Will you play videogames with your children?
Will you play videogames with your children?
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I have given myself to 2D, I will likely not have children. But in the extremely unlikely event that I do, yes.
Well, you're in luck.
>Liking LOLSORANDOM shit
I don't want kids,but if I meet someone that truly is the one and she really wants a kid,I'll probably go for it eventually.
In that case,yes. Not sure if I'd play modern stuff with them or show them what I liked when I was younger. Even modern favorites could be a decade or more older than them.
I tried. My kids grew up to be athletes. They bully me because I don't go to the gym and just play video games. I hate having to go to their fucking games too. High school gyms smell like balls and I get flashbacks but if I don't go then I'm the worst father on earth.
post more Gaz
>nephew-in-law? (wife's nephew) is 12
>played some Lego cop game with him
>it didn't suck ass
I could handle playing kid games with kids.
>wife's nephew
He's your nephew too, bro
Why aren't things as edgy as they were in the 00's?
You'd never get a new cartoon that's like Zim nowadays
I wish they would shove their gayness in my face
easy there cuckboi
Which faggot made that one?
dont know ,
that cat faggot i guess
>implying even 5% of Sup Forums will even get a chance to breed
My wife grew up playing Doom, wolfenstein, half-life and unreal tourney with her dad because he was a stay at home wounded vet. Redpilled her and made her have good taste
Except that she loves the sims, taletell games, and is absolute trash at fighting games
>Except that she loves the sims, taletell games, and is absolute trash at fighting games
You just described 99% of girls who play videogames user.
so she play darksouls now?
not asian women, for some reason they do fair at fighting games and yellow girls are like 60% of the planet.
>Literally an FPS god descended from the heavens
>Suck shit at any and all fighting games, quarter circle and Z-motions make my hands seem like they're in molasses
>My friends only play fighting games
Can't have it all, I guess
>Adam and Steve
I guess it's time to take the yellow pill.
Is this a LOL thread now?
Working on Demon Souls, but FPS are her bread and butter from the old days.
Witcher 3 is still her favorite game to date, and I recently ran through DMC series and snake eater with her, but she had have me beat vergil 3 (she refused to not sure royal guard or Swordmaster that she leveled up) due to FPS skills not translating well to action titles.
>reinforcing reproduction and the bliss of receiving-holes with deep contracting is OK
That seems like a good vidya topic, but the reports / moderation scene is touchy right now.
That's just sad
Probably not, but I have gotten my little cousin into games like Fire Emblem and FFT. She's 100% normie but when its just our family or whatever she'll play the shit out of it. Something about all the tactics and units / organization is a thing that really appeals to her from what I've gathered from our conversations.
>Gays are just moderate
>Pick related is a moderate LGBTQP+ drag queen reading to ch1ldryn at a library
any kids that wouldn't run screaming from that hideous thing are too far gone. they've already been conditioned to homo shenanigans.
I really liked Invader Zim, the weird ass, edgy artstyle and bizzare humour was pretty unique
No, cause I don't plan on having children I'm not gonna bring a child into this world when I can barely take care of myself.
Maybe when I'm considered rich ($250k or more a year) I'll shoot out some baby batter in some woman or whatever.
Because demographics change. 00's were filled with edge because thats what people wanted back then.
I'd love to have kids but I can't into women.
sounds awful. What can you get out of a wife that you can't get from anything else?
>implying i will ever have kids
>implying i will ever have a gf
>implying i will ever talk to a girl
For the question, id love too.
>Don't want to bring anyone into a world where they have to compete viciously, or else they'll be forced into misery
>Hate industrialized life
>Isolated in every way, and have a horrible time making friends
>Great swathes of your life are burned through in modern day wage-slavery
absolutely not, if i ever have children i'll forbid them from ever touching vidya
why the fuck would i allow my children to live the painful life of a videogame addict?
This. I'dd rather push heroin on them, than condemn them to the slow and horrible hell of a life that is videogame addiction.
If my son was like me, i would consider him a failure
Depends. Personally, I'm not a huge beliver in kids playing games from a young age (or watching too much TV for that matter or any type of electronic form of entertainment). Up unitl their like 10 or so that stuff should be limited and they should instead be playing outside or with toys and such, and only moderately using stuff like vidya. After that, up until their in high school, they should be more free to choose what they want, but it's the parents job to help them learn how to do stuff in moderation and to use their time wisely.
Once their in highschool, assuming they have good taste and my playing with them doesn't cause them to forgo their responsibilities like chores or school, then sure I'd play with them
>being so shit at rasing a child that you can't teach them how to play games without being an addict
>play games without being an addict
you wither quit while you can, or stay hooked for life.
choose life, kid. stop playing video games
Nope, gay.
Guess I'll be forced to
>play video games with my bf on our high-end PCs into retirement
I grew up in the same situation except my parents never went to my games.
we are in a shitty fucking situation. If you avoid your children from being enslaved by various electronics, he won't fit in in the techno zombie civilization of the future
I don't think I'll ever have children, but if I ever do, then sure.
I'll die virgin so no
I can get love from a dog, and a dog has a better probably sticking around as well as being completely faithful to me.
Yes, as well as teaching him whatever the newest programming methodologies are when that time comes. If my kid is a girl then I'm giving her up for adoption
Already do. All sorts of games, but nowadays me and my daughter take turns on Tekken 7 online and wrecing left and right with Lily.
what is the best invader zim ep
The Wettening
Battle of the Planets
Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars
The Frycook What Came from All That Space
*holds up spork*
*holds up spork*
Post the one where the waitress wants to fuck her brother
>Will you play videogames with your children?
Of course not. I will make sure my kid never finds out Video games exist, along with Anime, Comics and Capeshit as long as possible. I want my kid to be the most normal human being so nothing of that crap. And with Smartphones until all his friends have one
Sure why not.
My mom used to play PS1 RPGs with me, her favorite was Legend of Dragoon.
Nowadays she builds huge cities in Minecraft. My dad had like 300 hours in Borderlands 2 before he died last year.
My son plays CoD and Destiny. I can't make myself like Destiny but we do go a couple rounds in CoD.
Dog don't love you, it has no soul.
Post Dobson.
neither do women
No since I won't have them.
I really, really miss emo girls.
>Time to offer BLOOD for the glory of SATAN
>I didn't know you were Jewish
>Sup Forums
>having children
That's funny.
My wife probably couldnt create children, too young
>you will never be that guy
I'd sooner deep-throat the barrel of a shotgun than have children.
There are more gay/bi people around you than you would ever realize, most of them arent drag queens tho so its hard to tell
Being gay is more natural than anything else we do, yknow
>Children these days suck. Parents don't know what they're doing and pushing a generation away from hard work and responsibility and towards degeneracy.
>No, I won't take any steps to fix this issue by having kids and raising them right. Why do you ask?
Being gay isn't natural. What'd they expect? The comic's deflection doesn't work based on our very basic biology.
If I'm already in the minority of non-degenerates what makes you think my child won't be the same?
>This level of reading comprehension
Nice deflection.
women do have souls, a dog will never have an emotional attachment to you, and thats just science
Whats that rodent so smug about?
You're asking me why I think something is false when I directly implied it's true.
>Being gay isn't natural
Prove it
Sex between a biological man and a biological woman makes babies.
All that statement proves is that sex between a biological man and a biological woman makes babies.
If I have children that jave an interest in games, yes.
Im 23 and my folks are from old Soviet Europe, so they have no interest in this stuff. I get a littlr envious when I see teenagers hanging out with their parents who love vidya at esports events, it says alot about both of them. I wanna give that to my kids.
if a biological penis is put into a biological anus does that make it natural?
What JRPG is this?
Me and the girlfriend aren't sure if we want kids, but if we have 'em then yeah probably.
Final Reality XIII
At least I don't have to buy it 3 times.
I’m in tears
Why not just do it anyway
>tfw membrane will never be your dad