similarities, for example sprinting is present in a lot of games but the longevity of the sprint, the speed at which you can stop etc can all greatly effect gameplay and does not automatically make every game with sprint cod.

>does it have sprinting?
yes, although it's far more limited than recent cods
>does it have weapon customization?
Yes although you can only customize weapons that are available to a specific character and not all weapons can be customized in the same way
>does it have fast ttk?
It has fast ttk, all headshots are always 1 hit kill (with a single exception being cavs pistol), which depending on the mode you play in CoD is an important difference
>does it have some sort of way to play with different "perks"?
No, each character can choose equipment like grenades or breaching charges but you can't choose more health over higher speed, those are pre determined by which character you choose
>is it mostly close quarters?
It's only close quarters, every map centers around an enclosed building, defenders can't leave the building without their position being quickly shown to the attacking team, in cod everyone can run around outside without being tracked by default
>is it a twitch shooter?
No, you rely far more on pre aiming, you generally can't run around and reliably get kills like cod, if you actually play the game like cod you will lose the majority of the time, which is the biggest indicator that it isn't similar enough to cod to be called a clone, this isn't even mentioning the extent of destruction, rappelling, cams, drones and all the differences I've already mentioned.

Which CoD is Siege?

I would actually enjoy the game more without the new operators. Also the update cut my framerate by 1/3rd, it's fucking ridiculous how much they fucked up the experience for me.

>cod/cs with gimmicks

Pubga is more innovative than this garbage, and i havent even touched that normie game.

they ruined the game with too many deviantart oc operators

theres too much dumb gimmicks and gadgets to look out for now

of course their business model doesnt work without constantly adding ops, so it was inevitable

>people are honestly mad they can't run in and clear a room with Ash anymore

Just Thatcher shit, bro.

This game has terrible shooting.
>every weapon 1 shots to the head
>no spread increase at fullauto
>aim at headlevel

pair this with terrible netcode and the result is utter trash


>>every weapon 1 shots to the head

How is this a bad thing?

>theres too much dumb gimmicks and gadgets to look out for now

git gud

not an argument

it's Search and Destroy but with wall destruction and gimmick gadgets

yeah i sure do love fucking ghosts shooting me you're retarded.

Its a bad thing because it is paired wtith weopons that are too acurate at full auto. Which promotes spray and pray in the general direction of the enemy.

The ak in cs go is the right way 1 shot headshots are implemented. You have to control the recoil or tap fire.


is this a bad thing? I can't tell because you could apply it to any games mechanics.

It's a good thing in that it always gives one player a decent chance against multiples, it also allows for you to quickly execute flanks knowing you can take players down instantly with the correct shots, it also reduces retarded drawn out firefights.
It's also a bad thing because as said the weapons are highly accurate, which isn't negative in and of itself but because you can stay very accurate while moving, coupled with netcode means you can prefire and round corners getting a kill before the enemy player knows what's happening. This is extremely bad when it counter acts what you would assume were valid tactics, like holding a corner, with good cover and covering a certain position waiting for anyone to expose themselves, however in Siege the person may expose themselves for a split second, you may not even see their character model (or a sliver of it) and bang your dead by a headshot.

I think you meant cs:go

They need to nerf Ela

I stopped playing once the bew season began because there were way too many bugs. Have they been ironed out?

I'm sorry but that's not senran kagura peach beach splash

It's also by far the most boring


Yeah, it certainly innovates new ways to piss me the fuck off.
God damn this game gets more broken with every patch.

>a causalised codified counter strike is the most innovative shooter

U wot m8?

This. I wanted a shooter to play with my brother and we both got bored of this game real quick. It's very much based on map knowledge and dirty tricks and nothing to do with being tactical like the game seems to portray.

It is also the most buggy because ubisoft are incompetent hacks

Great shooter that Sup Forums sucks at so it gets shit on here most of the time since Sup Forums is a echo chamber

>It's very much based on map knowledge and dirty tricks and nothing to do with being tactical like the game seems to portray.
No. Map knowledge and dirty tricks (outside of obvious bug/glitch abuse) are the bread and butter you need master before you can get to the actual tactical coordinated teamplay. And im talking high plat and diamond here, which is the place you naturally end up eventually unless you are genuinely awful at aiming.

Admittedly the game has a huge learning curve thanks to it (like 80-100h for absolute basics and 300:ish to actually master the essentials), but even while learning its a lot of fun and more rewarding than most competitors because 9 times out of 10 you learn something from your deaths.

It's literally CS:GO for people with no skill

no, that would be last of us multiplayer

currently there is a gap in swat 4 genre games and r6 siege is the only one who fills it

looking at their potential rival, ready or not using unreal engine 4. i think r6 siege will stay at the top

All they have to do is to make a game with decent netcode, high TTK, and not completely retarded sound.

>high TTK
For what purpose?

Is Ready or Not even supposed to be MP? I imagined it would be SP / Co-Op in the style of SWAT.

I've had this game since launch but I'm just so terrible at it I can't have fun. Even the bot missions are hard for me. I feel like something just isn't clicking

Tom Clancys Rainbow Six ALWAYS had fast TTK. Long before CoD existed. Most of mechanics in siege predate CoD.

Jesus fucking christ I swear 90% of this board is underaged or fucking retarded.

What a brainlet question.
It makes slow firing weapons worthless, it makes armor worthless, and it makes speed and abusing netcode alongside high RoF weapons the best option.

So it's not another "nothing personnel kiddo, I saw you first - the game" which plays like cowadooty with few """tactical""" elements.

>It makes slow firing weapons worthless,
Still a one shot headshot though? In fact it makes slow fire rate weapons more viable.
>it makes armor worthless,
It makes rook armor useless, it rewards accuracy.
>and it makes speed and abusing netcode alongside high RoF weapons the best option
That'd be the best option even if headshots didn't get a damage multiplier.

This is the kind of shit that angers me the most, you advertise your game as a highly technical esport but it's full of garbage latency problems

>I wan't a reelistic tactical breaching game!
>but I don't want fast TTK, what is this call of duty? everyone knows tactical means shrugging off automatic fire!

By far the most mismanaged shooter of the century

Looks sort of promising but is it a kickstarter?

Something tells me that it's going to fall flat.
Really looking for something a little less arcadey as Siege but not as milsimy as ARMA but Void interactive seem to be literal whos

Who are you quoting?

>underaged or fucking retarded.
Just like most of the siege players
t:diamond and playd since day 1

we need doors
seriously this game need doors

i just hope they wont do the RO and Insurgency tier REALISTIC MEANS RETARDED AIMING AND CLUNKY GAMEPLAY DUDE LMAO

Are you 12 or actually retarded?

>cs with gadgets and gurl operatives
Yeah, so much innovations

>being underage
leave kid

>can't say anything smart
>start projecting
heh, typical siege target audience
even previous rainbow six games was more complex and fun than siege, won't even talk about how good compared to siege was SWAT

>starts spouting dumb memebuzzwords
>gets called out being a retard
>no+no you are dumb
gadgets and women were in the first Rainbow Six you underage child
now go back to mommy

>starts spouting dumb memebuzzwords
What's meme about "gadgets and gurl operatives"?
It's things THAT IS IN GAME.
Also, forot CoD shooting mechanics, yeah
>gadgets and women were in the first Rainbow Six you underage child
Gadgets is CORE of siege gamedesign
And show me something like this in first r6

>all FPS mechanics are now COD
wow you really cant back out from being outed as a retard and just keep saying them buzzwords like the retard you are lmao
>gadgets are core of R6
im glad you managed to understand that after i told you since you obviously havent played a single one

>Its CS
>now its COD
running out of memes?