>party member abandons you
Party member abandons you
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who the fuck is this guy? I keep seeing pictures of him on here. is he some kind of new meme?
I cri evertim
It's mark zuckerberg you faggot
>party member swaps gender
This has to be bait.
that's the founder of reddit
>hero abandons his quest and becomes the villain's lackey
Name a game that does this.
>Best party member gets killed permanently by a normal enemy
I'm glad he got out, nothing but pain and tragedy here.
Tales of Symphonia
It's a true testament to the power of human will.
Maybe if we all tried hard enough, we could leave this place too.
Moot, former admin
likes to watch bad anime
betrays. the word you're looking for is betrays.
Golden Sun
>they take their current equipment with them
>you equipped them with a useful, one-of-a-kind accessory that would have been vital to your continued success
>not giving all the crazy shit to your mc exclusively
Is this the lol thread?
Lufia & The Fortress of Doom kind of.
>betrays. the word you're looking for is betrays.
threre is a difference between abandoning and betraying.
Abandoning is where they got "fuck this shit, I'm out" and leaves the party and becomes a NPC.
Betrayal is when they leave the party and join the bad guys for whatever reason (brainwashing, family member is being held hostage by them, or something petty like "joining the winning side")
>party member leaves and keeps all the epic gear you've given him over the entire game
>Party member you've had for 200+hours dies
Is Moot a Crossdresser or were those pics a bunch of bullshit
>they reappear later in the game, still wearing your equips
>you have to fight them and you don't even get the equipment back when you defeat him
>Strong member leaves 25% through the game.
>Returns at the halfway point
>Immediately dies permanently
>Your entire party dies permanently shortly after
I miss him.
>X invited you to his party
Why do some faggots need to invite every possible ass that's running around doing quests?
>Party member betrays you
>Party member carries luggage
>Party member loses culture war
>Party member rolls need on shit that they cant use
It was me
The vilains are the real heroes in Golden Sun, so its more a case of you being the vilain
>Follower gets stuck
>Have to walk in circles to get him unstuck
>Main character dies halfway through the game
>The rest of the party picks up the slack and continues on without them.
>They all die too.
>Follower gets stuck
>Can't finish Fallout:NV until they patch the game a year and a half later.
fucking ed-e the useless sack of shit
One game.
>party temporarily splits up
>one of the groups consists solely of all your underleveled members
What if the MC is the one that leaves?
Fire Emblem (unless you play on pussy-mode)
>It was the shittiest and most incompetent party member but people only remember him fondly because they are mod/admin cocksuckers regardless of how well they do their job
It literally is. And you dumb mother fuckers keep bumping this idiot's thread.
>party member sells out the party
It's the guy who made YTMND.
>feeding the_donald newfags
neck yourself
Hiro Has done nothing wrong
It's CJayC
hi hiro
>paty member sells you out like a Judas
>but it's ok, you were an asshole to him anyways
Name three things he did wrong relating to the site
>party member wants to be the little girl
He hasn't closed Sup Forums yet
this isn't reddit/pol/etc..
>>paty member sells you out like a Judas
>>but it's ok, you were an asshole to him anyways
yeah, Tales of Symphonia does that with this guy and if you were a big enough of an ass ot him (or did the thing that guaranteed that someone else rejoins) you kill him right after he goes Judas on you
How about you tell us one thing you did right hiro-chan?
Ads out the ass, also selling information about the sites users
you fail to realize that Sup Forums is the containment board. closing it will not be a good idea.
>Sup Forums is the containment board
It isn't containing shit retard
No proof about selling user info, and He's kept the site up and running better than Moot ever could
all i did was say hi
i didn't say you did anything wrong hiro
bit defensive aren't you?
Added more moderators than ever.
If moot was still around blatant Sup Forumsshit would average a lifespan of 6 hours per thread instead of the current 20 min lifespan barring some exceptions.
Moot was a fucking faggot and I'm glad he's gone, his biggest mistake was not passing the torch back in 2007 before the site turned into a fucking mess.
Maybe LISA the painful. Some enemies you find in the game can eat or break the neck of one party member and they are fucked.
it contains all of the Trump dick suckers and the faggots who believe that (((Alex Jones))) is not the controlled opposition.
That's like saying you shouldn't dispose a leaking barrel of radioactive liquid. Sure it contains the bad shit, but it's spreading outside it's barrel.
Sup Forums loves to blame everything on being invaded when theyre the invaders and the original crowd left a long time ago
>it contains the /polfags I don't like,
No it doesn't Sup Forumsfag. In fact containment boards never work when they get really popular. It just makes the problem worse.
>containment board
Sup Forums and Sup Forums no longer serve their function due to this containment board leaking.
Yes but deleting it, now that will curb the influx won't it? Oh. Wait. No it won't.
Sup Forums is also a failed containment board too.
No that would be /vg/
Sup Forums has been a piece of shit with a ton of off topic threads long before Sup Forums became popular for whatever reason it became popular.
/vp/, /vr/, and /vg/ are the containment boards. It's not like Sup Forums or Sup Forums was infested with vidya related threads.
Sup Forums did more damage to the site than any other board besides Sup Forums.
Very new posters would immediately point at Sup Forums and while the damage they did is bad it isn't nearly as bad as the damage Sup Forums did.
Sup Forums damaged the site the most by going out into public and forcing memes.
t. The_Donaldfag pretending to be old
Sup Forums is more destructive than /new/ was. Guess what happened to /new/?
Sup Forums isn't a containment board, it's the landing point for redditors from /r/the_donald to colonise Sup Forums and spread to other boards, moot was right to shitcan it
name 1 game
Yes it would, back when moot filled Sup Forums with cuck stuff Sup Forumsfags tried to invade the other boards but they failed horribly and things calmed down. A large portion of them when to 4+4 chan. Now things are worse than ever thanks to the recent election. But if Sup Forums was deleted than none of these shitheads would have migrated because their would have been no board to discuss their nonsense.
Containment boards are just places for cancer to fester and multiply. This was in all honesty moot's greatest mistake.
>Pick a seemingly harmless dialog
>Party member got mad and quit
Tired of this meme, he's not the founder, Horishima is. Anybody can photoshop that shit
-Sup Forums destroyed discussion by popularizing misuse of greentext
-popularized reaction images and avatarfagging
-attracted more underages than any other board due to its childish content
-created awful forced memes that'd leak all over the place
-popularized triptrolling in 2009
One or two retards talking about SJWs are nothing compared to the site-wide damage this shithole of a board caused. If you disagree you're too new and maybe even part of the cancer.
Like I said Sup Forums was bad for the site, but Sup Forums was infinitely worse.
>Sup Forums is more destructive than /new/ was. Guess what happened to /new/?
Got remade into Sup Forums because Sup Forumstards would go everywhere else on a bigger scale than before. This was a much smaller userbase than it currently has mind you.
How do we know you aren't photoshopped?
/mlpol/ was only temporary
created /his/
Some goon cuck. We all wish we could be as naive as you.
Things calmed down because Moot revealed it was a joke and it was removed, genius.
Intentionally infecting phoneposters with malware.
When did I ever imply anything else you homo?
Good point but let me correct the point I should have corrected. A large portion DID NOT infact leave to that shitty other chan. A very vocal minority did, sure.
Are you going to tell me you don't know Jesse Eisenberg?
>You will never know your longest streak because you won't remember.
Baten Kaitos
The "Also where did you find that picture" kills me every time
Baldur's Gate 2
He was already a lackey tho
/mlp/ is a containment board, it stopped ponyshit on its tracks. /vp/ is a containment (though ultimately unnecessary since /vg/ exists) board, we see almost no pokemon threads anymore. Sup Forums is a failed containment board turned into a breeding grounds that has pretty much taken over the entire website.
>Added more moderators than ever.
Which doesn't do shit thanks to mobile data plans making it literally impossible to ban shitposters. Instead we get a lot of reddit janies with no more than 3 months of browsing Sup Forums under their belt making questionable judgement calls with no one to answer to, which was one of moot's fears in the first place.