Confess your sins you naughty bastards
>i really like turret sections
Confess your sins you naughty bastards
I can't enjoy JRPGs no matter how much I try
I only like action RPGs. Any other type of RPG is too boring
I hate online multiplayer. it feels like a waste of time and I honestly don't understand why anyone enjoys it.
Whenever I can, I cheat in RPGs with character building and make my character a fighterroguemagepriest because I don't like not being able to do something.
I've bought most Bethesda games multiple times.
I lose interest in games very quickly if I can't be a cute girl in them.
I think Megaman 2 is the worst classic Megaman game by a large margin
what's the appeal of turret sections? they're just boring as fuck imo
I bought and platinumed Brink last year.
I find them a nice break to let off steam and just mow a shit load of bad guys down. They're simple and therapeutic. They have to be relatively short though and decently spaced out. They get really tedious otherwise.
I hate leveling up in games
why cant they just give us everything and balance it well
I don't have a problem with escort missions, and water-levels
I enjoy Operation Raccoon City. I'll still play it from time to time with the 15-20 or so randoms that load it up on Steam.
i unironically like ubisoft games.
I can't bring myself to play many old games like Deus Ex because they lack the polish and streamlining of current games.
DOOM is my favourite FPS and in my top 5 games of all time, but I've never finished Thy Flesh Consumed.
i like guild wars 2
I haven't played any FF game and no JRPG or really any other jap game since the SNES days since I just can't stand the style.
I have problems with starting and finishing games. I hesitate to start one and it takes a few tries before it may catch my attention for me to play it fully but once I draw close to the end I often lose interest again and usually just rush it at this point to get it over with.
Well I mean it was only one night im sure she'll grow up fin-
you mean vidya
I Like grindy games with constant upgrading
I'm kind of the same but only in terms of polish and graphics. Though I found TW1 really enjoyable. The blocky graphics like that of Deus Ex turn me off for some reason, even though I have no problems with other games that aren't FPS
I do this in strategy games when the AI blatantly cheats.
I will gladly cheat and pummel them into submission.
older bethesda game graphics (fallout 3, new vegas, oblivion) are the best graphics a game can have
A combination of playing Castlevania and SMT made me find religion.
I own a copy of MvC Infinite Deluxe Edition and enjoy labbing in training and playing local with friends. Sigma/Nemesis is a very fun team. I paid for the game with trade-ins because I didn't want to spend money on it but that's still a sin probably.
Overrated sure, but worse than 1, and worst by a large margin? I could see it but you'd need to elaborate as to why some more.
I like irl and vidya lolis what are you gonna do about it fbi
The only legitimate sin so far.
>I own a copy of MvC Infinite.
Your are a member of a very rare club indeed not many people own a copy of that game user.
The Last of Us, Half-Life 2, and Ocarina of Time are my top 3. I also like 2 way more than 1 and OF.
I suck at Overwatch. I can’t aim, get destroyed in 1v1 fights, almost never get on fire/potg, and I even get killed by Tracers and Genjis as Winston. That being said, I’ve made it into Master rank every season by only playing Mercy and Lucio.
Playing comp in OW gives me massive anxiety, so I have to have Super Mega, Oney Plays, or Game Grumps on in the background and mute chat because getting shit on for fucking up ruins my ego.
I also think Danny is funnier than Jon.
I love DMC3 and 4 but can’t stand 1. Same Deus Ex. I love Human Revolution and Mankind Divided and hate the original
I pirated RE5 just so I could play as Rebecca in a cheerleader outfit because I have a huge fetish for them. The only RE game I like is 4.
I absolutely hate Sonic games. Every single one is garbage.
I bought Soul Calibur 4 just so I could jerk off to Cassandra, Ivy, and Taki. I hate fighting games other than Smash and have never played a single match.
I pretty much only play big budget mainstream games that aren't very difficult.
I played through FEAR 2 three times but gave on the first one after 2 hours
I cheat all the time in online multiplayer games. I used LMAOBox on an alt in TF2 for years
I once played through Arkham City 12 times in 2 months
I've spent over 100 dollars on girlfriend audios and I write shipping fanfiction.
I haven't been able to enjoy single player games for years.
All the games I play are usually online. The only single player game I actually beat and enjoyed in a very long time was NieR Automata.
My console opinions are extra sinful according to acceptable Sup Forums opinions. Nintendo is going to be more successful 2018 and beyond, but their games will be worse. 2012-2017 was Nintendo's golden era, and the Wii U was Nintendo's best console.
Sony has not made a worthwhile console after the PS2.
The Saturn was good. The Dreamcast was bad.
The original Xbox was the best console of its gen.
The NES is shit. The Master System was better.
i bought andromeda
nothing wrong with this. they make some mindless fun trash
In Bethesda games, I like to strip my kills down to their bare skin, dismember them from head to toe, and then punch their body until it explodes into gibs. Afterwards, I find a pit and pile them all up until they fill the hole.
Yup. If I cared that much about playing online I wouldn't have considered it, but I'm a filthy lab monster with a few friends that like fighters on campus, plus I really wanted a new hyper fighter to sate me until DBFZ.
I wish Nemesis was this good in 3, and I wish Sigma was in a better game. They're really fun. Same with most of the characters in the game that weren't in 3 like Jedah, Thanos, Panther, and Hunter. In a perfect timeline we'd be playing a UMvC3 revision that has the Infinite newcomers/returning veterans put into it and some balancing fixes instead.
I use the second most dickholish gear in pvp instead of the first because it keeps me from having to clear my inbox as often.
I just clone what the pros/tryhards do because it works and it's what everyone else is doing and I'd rather not worker harder than I have to.
I read non-spoiler walkthroughs and trophy roadmaps because I hate missing content.
I make very plain/default faced characters in games with character creation
Nier Automata, in my opinion, has the best meta deconstruction of right vs left politics of any video game to date. I developed a theory on it, but I can never share it because everyone memes the game as pseudo intellectual so there's no one really open to hearing it.
Why are you criticizing memes when you did political analysis on a meme game?
I like the Uncharted series. I treat it less like a game and more like a movie I'm in
I think it visually looks like an abortion but heard it plays well, will pick it up on sale just for the Hulk's tag comments. I only main Morrigan and what ever grappler the game has in Capcock VS games so the DLC can go fuck itself.
When I was 14 I beat Silent Hill 2
On easy
With 2D movement
During the day with the lights on
And then prided myself on not thinking the game was scary.
I never beat that chapter where you have to destroy Batomys while running away from Selvaria without cheats in Valkyria Chronicles
I don't give a fuck if a game is piss easy or "lol die in 1 hit" hard. I just want an enjoyable experience.
I quite enjoy DA2 and ME3.
I google where to find good items and other fun stuff in open world RPG's. I like having that sense of purpose of going after a specific thing and not just stumbling upon them at random.
I play RE: Remake on easy because normal/hard mode is to hard for me. As in the Gamecube Easy Mode not the Remake Very Easy mode.
I constantly buy games then play it for an hour and then never play them again.
I pirate all games
I hoard loads of cheap second hand games and Steam sale games, then I piss all my time away on Sup Forums and YouTube.
I'm enjoying myself. The tag stuff is fun and the only Stone that is busted is Reality. I got the Deluxe Edition with the trade-ins because I figured I'd enjoy Sigma, Hunter, and Venom.
Sigma/Nemesis is a good big body team that can start combos from far distances. I've actually enjoyed putting together various BnBs with them. Tentacles, beam sabers, rockets, dimensional rips, all over the place. Characters with limited mobility that make up for it with huge hitboxes and damage are my jam.
Lately I've been having this chronic quitting problem.
>start a game
>play a few hours
>stop for the night, saying I'll play again tomorrow
It probably ain't sinful, or that sinful, but maybe I can find solace in the Lord in this thread.
We're not so different, you and I
I only do this on second playthroughs but then I do it consistently with every game.
PoE is particularly fun when your MC can pass every stat check.
>tfw constantly pass up sales for games I kinda want because I'm afraid I'll never play them
La-Mulana is on sale right now but I'm afraid I'll rage quit because I can't figure anything out.
I think Fallout 4 is fun
I'm burnt out from the Danganronpa series. I don't want to start V3 because I know I'll get attached to a character and find out that they're a murderer
I sold my soul.
i cant enjoy rpgs in general probably because the fighting is 100% planning and no skill.
>bought it
>started it up once two years ago too see if it works
>still haven't played it
>in DaS II i died two times at Prowling Magus and Congregation and once at Covetous Demon
>I occasionally enjoy playing normie games like csgo
>implying it isn't better to get attached to a murderer and watch their elaborate keikaku unfold
I like video games
I liked DaS III more than I
Until I fought Seth, I didn't know DS1 has lock-on
I accidentally clicked a Polygon article the other day. Surprisingly, Sup Forums didn't talk about it until yesterday. It was the one about a new game where you can date your weapon. If they still talk shit about Xenoblade 2 they're fucking hypocrites.
FFXV was my first FF and I liked it. I am almost 30yr senpai.
I am considering buying the new Need for Speed on day one.
i buy new games all the time but only ever play the same 4-5 ive played for years and rarely start anything new
After 7 years of telling myself I played LoL ironically, I had to admit it's unironically