kill me
Just Imagine!
What do they mean "imagine"?
>Imagine... Seven vagania..
>Broke up with gf and moved to a new city for work.
Your post hit me harder than it should of m8
Bitch I'm living in it
what the fuck is with their god damn marketing?
>Whoa so cool and hardcore
>Tacos dude lol
Thinking of puppies does nothing to make me want this game
maybe more
Nah dude imagine this!
>get this in e-mail
>It's your actual life.
Imagine a world where you think you do....
imagine a world where Destiny doesnt suck dick
I would play destiny2 if the classes werent gender locked so you could roll female not space rogue classes. I want to see some skintight bodysuit asses
I don't even care about the game at all, but has marketing gone too far?
?? what?
None of them are gender locked. You can play any class as any gender
If you can find nothing to love in the current world, then the problem is in you, user.
So not only is everything shit, it's my fault too?
It's mostly your fault for thinking that everything is shit. Even if the world were to end tomorrow, it would've been pretty interesting to witness existence.
I love nothing because nothing is worthy of love, everything will inevitably disappoint or betray you.
>tfw you're actually hyped for Destiny 2 but you're stuck in the army and won't be home for the release date when all your friends are playing
kill me right now senpaitachi
they were on the beta
How was I supposed to know? It's like they didnt want me to buy the game with how they made the beta
By the time you get back there will be newer, better, more awesome content out so who fucking cares, you stupid jarhead LOL
>hey guys im hear for the raid?
>no noobs sorry back of the line for you
>wait... i have a IRL KD of 7... pretty cool huh?
>go. away.
Oh, nevermind. Maybe don't do that. But still, who cares LOL
You alright aspie?
>How was I supposed to know?
It was tweeted by the official Destiny 2 twitter like, the day after the fucking beta ended, you fucking idiot. This is why Sup Forums makes fun of us...
Too bad you can't, the only classes with ass either have capes or towels to cover it up. Plus most of the armor looks like shit. Maybe that is why I hate Destiny, there is nothing to jerk off to except for Calus and his bathers of course
Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
You gotta post it, bro.
Who the fuck reads tweets?
>we want the twitter audience
I still love this pasta