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Risk of Rain
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Bump, come on guys. it's saturday. let's get some games in.
when is this 3d shit supposed to come out.
I don't have time for all the neverever fucking games that I'm still waiting for so if they dont have a release estimate they deserve to die
I wouldn't worry. Hopoo games have released two games so far. RoR 1 and Deadbolt, and they update the devblog fairly often showing notable signs of progress.
That 3d game is going to be such garbage. Jesus.
I am so happy this game is now 3D pixelshit indie games need to die and as much as I loved the original risk of rain, this is a huge improvement and honorable of a indiedev to make the move to Superior 3D
Its Sunday
why? what looks wrong with it?
It mostly just needs artistic direction beyond black rocks and blue fog
Death to 2d pixel shit
3d or get out
>Still playing 2d ror
The 2d one is a clusterfuck enough as it is.
In 3d its going to be so much worse til you can't see anything or see what is happening at all whatsoever.
who is this beauty queen? is it hopoo?
where did all of you anti-2D faggots crawl out from? did you get bored of being ignored in the other 2D threads?
Can we all switch over to EYE instead?
sorry buddy at least I dont have to play fez and whatever pixel puzzle platformer bait x100000 comes out for 19.99 on steam
fez has better art composition than any 3D game you can post
Shit, did it too fast.
It's open lads, starting at 20.
Not connecting did you guys start?
Still 8 minutes, we're only 2 right now
fuckin mistyped a number nevermind.
>plays bandit
>first item he grabs is infusion
I'm honestly disgusted.
>picks ceremonial dagger
>dark spirit marielX has invaded
posting for all future hosts.
fez is 3d
waiting for open
hi marielx
by my will this thread lives.
waiting for re-open
looping now
this one
We'll be open soon
Run's over. host will let you know if we're still open. but i gotta go to work soon.
The real problem with Risk of Rain though is the gameplay.
It suffers more from snowballing than any other game.
>if you can kill enemies quickly, they don't keep pace with your rise in power and you kill them even quicker
>if it takes a long time to kill enemies, they outpace your rise in power and they take even longer to kill
Plus, it's just not fun when you have too many upgrades.
A few upgrades is nice, because then you have a limited range of abilities that you can take advantage of, but when you have tonnes there's just too many upgrades to take advantage of which removes any feeling of doing more than just walking around and keymashing.
Late again for yet another train, fuck
>Wisps can fly now
Open once again, get in losers
Did you start?
yes, but we're open again