Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
"we are lazy" t. devs
I think they do this so we are obligated to upgrade our specs
I think is more on the side of deals with gpu manufacturers.
If you can't optimize, just increase the resource requirement.
>It's another user doesn't understand video game development thread
They think filling their games with tonnes of shitty effects nobody notices is a good use of resources
Go on
Please, enlighten me then
Nvidia and Intel pay you to advertise the latest generation of hardware as the minimum. That's how you get money to help offset the cost of development.
for starters every surface is dishonored 2 has a unique texture
Look, I get it that crysis is nice. But whenever you want something that isn't the same 5 bushes copypasted everywhere, you're gonna need to load more textures on memory.
I don't even like disnohored that much but even on that screenshot I see roads, walls, columns, dirt, leaves, people. The Crysis screenshot has grass, grass, grass, trees, dirt, grass, grass, and some low res props.
>Recomended: Windows 10
you are so full of shit
oh look the clueless is replying
Are you retarded?
are you?
Crysis 3
Dishonored 2
yes he is
You don't have to show me that, I've played the games. I don't see how anyone would ever think that Crysis has better or more complex graphics.
>runs worse
>and looks worse
Poo in loo, codeshitter pajeet.
Because cucked 2 is based on the cuck tech 5 just like cuck within 2.
Hey now goy, don't you want to be on the cutting edge? Now go buy more graphics cards.
because people who can't do for cycles are getting into coding and making video games
Could you elaborate?
I don't know the first thing about coding and I can already tell this is fucking retarded.
What the fuck?
What about numbers above 100.
Come on brighten us
already did
Reminds me that I have coding homework. Finding prime numbers and shit.
"Your number is odd!"
>stated requirements meaning anything at all
My rig is literally 10 years old. If minimum reqs meant jack fucking shit I wouldn't have been able to play games for years by now. "Recommended" should be taken to mean "this is an ad for hardware".
I know nothing about coding, how would a good program go about doing that? Check last digit, if 0,2,4,6,8 then even, else odd?
It's really simple. You just do en.wikipedia.org
remainder division with 2. If number is even result will be 0, if odd - 1
Modulo (division that returns the remainder) by 2.
if (N%2 == 0)
number is even
number is odd
the % operation gives the remainder of a division
It's a real thing and 99% of Sup Forums will defend it
it's not just that. crysis 2 plays medium high on a gtx460 for fucks sake, most games released now wont break 20fps on everything low and they don't look better/are more complex mechanically/have more going on at once
Oh dear fucking lord
Just do
if (userNumber%2 == 0):
print("Number is even.")
print("Number is odd.")
God damn it
Wolfenstein TNO ran like shit too. I think it's mostly an engine issue. Though I wouldn't be surprised if Dishonored 2 had better models and textures (and more texture diversity) than Crysis 3 and probably larger maps without loading too.
>GTX 1060 6GB
Is that a good card? I need a new card.
Dishonored 2 definitely doesn't have better models or textures than Crysis 3.
Or larger maps.
Probably more texture variety though.
A uniquely shit texture.
No validation on the input either...
ID tech 5 is shit