Some insider knowledge on Metal Gear Survive...

Some insider knowledge on Metal Gear Survive ,long story short development has been spear headed into making a Battle Royale Mode after the rise in popularity and profitability of PUBG.

There has been major time spent in creating a Battle Royale mode by frankly recycling all the assets from mgsv. The original survival aspects still exists but has been put on the sidelines, its complete already.

The team barely needed to make a new map for the br mode. (currently there are 2 in progress , Afghanistan because it was easy to do and basically ground zero.

Most of the equipment used in mgsv is included the br mode , stealth is an important factor and is the main selling point the team is focusing on.

A lot of the map is focused on sneaking around rather than gun fights. CQC and disarming is also quite important in fights rather than running up with guns .

The best loot can be found in boxes around the map , yes the same boxes that players can hide inside or walk around in ,making any box dangerous. If you destroy the box thinking a person is inside any loot within is destroyed.

These are all the details I have but an announcement of this mode will be presented in November. I am aware I have no proof but wait till November and i will be proven truthful

id play ngl

Why would I care about some hacks rooting around the corpse of Kojima's legacy.

That's bullshit but I believe it

Will there be a story mode or is this just going to be online sandbox horde mode bullshit?

An opening cutscene, but no story mode

Its probably bullshit but I wouldnt doubt it, Konami has never gone into depth with the story.

Sounds pretty good

OP , here fuck off. There is no story or single player or anything related to the survive that was released last year. I am only a tester and for the last few months I have only been testing the br mode.

The horde mode was completely scrapped

Sounds like shitty MGO2

battle royal with the mgs V gameplay would make me buy it.

instead of that crappy zombie shit

All right this could salvage it.

Real OP here, stop pretending to be me.

I wouldn't mind a BR game that feels as good as MGSV.

The realest OP here, disregard everything I said, I suck cocks.

But people have been playing the game (the wave-defence type shit) at every big public gaming event since it was announced, user.


My first reaction was "DEAR GOD NO," but if it's focusing on a stealth style, I'd be down. The Last of Us' multiplayer was basically a stealth based battle royale on small-ish maps, and it's the most fun I've had in a multiplayer game since Halo 3. I'd be 100% down for something like TLoU but with MGSV's amazing gameplay mechanics

Konami can fucking die in a fire but MGSV battle royale would be pretty doink. The battle royale concept is on its diapers and having good gameplay for once would be a step in the right direction

Konami does not want to immediately say that they scrapped the mode without having the br mode in a good state. The reception of mgs survive scared them

if they can get
>good netcode
>big enough map
>at least 60 players

i can see it being great.
all the important things already exist in the engine
>phenomenal third person gameplay
>first person aiming
>vehicles, horses, robots
>tons of guns with gunmods/variations
>goofy shit like Boxes or the distracting puppies

seriously, this idea would print money. all they need is for it to work.
considering the Netcode of MGO3 i have my doubts.

oh and shit like the character creator and different outfits are already in MGO3, so they can recycle those bikinis and Eva outfits and sell them again.
if Konami would do this they would be rich.

>The reception of mgs survive scared them
Shitposting aside, literally everyone who's played it at public events since it was announced has done a complete 180-turn and admitted that the game's actually pretty good. People thought it was going to be shit because no 'muh Kojima'.

This is how it's going to be in the main game.
>Survive keeps being more and more like MGSV you wanted to be, but with zombies

Far be it for I to judge people with no sense of series attachment.

I am not going to try to convince you , The announcement of the br mode will be made before the end of November this year. screen cap it if you want

>more battle royal trash
Well there goes my hype for this game.

I'm okay with this.

MGO3 sucked fucking dick anyway, but the gameplay foundations in the campaign was great. MGO doesn't need unbalanced, over-designed trash gameplay by a bunch of bearded cucks - just place the fucking thing into a sandbox which tightens over time and players will know how to have fun with it.

That's basically only what PUBG ever did.

>Battle Royale Mode
huh, i always considered pubg to be less refined version of MGO3's mechanics.

I guess if there was any game i wanted given the BR treatment it would be MGSV though

>MGO doesn't need unbalanced, over-designed trash gameplay by a bunch of bearded cucks
i think the reason why MGO3 sucked was because they tried to make it balanced and target some Esports audience instead of making it fun.
like how they removed the ability to play hero characters from matchmaking.
you had to use the server browser and search for a specific lobby with Snake and Ocelot enabled.
shit sucked.

It was anything but balanced.

On the other hand MGO2 - I can attest that that game was balanced. There were ways to deal with any type of faggot the game could throw at you. From the box-popping faggot to the CQC-only tard. Maybe not lag-switchers, but that is not part of the game's design.

It's a sad world

it was balanced, you just had to know how to play

PUBG with MGSV mechanics would be great.

>Some insider knowledge on Metal Gear Survive
Bullshit, everyone knows Konami just forgot about this game.

>two players approach each other and hit the CQC button at the same time
>on their respective screens, they both chokehold the other
>server catches up and fucks over one of the players

gee, i cant wait for the same shit that was annoying in MGSV online

I wonder if they are shoehorning battle royale mode to the game.

It's the reason I would buy it


>hacks rooting around the corpse of Kojima's legacy
Isn't that what Kojima himself had been doing for the past decade?

not really i mean MGSV was fantastic

yep, he also greenlit Metal Gear Survive since he was a huge Walking Dead Fan back then and wanted to make a good zombie game on his engine.

>MGSV was fantastic

The one true only OP here, has anyone seen my dragon dildo laying around here?

this game has had as much development time as fucking mgsV

When is this shit coming out?


All I can say is that this mode will be announced before the end of November

Take into consideration that MGO was made by dumbass americans (God forgive me for uttering their name but it was made by *californians*). Japanese gods will surely produce good netcode.

isn't that what kojima wanted since MGS3?

i am pretty sure KojiPro LA is behind survive.

fuck off konami im not paying for this

What a sad and pathetic thread.

honestly I'd play it if it were enjoyable.

I actually liked Metal Gear Online 3 so much because it rewarded stealth so heavily. Compared to the kung-fu and cardboard boxes only antics of Portable Ops+ and the aimbot headshot fest of MGO2.

What's pathetic about it? We've been saying the same shit for months, if Konami isn't doing this they're complete and utter morons.

OP, I am also an industryfag. If you're a fellow industryfag, what kind of project management software are you using? That's the kind of shit Sup Forums won't know about, but you will.

Honestly, MGSV's core gameplay lends itself really well to a big open world battle royale style stealth game. Much better than zombie wave survival at any rate.


Remember when you were excited about the multiplayer for MGS5 but they delayed it for 3 months and by the time it came out noone gave a FUCK.

Imagine being so OBSESSED that you have discomfort even writing the name of one of our states, much less having specific prejudices against them.

i gave a fuck, it just wasnt good.
DLC and patches made it better but by that time i didnt care.

I thought it was pretty good

I'm actually really excited if this turns out to be true. The zombie shit looked really dumb.

nah MGSV horde mode would be dope