What went wrong?
I don't understand the comparison they're trying to make here.
Witcher 2 - geralt can be brutal, savage af and politically incorrect
Witcher 3 - the game automatically tips your fedora for you at m'ladies , not even having the illusion of a choice
In all three games you can be either be a SJW fedora tipper or alt-right elf slayer, depends on what dialogue options you choose.
No you can't.
There is absolutely no choice in the scene in the OP image.
That's actually a lie. Witcher 3 doesn't give you any non-progressive options like at all.
CD Project went SJW that's what
I bet you faggots didn't even play TW3, but watched some SJW streamer play it.
It gives you some..
Like you can have sex with that girl in Skellige even though you're not supposed to...but the game makes you feel bad about it.
You can decide to go after Hjalmar and he's crowned king...but you never solve the mystery and then in the epilogue the game tells you that he drowned his people in blood.
The only non-progressive choice in the entire fucking game without being the wrong choice is where you can choose to beat up students that are vandalizing pagan-religion statues.
Why would you expect him to act like that when he himself is a fucking inhuman freak who got shit on by normal people?
Muh essjaydubyas
if you believe the line it's the thirteenth centry isnt sarcastic you arent worth talking to
>CDPR is bas-
oh my god that's pathetic. Thank god I kept away from the witcher
How is it sarcastic exactly
Here's the full scene
Explain the joke to me
Am I suppose to be able to read this?
the current year meme, how stupid are you my dude?
witchers doesnt care
I don't understand your logic here..?
The hunter and the Lord's son was one of the best incidences of a gay relationship I've seen in a game. Believable bit of backstory to explain why he's been ostracized that isn't even brought up unless you push him for information.
Crossdressing elf was played for humor.
All of the "I'm a woman btw, aren't you going to say anything" is met with a "who cares" from Geralt
Bottom right is literally someone being upset that there is a brown man in their fantasy video game
"ooooh no women can't be equal, my poor safe space is being compromised"
Literal false flagging in this thread
Id say its less that and more a lack of consistency on the Devs part
and faggots like these are why this thread was made. You people need to find better hobbies
>The hunter and the Lord's son was one of the best incidences of a gay relationship I've seen in a game.
I clapped! I clapped because the game finally recognized my existence. What a pivotal moment and not just put there for virtue signaling.
I clapped then I went to spread aids and herpes
I don't think you realize how hard Sup Forums is pushing their shit here. They are just super angry because they want everyone to have their same shitty viewpoint and get mad when their safespace isnt what others want.
The Witcher has been "SJW" since the first game. It's great. You can tell exactly who the bandwagoners are who don't even play video games.
>hey are just super angry because they want everyone to have their same shitty viewpoint
It's actually the oppsite, Witcher 3 is the same virtue signalling progressive garbage as all the other mainstream games like Assasssins Creed or Dragon Age.
At least previous Witcher games gave you some interesting options
you sound pretty triggered bruh, maybe go back to Sup Forums where your viewpoint wont get called out for being toxic
What do you think SJW even means? Witcher isn't even remotely SJW
The only gay character in Witcher 2 ended with his balls in his mouth. This game puts gay characters in without reason and doesn't give you the option to respond to them other than with silent approval
none of what you said even makes sense. Stop speaking in memes.
You know, that last bit with the brown arab looking guy talking about faith and scholarship is pretty historically accurate if you consider the Witcher to be analagous to 12th-13th century IRL. Islamic society was one of the most technolgically advanced in the world for a few hundred years until everything went to shit and left them bumming goats in the middle of the desert all over again.
>reddit education
Fuck off to cripplechan goobergraper
>An open world dialogue heavy game with hundreds of characters having a few gay characters = putting them in without reason
I'm sorry that gay people exist lad
Historically accurate or not, it's fucking fantasy
>Be fat or skinny neckbeard shut-in
>Want to roleplay power fantasy as a monster-slaying Chad in any given fantasy game
>Grill wants to do the same
Daily reminder that this kind of shit it why people hate you and not because you're cis-white males or whatever the fuck
On the left he's putting her down for being cocky because she's a woman warrior. On the right, he's giving credit to someone who acts like a warrior while believing she is handicapped by her gender. They're two separate situations dealing with two different types of characters. Not surprised no one on this board can resist generalizing everything to fit their 9th grade understanding of dialogue. You not being able to work out a basic as fuck video game character personality is what went wrong.
>is pretty historically accurate
Not really. It's like they based the game on r/atheism memes instead of actual history.
The biggest contradiction comes when "non-christians" want to shut down Oxenfurt university and burn all the books.
In actual history Oxford was opened by monks and the church, and the biggest contributors to the sciences were all devout
Sure, okay, I guess the game doesn't have strong female characters, I guess it doesn't have fantasy Arabs traipsing about fantasy Poland, I guess it doesn't have "racism is bad" as one of its main themes. Because one gay dude got killed.
It's funny because the games are really about a lot of things Sup Forums hates but their understanding of media is so shallow they fail to pick up on it.
>Themes? Tone? What's that? Look, the fag's dead, ain't he?
user, how the fuck are AC and Dragon Age sjw games. Have you played the games or are you just repeating what you saw on Sup Forums?
I'm really curious now, what sjw do those games have?
>I can't even define my terms so I'll just strawman away
Somebody once told me...
M8 not like "SJW" means anything to begin with.
Dragon Age is a SJW game because DA3 has a transgender character whose existence can be entirely ignored and avoided, but because they exist in the game at all, it's being "shove down their throat"
Sorry that history doesn't fit your political biases. I'm not exactly a fan of what Islamic culture has become either, if you couldn't tell by my goat bumming comment. Try reading a fucking book for once in your life, gobshite.
>Historically accurate or not, it's fucking fantasy
That is true. But keep in mind that it does take clear and significant influence from the real world. It's Eastern European fantasy after all. So I'm definitely not going to complain when you have some stand-in for the educated Islamic scientists from around that time. It does get kinda dumb in setting like Dragon Age when they're making a blatant analogue to Western medievial Europe and filling it with gays and trannies and the kind of social and racial diversity you'd expect from the modern day United States. That shit is pretty hamfisted.
how anyone can prefer 2 over 1 or 3 I'll never understand
Why does this even matter, this is a side quest for fighting people, it's unobtrusive. I find it crazy that after 2 years people are still finding stupid shit to complain about in this game.
But in the 13th century the church opened Oxford and Cambridge.
In this game they closed down the university, want to burn down all the books ,burn all the scientists/alchemists and in general are spergs while incredulous civilizied muslims look down at digust
The game has nothing to do with history, more like r/atheism memes, general self loathing and Islam cocksucking
So one tranny, which I assume is optional, makes a game sjw?
What about AC?
Personally I was just speaking for the existence of some Arab Muslim expy who holds scientific advancement as a virtue. The guy who posted the pic seemed to put it on the same level as 'strong womyn who don't need no man' in terms of believability for a medieval setting. So I had to point out that it actually is pretty believable in this case.
I'm well aware of the work that the Christians of the time did to preserve the knowledge that otherwise would have been lost after the fall of Rome. The only difference is that the Muslims at the time weren't just preserving, they were advancing. For a little while anyway, before it went to shit for them. And after that, their work made it to the west, and the Christians started doing the advancement.
This isn't a dick measuring contest by the way. All scientists are standing on the shoulders of giants.
It should be noted that The Witcher is consciously anachronistic in many cultural and social aspects of its setting, much like Dragon Age except subtler I guess.
You've got me, I don't play AC. Sup Forums and Sup Forums have been collectively hallucinating that the Egyptians in Origins are being depicted as Sub-Saharan Africans, so maybe that?
That actually is a good point to be made. I wasn't really thinking of that. That's one of the things that drew me to the setting actually.
>Witcher 1
>you can side with religious knightly order and fight with the biggest bro in the series
>Witcher 3
>Tips fedora at you every five minutes while you're in Novigrad, Church is cartoonishly unambigiously evil, most faithful are psycopaths , murderers and thieves
Yeah no difference lmao, all games were the same
well the patriarch of the knighes was kinda sadistic man doing weird experiments and shit
What is his argument on the left actually? What he says is "let them eat cake!" levels of nonsense?
>Church is cartoonishly unambigiously evil
Which was revealed at the end of the first game, if you had actually played it
The only thing 2 has over 1 and 3 is the art style.
I still don't get why they change Witcher 3 so much. The original trailers all had that darker look to them.
It's too bad the game looks and runs worse than The Witcher 3. Ubersampling is the only way to make it look good but it runs way worse than it should.
No it wasn't, you people are fucking idiots.
First of all the church wasn't in the game it was one knightly order. And they mostly did stuff like fight elven terrorists and monsters.
The leader was elder blood and worked with Salamandra. Once Sigfried finds this out he tries to take him down.
Witcher 3 has its moments.
it's called downgrade.
The first trailer was perfect.
Then the game turned out to be colorful SJW pandering garbage with barely any moral ambiguity in it
Your right it does, but overall the game looks far less like the past Witcher games and more like a generic fantasy game.
> it actually is pretty believable in this case.
Read on what the "islamic golen age" was you buffoon.
protip: They burned down most(90%+) of all the books present in the region and fell into decadence and dark ages that led to their destruction and irrelevance today.
>not the Polish version
Never liked Geralt's English VA.
It's pretty clever actually.
Women doing fighting or anything traditionally men would do is looked down in Witcher III as just something normal and is supposed to be.
It's an anti-snowflake writing, and a cleverly disguised one at that.
How is this vidya?
Currently playing Witcher 3 with minimap turned off.
Funny how it goes from a 7/10 to a 10/10.
Without that stinking minimap I actually pay attention to the beautiful world around me.
well last one is true indonese people may shit on the street but they study a lot
How pathetic can you get
>its the present century
I'm gonna need some context to tell if this is satire or not
It's not satire...
I don't know if you're aware but current_year never took off as a mainstream meme
I used the popular HUD mod that lets you use a hotkey to show/hide HUD elements. Drastically improved the game for me too.
He never says women are equal to men in fighting ability. He just states that its normal for them to do traditional male roles. Just like in the real world, women can also fight, but are obviously inferior to men at it. There are plenty of SJW cases in games, but this is not one of them.
Why is the voice acting so bad for everyone but Geralt and Vesemir?
Always. Might be the worst video game design idea of all time and everyone does it.
>Sorry that history doesn't fit your political biases.
Yeah reddit education
The so called golden age was pretty shit in many regards.
Muslims burned a ton of books as they saw the koran as the unrivaled source for teaching and anything not in there wasn't important.
Most of the great "technological" advances came from societies that were captured in the islamic expansion, i.e. taken by force. It had shit to do with islam unless the knowledge could be used to spread islam - i.e. mostly military advancements and writing.
The stuff about muslim societies being heaven for scholars back then is grade A horseshit.
>Then the game turned out to be colorful SJW pandering garbage
There's that, but also the writing in general was garbage
I can take one or the other, but both, whew. I've replayed witcher 1 and 2 like 10 times, I can't get myself to do another replay of this.
That's a shame. Witcher 1 Geralt would have told the guys to go rub fisstech on their dicks, then fucked the lady and collected her card.
CDPR went from passionate devs into a Polack version of Ubisoft.
>Rayla of Lyria,[2] known first as Black Rayla[3] and later as White Rayla[4] — a natural-born soldier and a veteran of the wars with Nilfgaard. She was an officer of the special forces of King Demavend of Aedirn,[3] and took part in the Battle of Brenna,[4] during which she was maimed and disfigured. Rayla is used to discipline and has but one passion — she hates elves and hunts them with unwavering ruthlessness.
who cares? geralt didn't have any problems with rayla
ah yes. all those great witcher 2 mods. such as..... uh...................
how did HoS and BnW manage to be so much better than the main game?
like if you play the main story to end and then go to HoS it immediately feels like a completely different game. Sure the lame combat is the same, but the animations and dialogue is on another level
Literally the first chapter of the first game has a hypocritical scripture thumper going on a misogynistic rant and scapegoating a woman in one of its climactic scenes.
Never though about it. Might replay like that.
It's not sarcastic, it's ironic.
Just shows that some developers actually try to improve and add new thing in their DLC instead of just the regular copy-paste and cosmetics.
Such an interesting concept, wasted so late into the game.
tighter focus and the ability to do their own thing. the base game had to conclude the trilogy, i think it did a pretty good job but it had problems. hearts of stone is like everything i loved about the books and the first game married with the good things the third game did.
Nobody made Witcher 2 mods, why would they waste their time
The shit I don't like? Come on this is fantasy
SJW shit? Not realistic get it outta here.
>Your right it does, but overall the game looks far less like the past Witcher games and more like a generic fantasy game
the fuck are you talking about? tw3 is the one that goes back to the grounded realism of tw1. you get muddy battlefields and shithole villages, and a dirty city too.
witcher 2 was like a fucking warhammer fantasy game. some really absurd design decisions in that game like random bits of paper stuck to geralt's outfits and shit. nothing like the first game at all. witcher 3 had way more in common with tw1 than tw2
>"woman cant fight"
Ciri isn't a regular woman
>and scapegoating a woman in one of its climactic scenes.
He was right . She did summon the beast, she was a member of a murderous cult. She didn't scapegoat her.
The village leaders were also weak and corrupt and doubled down on zealotry to hide the fact.
Then you meet the knights of the order who protect people from terrorists and monsters and offer them shelter.
Sure their leader was insane and thought all his evil deeds were worth it for some grander goal of protecting humanity, but not all of them were insane , some were ready to fight him back