What's the best purchase you can make on Steam for 10 dollars? I'm looking for some time to kill

What's the best purchase you can make on Steam for 10 dollars? I'm looking for some time to kill

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Under 10? FTL probably
you can put thousands of hours into that game

cute kit kat

Door kickers

I already have FTL, sorry mate

Space Chem. It'll kill all of your time if you're into it.

Civ 3 is free on humble rn, if you’re into that kinda thing.


Sakura _____

What about Spelunky?
Also for 3.80
You can get like 7 games

Don't you need a chemistry degree for that?

That or Starbound

New Vegas
Stardew Valley
Hotline Miami
Deus Ex

The Witcher 1 is like $2 right now

Also got spelunky, terraria, and binding of isaac, soz



No, it will make even chemistry professors feel stupid at times.

Papers Please.
Mini Metro.
Shower with your dad sim

Papers please is fun but not particularly long. Mini metro is a game that you can't play for long times but you will want to come back to a lot, it's a time waster but more of a "I've got 15 minutes so I'll try this level", VVVVVV is short unless you're crap and is purposely hard, besiege is a physics engine sandbox that features levels with goals, but mostly about making giant exploding dicks, and shower with your dad sim is only a dollar and will waste an hour of your day with ease,

Just spotted Costume Quest is .99 cents. Couple hours of fun. 3-4 hours of simplistic RPG fun. Anyone who can't get a dollar of entertainment out of that game is already dead inside.

Cities Skylines is on sale right now, pirate the DLC. I recommended you to buy the main game because you'll get acces to the Steam workshop for mods.

I loved Simcity 4, how does it hold up compared to that?

The catalog makes it look like you wrote, that you want to kill your cat.

That's not my cat. I save pictures of cats that are posted here and then use them whenever i start a thread.

You be a good man OP for posting cats.

Thanks man

Cities is so much better. Get it if you even remotely enjoyed any Simcity game.

What's better about it? Besides the graphics.

You don't see the whole OP post in your catalogue? Phone poster yeah?

It can hold a lot more of a city in memory and graphics, like you can make a whole city with different districts (zone specialty mechanic).

There are a lot of mods available via steam workshop to add more buildings, traffic adjustments, more roads, etc...


Also, getting into the game does not require online access.

I was talking about Simcity 4, not the most recent Simcity.

Simcity 4 came out in 2004, and it's one of the best in the series.

Well, everything I said still applies except for the online requirement.

Check out and LP to see how it looks and feels.

Cities is what the Simcity series should have become.

Plants vs zombies is some hours of fun



making it a little obvious there samefag

If you're willing to spend another $5, Stardew Valley will waste a lot of time. Or just wait for the steam Halloween sale.

How is it compared to things like Rimworld or Terraria?

>he's a cat person

Not an argument

Why the hell do you need games? You got a cat!

No idea. Haven't played either. It's like Harvest Moon if you've played that.

That's not my cat

My bad. Carry on.

like and have said terraria or FTL are your go to

np m8080

OP here i've spent 250 hours on FTL and something like 40 on terraria already.


256 hours in Spelunky, 80% of all achievements

>no la mulana
I don't know if it is going for less than 10 right now though.

Dungeon of the Endless ($12)
Nuclear Throne ($12)
EYE Divine Cybermancy
The Last Remnant

There was a good thread on overlooked steam games a couple days ago that would probably be worth digging up. Or just wait for sales, there'll be one around Thanksgiving and another around Christmas.