Can we all agree its Mike and ryan channel...

Can we all agree its Mike and ryan channel? James doesn't even like playing games and Mike always pick the game he wants to play.

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why the fuck do you fucking idiots fill Mike Matei's pockets by watching this AWFUL content? Him and Rolfe make like $19,000 a month from this shit AND STILL they took YOUR MONEY for an awful movie.

James: h-hey guys. Can I play with you guys?

Mike: Sorry James, this is a Mike & Ryan episode.

James: But I need to feed my family and I started this channel.

Ryan: ok, we'll let you be a guest for this episode. But dont ask again and remember your place. Start remembering your lines for the next AVGN video, we need more money

the absolute state of cinemassacre

How did they meet? Why did Ryan take over?

>what is adblock
Get out of here normie.

Did the Polybius videos get deleted or am I missing something? Can't see them on the Cinemassacre channel.

ryans been there for awhile, he founded screenwave media which is the marketing company for the channel. after Miek fired bootsy, they needed Ryan to appear on screen so Mike can continue making videos with another gamer


Were they friends before this or did he just forced himself into the channel?


i think hes been doing the technical stuff for the channel for awhile. they probbaly knew him and hired him to help with that stuff. this is an older video

>Full Superman 64 playthrough
>It's not James playing
Dropped, why do they think anyone wants to watch someone play games besides Rolfe

I don't care about Mike, but Ryan is boring autist.

I see all you dipshits making another thread about me, whats wrong fags? Jealous that I can create good entertainment and make a career out of it? Or maybe it's because I get to fuck Jame's wife behind his back or sometimes right in front of him of the sofa?
Either way, My life will always be better than yours, so go ahead and continue making threads and stupid jokes about my videos, I have more talent in one finger than any of you will have in your pathetic lifetimes.
Oh and for the record, I didn't mean to put that minecraft video on the net, I was hacked and the asshole put it out in the open, it was supposed to be a joke. Anyways, thanks for the views I receive in future videos from you assholes, I'm sure James and I will look forward to it. Later dipshits.

>7 fat people
>1 acceptable guy
i dont know what monstrosity this is but it looks awful

>behind his back or sometimes right in front of him
Mike is autistic. But not that autistic.

Mike sucks. I don't like anything if he's in it. I'm still anally devastated about him being in 1/3 of Monster Madness 9.

Mike: watch our videos, or James gets it

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

How come they all wearing such horribly clashing colours and look retarded?

I'm scared for James. Whats going to happen to the channel when James disappears?

Why did Cinemassacre fans get so autistic this past year? They're unhealthily obsessed. You see people in these threads and they type the same way and it's obvious they're posting the same shit in every thread. All that shit trying to get Mike "fired" as if James would fire him over 10 year old cartoons was pathetic.


Why does Cinemassacre need marketing? Everyone knows what it is already as of 2005.

the channel only has like 2 million subscribers and its been around for 10+ years.

there are channels that gain that many subs in a week. james is just too old and out of touch, so the young blood of mike and ryan will help refresh the channel for today's audience

why is he giving that look? Is there a better view from the whole reaction?

I don't know but it's hilarious.
These threads are more fun than the actual videos.

>Ryan is a WCW mark

He's okay

Mike doesn't like it when the peons overstep their boundaries.

Who actually like this guy? I would like to see some fan of his. The guitar guy was alot better. Bootsy was a monotone fag. I can see why they cutted his ass.

I wouldn't say I'm a fan but I don't dislike him. He seems to actually care about games and takes the time to research how they work and things like that.

On their shitty secondary channel for some reason.

Why are there so many fat people in that party?

Do people actually like Mike and Ryan or any of these bozos? James is the only good person at cinemassacre.


I guess they want no views

keep an eye on this guy.

He shows up in every AVGN thread and defends Mike Matei by calling anyone who criticizes him "obsessed"

No joke, he shows up in every one of these threads. He doesn't even realize he's projecting.

>all are fat except for one

he's mike. or one of screenwave's many shills

did you consider that you might be an obsessed autist?

Mike surrounds himself with these types to make himself look better in comparison.

This comic along with the others are literally the worst comics I have ever seen.

Probably including even webcomics. Imagine how horrible that is.

I could never watch another video of theirs after seeing these comics and finding out they were real. Not because I'm offended. Just disgusted by how absolutely horrendous and unfunny these are.

The thing is that James was always just the image of AVGN. I started believing that he doesn't even play video games. Every clip they put in AVGN episodes seems to be something Mike has recorded.I remember started to believe this shit during one of his full playthrough video where he admits that he played a game for the first time when he was recording for an AVGN video


HE'S BACK!!! :)

James doesn't play video games. Watch the newest Friday the 13th J&MM. He can't even figure out basic stuff like camera controls or sprinting.

Why did they get rid of bootsy? His battletoads video was kino

your options for apparel become somewhat limited when your body shape is "sphere"

One of us

James doesn't have time to do anything because "muh kid muh baybee". As if having a kid is a good excuse to not doing your job.
Mike is based he actually plays games. Check out his Cinemassacre Plays channel he streams regularly.

>its a James and mike monday where Mike tells James how to play the game

Why is this allowed?

Maybe i wasn't being clear.I meant that Mike dropped the ball and he admitted that he is the one playing the games in the AVGN episodes while James just pretend to push buttons. I know he streams games, i've seen some of his videos. At least he plays the goddamn games

His wife makes him do all the work. She is a SJW.

fuck off ryan

hey it is mike

>be a cuck and be a house dad
>be a cuck and play video games for a living
there is no winning.

who was in the wrong here?

Can we all agree that they should make a separate "4kidz" website for these cunt-for-brains e-celeb threads? Nobody over the age of 14 watches this bullshit.

>Mike plays F13
>Vanessa main that drags Jason to other people
Not even surprised.

Wow James is looking good

James with Mike hair > Mike with Mike hair

I've been saying that we need /vc/ - Videogames Culture to contain all the e-celeb/gaming journalism drama/polshit for years.

I need to look at this webm every time I feel inadequate. What hurts is that these guys probably still have higher self-esteem than me despite me being /fit/ and having a qt gf. =/

Is there a single person there with a BMI of less than 25?

Remember when Mike was shy and always in a costume. Then he got his taste for fame and completely usurped James' company. I bet he was the one who suggested the move to youtube, M&J Mondays, whatever other stuff they have - all the business stuff.


But you guys have to keep the weebs.

I really wish they would spend 10 minutes before turning the cameras on and go over the controls. I don't want to sit through that every video.

What do you think that room smells like?

Sweaty ass

salty coins and semen