So Sup Forums, what game have you sunk the most hours into on steam? and do you regret it?
So Sup Forums, what game have you sunk the most hours into on steam? and do you regret it?
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, kinda.
>800 hours
>being russian
>basically a year lost
god fucking damnit
at least i've stopped playing it half a year ago
No regrets so far
I'm nearing my 6000th hour in FFXIV.
I 100% regret it but I've invested too much time to quit at this point.
All I do at this point is complain about the game and the awful people who play it.
Why do people play Hearthstone with lolis?
It was fun.
Because Cygames keeps on throwing free packs at me
Im at 666 hours and wont play one more
Don't ever let someone make you regret something out of shame.
Only be ashamed when you realize you didn't enjoy the journey. If you enjoyed it, then all is well.
If I had this game on Steam the hours played would be doubled. Ubi is shit but they somehow accidentally made a fun game so I regret nothing.
Mount and Blade: Warband? No, not really. There are quite a few total conversion mods, which makes the experience different each time.
4000 hours in EU4 and i regret it
Rate my taste in video games.
I heard the lag is too much in a lot of circumstances. I'd get pissed too quick if I knew I kept dying to lag.
Those are rookie numbers, pal. I didn't even like Skyrim and I've got 400.
I only ever played vanilla. I had so much fun killing sea raiders that I barely payed any attention to my vassalage.
Dark Souls saves it
3 is shit.
I don't regret it
Totally worth it for Gael
Pokemon they've been the same fucking game sense gen 4 anyway
cuphead at 10 hours
Dark Souls 3 at 250ish hours. Don't regretting it a bit.
>3300 hours of TF2
No ragrets, playing with friends was a blast. Shame no one of them plays it anymore. Not even me.
I’m around 1600 on EUIV
Gmod with 738 hours. I don't regret it because gmod has so much to do and it is a blast. I don't even have friends and still don't regret it.