What would you want to see in an actual Thief 3?
Thief/Dark Mod bread
Thief 2 Gold, actually. The last few missions of TMA felt a bit rushed
Thief 3 is already a pretty great game with the Sneaky Upgrade.
Thief 1/Gold
Thief II
Ultima VII
Ultima Underworld
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario World
RollerCoaster Tycoon
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
>reinstall TDM
>it doesn't run like shit
Finally. What are some good missions (preferably spooky ones for the Halloween season).
Thi4f is a better game than this old trash
thief 3 exists
so does thief 4
its dishonored
thief 5 dishonored 2 was one of my fav games this year
You say it like the original games didn't have problems.
>no light/shadow play
>sound hardly matters at all since crouching makes you silent
>a Thief game
still more stealth and loot grabbing in a large open sandbox level than any other game made since Thief 1 and 2
also Thief 1 was originally a sword fighting simulator so its pure pottery with dishonored
shit bait, doesn't even deserve a (You)
I don't know how you took that away from my post. Thief 1 and 2 absolutely have problems. My issue with the later ones is that for the most part they have the same problems, and less of the things that were good about Thief to boot.
What exactly is a 'problem' here?
Thief 3 had a lot of improvements over its predecessors like much better and interesting guards, dynamic lights and shadows and a better plot.
It also doesn't have tediously long levels like in 2, some levels can be too linear and short but if you get the update that removes the loading screens then they're pretty fun.
I also like the special loot and how you have to read notes and books to find them.
Thief 3 has its share of problems but I think people never gave it the chance it deserved just because it's third person by default even though you can play in first person just fine and the handholding tutorial.
And we're not going to get something like that again other than some lame kickstarter project.
>last time I replayed TDP was like 5 years ago
>still immediately recognized the starting branch from the prison mission
I miss it when videogames had memorable levels instead of open world meme
Old stealth games are even easier to break than the modern bug filled ones
Just more of what 1 and 2 did with better graphics (they don't need to be amazing, just improved from 1 and 2) and overall production value. AI could be improved too. No need to really "innovate" and I can't think of anything they could do to really make it better besides just improving what is already there. Keep the custom levels too.
Thief 3 felt really clunky to me. I also ran into a bug that required me to load a save, which I never have in the first two games. The dynamic lights and shadows don't really add anything other than looking pretty either and I honestly think Thief 3 looks like garbage despite its graphical upgrades. I don't really like how TDM looks either.
Again, what are you complaining about? That a videogame has technical limitations?
Its like saying that chess sucks because the bishop piece doesn't look like bishop at all and resembles a dildo, its irrelevant to the enjoyment you get from the game.
Here's your (You).
>Thief 3 felt really clunky to me
This is exactly what comes to mind when someone mentions Thief 3. Ion Storm really made both it and Invisible War feel like you're controlling a tank.
As a game series Thief is carried by merits not related to its title.
I recognized it too fuck me.
It's the first staircase up into the prison in Cragscleft
Let the Builder bless Looking Glass
What is the best fan mission and why is it Ominous Bequest Gold?
Looks is what has put me off of TDS for so long. Start it up and see that hideous interface with papyrus font, then you start the game and everything has a blue tint, and dark areas don't actually appear dark. Then you start playing and feel the controls, and I just never bothered to put in more than 10 minutes because of all that - why bother when I could play FM's instead?. But I'm gonna give it another shot over vacation.
I've always been sour about Ominous Bequest because of a glitch or a scripting issue or something that trapped me in the crypts. I'll have to give it another try.
My favorite is Gems of Provenance, or if counting that whole campaign as one mission is cheating then Inverted Manse.
Post favorite levels.
Get the Sneaky Update and just don't expect the exact same game as the other ones and you will have fun, the movement is kinda janky since it's designed for third person but the biggest issue is that you sometimes get stuck in the jumping animation but you can fix it by saving then loading.
Fuck that, what are some good Halloween missions?
Came here to post this
No you didn't.
Bonehoard motherfucker.
Listen here, taffer. TDS is underrated and with the Sneaky Upgrade it's pretty much on par with TG and TMA. There's a series of podcasts floating around the web where they interview several ex LGS employees. Has some great insight into TDS and made me appreciate it more.
>TDS is underrated and with the Sneaky Upgrade it's pretty much on par with TG and TMA.
>t. has never even played TDS past the tutorial
Probably because it's clunky garbage and he probably got stuck in the terrain in the tutorial.
>WOOOOOOW I am stuck in mid-air whatever could I do this game is artificial difficulty I am not playing this shit I'll just go back to Minecraft instead
Who are you quoting?
square brackets newfriend [ ]
More like go back to playing Thief 1 and 2.
I am paraphrasing.
That bug seriously pisses me the fuck off. The game is basically unplayable thanks to it.
It doesn't happen that often.
How? You reload and it's fixed. If you're worried about the sound Garret makes when landing, just float to a safe spot first. Should be ez because you don't even make any sound when floating.
How come Metal Age had such horrid, boring levels? Nothing like Sword, Bonehoard, or Song of Caverns. And then the game fucking dares to make you play THE SAME level twice
Did you forget the last three of TDP as well as the fucking guild?
TDP had way worse levels than MA
Would they be better if you filled them with undead and burricks?
>game is called Thief
>spend most of it fighting zombies and monsters while breaking into buried and deserted places
Gee whiz, if only someone had already come up with a video game series that focuses on raiding tombs.
>game is called Thief
>spend most of your time spying on people, planting evidence, investigating murders, kidnapping, storing yourself on a submarine, eavesdropping, and escaping ambushes
At least in TDP you were grave robbing.
Thief 2 is the most unthieflike Thief.