Why does Sup Forums hate ZeRo so much?
Why does Sup Forums hate ZeRo so much?
Why the fuck does he wear those stupid fucking glasses
I don’t care about this human.
Something something Smash isn't a fighting game
>he doesn't wear gaymer glasses
His Chile people hate the fuck out of him. He's just an egotisitical cunt for fucking Smash bros.
>This is my favorite piece on me so far
>finally humanizes me
You wonder why people dislike this conceited smashbaby?
look at his fucking face. he's a "that kid"
Not even hipsters think scarves are cool anymore
He is a whiny baby, I feel like any media I see about him these days is just whiny shit about how he is harassed and persecuted.
I don't even like HBox, at all, but that guy has a consistent negative opinion of him, from casters being biased against him, crowds cheering against him, etc. and you don't see autistic shit like this from him.
Only kotaku would still unironically use the world haters in the year of our lord 2017
>literally zero
His playstyle with Diddy is so fucking predictable and boring to watch after the hundredth time, especially after hes pretty much dropped Shiek after the nerf
Sup Forums is mostly casuals who cry when they remember all the times they got their asses kicked while playing smash.
he sounds like a numale snowflake. therefore I hate him
I didn't realize this was scarflard at first without it.
He's the prime example of a manchild, who wouldn't hate this fat fuck?
>Egoist and a cunt
>Fat faggot who think scarfs in summer are cool
>Only plays smash like autism
>Have a qt gf but only for cucking him with others faggots from the scene
>"Humanizes me" .... What the fuck ? Is a God now?
>Let shittest medium (kotaku) have a interview
Also chileans hate him, is just a faggot.
because somehow tr4sh players are more autistic than meleefags, and zero is the patron saint of tr4sh
He’s Chilean.
How aren’t you supposed to hate those beasts?
>Smash 4
Literally who cares?
>finally humanizes me
You play a fucking video game for a living you sperg 99.9% of the population has no idea who you are. I don't pay attention to e-sports but I waste my life on a shitty video games board and I've never heard of this sperg
He's a fat Sudaca, FAT!
Americans hate fatties and spics by nature
>Americans hate themselves
>the world haters
What is this group and how do I join?
hbox is different. zero's diddy isn't the same as hbox's jigglypuff.
i didn't know that many people hated zero though. is this just another Sup Forumstard meme along with tons of bandwagoners?
Anyone egotistical enough to try and expose how "human" he really is deserves to get called out as someone trying to manipulate people into feeling for him. What a conceited prick.
>is this just another Sup Forumstard meme along with tons of bandwagoners?
These people are still mad that Zero beat Hbox at the Smash 4 invitational three years ago and post the exact same memes in these threads. I think you can answer your own question.
Smash is not a competitive esport.
Guaton culiao creido.
What the fuck is wrong with that guys teeth?
Most fighting games aren't tbqh. Not enough players since SF4 croaked.
>whines and cries that Bayo is broken all the time because he can't git gud with his predictable Diddy
He deserves everything thrown at him. Scarflard to the end.
Fat fuck with a community that hops on his dick too much
Meanwhile, in Marvel, the top players never gave a shit that they weren't the audience favorite when they won every tournament. Winning every tournament will naturally make a different outcome more exciting.
Meanwhile in SF, Daigo continues to be awesome
>finally humanizes me
What was he before the article?
An instrument for people on the internet to take aggression out on for whatever they perceived he did as "autistic" or something.
Do you not understand the concept of dehumanization?
As an example, there was a woman who was on a plane to Africa to help people in the continent. She then makes a tweet that was supposed to show that her suffering wasn't much compared to the people she was going to help in a joking way.
People then completely dehumanized her, made her into their version of "the enemy," and attacked her as some ultra right-wing racist. These people who had done nothing to help people on the continent came in droves to attack this woman, and she was fired and not able to help anybody.
That is dehumanization. You don't consider your "enemy" a person, they are just a tool for your agenda.
the autist at the top
>D1 called this guy better than Daigo
>Can't even win evo
A miserable little pile of secrets
I've met D1 before, hes a nice guy but that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
All I see is an egotistical ball of lard
because he's a fat Chilean who plays the villain, but then bitches about people booing him and stuff.
Maybe he's just an asshole. Remember the thIng with Reggie?
Go away ZeRo
You're too thoughtful for this place. Leave and never return.
Daigo went full sellout, but at least he takes the piss out of it.
>Playing a match against Smug
>wins a round
>quicky runs up to the Red Bull cooler, grabs a can and then runs back to his seat and places the can right next to the console.
Still better than Justin, atleast Daigo has a job.
I don't hate him. I hate the fact that he wears a stupid, fucking scarf with a t-shirt, but yeah.
Smash fans might actually be at the bottom of the barrel, though.
>tfw Justin got even fatter ever since getting partnered by EchoFox
EchoFox must be getting that good money from merchandise sales.
he has a wife.
>act like a total dick to everyone
>people start to dislike you
This. You can't just turn around and say "OH BUT I SECRETLY AM MORE VULNERABLE THAN YOU KNEW GUISE" like it's a get out of criticism free card. Fuck him and his conceited dickwaddery.
She left him ages ago nigga.
>world's best Smash 4 player
>Sm4sh player
>Eliminated from WC 2018
He's a campy faggot. His playstyle is the most anti-hype shit out there, and it's not even the character. I'd almost rather watch a fucking Sonic than him.
There's a reason MKLeo developed a huge fanbase so quickly, and it's because it's actually fun watching him play. Marth is definitely the crowd favorite, but he can even make Cloud interesting.
I think he was talking about the fat part.
>get btfo
Lol if he wasn't an uggo then he wouldn't have these problems, first step is to shave the beard.
This Mexican guy MkLeo is far better than Zero
He is fun and likable
Zero is fat and boring
Dude there are zoopolitical distinctions that allow us to dehumanise human 'others', but my god if this is not a dogshit example.
Literally who?
I dont know him, but he surely is a fucking trash and should kill himself for being so faggot.