Fucking hell these graphics are amazing.
This looks better than most linear games.
Fucking hell these graphics are amazing.
This looks better than most linear games.
Other urls found in this thread:
hol up
Is this Tenchu 1?
Fucking hell these shillposts are godawful.
They're more obvious than Sup Forums posters.
How is it a shitpost when it's true?
Origins looks better than Uncharted 4.
this looks like a playstation 2 game...
Reread the post you replied to.
How is it a shillpost when it's true?
Does stating facts make you a shill?
>60fps is better than 30fps
The gameplay looks tedious and generic.
Crysis 1 looked better
>1 million mods
no it didnt
And that is running on standard PS4! It will look mindshattering on a real gaming PC.
>the next field over has a roaring fire on it
>niggers just lazing about
Seems about right. Egyptian civilization died when they introduced the nubians. You can see the same shit happening with America today.
How is that true though when a PS4 is a supercharged PC? But the Xbox One will look a lot better due to the power of the cloud!
that actually isn't modded
t. 400 hours
that looks like shit
textures look low res, lighting looks flat, crops look copy paste
>how is fawning over the mediocre graphics of an open world Ubisoft game a shillpost
Gee, I wonder.
>mods don't count because they're made by amateurs in their basement on a 2007 game against a 2018 AAA game, no fair!
Pic related, no mods, still looks better.
that isnt modded, the foliage in default crisis was nice
Yeah, apart from the low poly models. There's just lots of them and high resolution textures.
Why does every ubi game have that horrible fadey effect for the distance
It makes every game feel like its surrounded by the thinnest fog in existance
Yes it is. Pic related is max settings.
To hid LOD transitions primarily.
Secondarily to focus your attention on closer shit.
looks like world of tanks
OP's pic also has low poly shit, just look at that bridge and those "ropes".
Different time of day.
>max settings
>other settings obviously set to something else than the max
Nice try
That's xbox one x, right?
Fuck off, you don't know anything about graphics. It's shit because it's a AAA game and it's not nintendo.
Different area, angle and time of day, but Crysis has brightness/gamma/contrast settings that can make it look like that.
>hey we have these mechanics for climbing stuff
>let's keep climbable stuff to a minimum
Ubisoft games always have great graphics.
Agreed my fellow consumer
middling graphics
with a GREAT number of art assets
that don't relate to gameplay
>middling graphics
Compared to what?
Ubigames always have the "current gen" standards, while being open world. The big issue is that they require some strong rig to be runned at max.
Nope that's all max. And set to a resolution that doesn't require dealing with sub-60 fps framerates.
is that a joke
What's your point? They're downgraded but they still look good
I love racism, it's totally not for losers who've achieved nothing in life.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Look guys it's a AAA game lol, those graphics are trash only normies play AAA games. If you enjoy western AAA games go back to le reddit "
They think the Egyptians were black so they made them pick cotton too?
'Murica pls
You don't even know what year it is
>cant run 4k
>pretends he can run crysis maxed
Stop playing pretend on the internet little jimmy.
>can't run 8k
>pretends he can run Crysis maxed
Sorry I don't keep up with the latest ubitrash. It comes out at the end of 2017 so basically 2018 anyway.
>we could have PS3 era polycount but with boosted shaders/VFX at 60fps/1080 that looked gorgeous with the proper optimization
>instead they just tried to puch polycount to the limits and the performance is shit.
Graphicfags ruined asthetics
>tried to puch polycount to the limits
Each of those logs has around 8-10 sides, that's not taking into account irregularities that they could've made to make that log look more "unique". There's like 7 logs per segment, and at least 3 segments in OP image. That increases the polycount a lot, altho obviously current consoles can handle thousands of them, but that's already an increase.
Instead, they could've made 6 sided logs, with 5 logs per segment and hide the poly with a proper use of shaders, lightning and VFX.
Games like Mario sunshine, INSIDE or splatoon are much lower polycount than modern AAA games, but they still hold up nowdays becvause it's clear what the feeling or overall idea was, not jsut some models slapped together with some nice poly to pretend it's something big.
>Games like Mario sunshine, INSIDE or splatoon are much lower polycount than modern AAA games, but they still hold up nowdays
>they still hold up nowdays
That's subjective. In my opinion, these games looked like shit on release, and still do.
looks worse than AC Unity
also 2 elements are core to the franchise: stealth and parkour. Dunno why the former was never fixed and expanded, gameplay has become more action oriented and syndicate had a really shitty invisibility solution. Parkour seems almost removed in AC WE WUZ, why did they choose a setting with no verticality?
Maybe americans should have picked their own cotton before introducing apes in a civilized society.
>I don't keep up with ubitrash
or calendars, apparently
I assumed the game was coming out in 2018, you massive retard.
how's the home-building in this game? I want to have slaves work my fields of world-class crops.
makes me wanna play some pharaoh
The fact that Crysis uses DX9, no matter the mods or resolution, makes it look extremely dated.
>why did they choose a setting with no verticality?
Watch gameplay, dumb nigger
It looks like a fucking RTS game with good graphics, which isn't' saying a lot about an action/adventure game
My hero
I didn't meant that as in "Splatoon has good graphics objectively" being superior to, for example, Bloodborne. Both have their style.
But Nintendo tries to make their asthetics look good beyong pure models. I can easily see things that are "off" in AAA games like CoD, Halo 5 or the best example, skyrim. Wether you are moving, fighting, shooting or anything, Skyrim looks janky. Not that it's a bad game, I had hours of fun with it with and without mods, but it's clear all that had to be sacrificed, but in this case it would be a necessary mean.
Now compare it to BotW. First, the asthetic are completly different, but a PS3 and a WiiU have close specs, so both game had more or less the same resources to work with. Yet the lightning, shading, animations all look great in any situation. Sure there's janky things all over the place, clipping models and because of the pyshics some things work weird, but it's harder to notice them due more care being put on what you see.
Obviously, it's still not a fair comparison, Skyrim came out 6 years before, but my point is that with more or less the same hardware of 6 years ago, it is possible to give a visual experience much more rich and beautiful than just pure polycount.
Now imagine if they tried this with hardware much more powerful than a Switch or a WiiU. We could really have great looking games with top tier performance.
>look extremely dated
Looks better than what you posted.
It has fake shitty looking DX9 lighting and the gamma is boosted to give the effect of realistic lighting. DX11 is a requirement for realistic lighting.
All these Ubishit faggot shill posts here 24/7 is really making me look forward to when Ubishill finally goes under and bites the dust. I'm going to be rock hard thinking about all those fucking retards going out of jobs
so low poly.
>buzzwords you don't understand: the post
Rising Storm 2 looks like shit in game, don't post bullshots.
It uses DX10 for ultra you fucking retard.
I did, it has 1-2 story buildings and fucking rocks
>An ancient egyptian canal that clean
Didn't people in the olden days shit up rivers pretty quickly.
Nile is a India-tier even today.
Ubishit's not gonna go under.
But they are gonna get violently taken over by Vivendi, which is the next best thing.
Regardless, the image in the op exists right now, in 2017. So who's the retard?
this is great, a modern game with decent graphics depicting a setting that has been so neglected by the medium
too bad its made by shitlibs who want people like me to go extinct if not be outright murdered for the color of our skin
oh well, i guess that means ill just pirate it and skip the cuck dialogue
no one refers to a game that comes out in (2018) as the 2017 game because of a fucking screenshot you moron
Rising Storm 2?
That's Crysis
That particular shot reminds me of the lower city area next to Meridian in HZD. But since this is still a modern Ubisoft game I'm gonna wait until they release the Thanksgiving 2gb+ patch to fix all the misc graphical/mission/etc glitches.
I learned my lesson after AC3.
Still you. Crysis had footage back in 2005, should we count it as 2005 graphics?