Mass Effect was the last good Bioware game.
Mass Effect was the last good Bioware game
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Dragon age Origins was
Dragon Age was pretty derivative IMO
And both of these games got the worst possible sequels.
To this day ME2 defenders deeply disturb me, twisted fucking creatures.
DAO was very competent
ME1 was the last game with real inspiration
ME2 could've been good but it's just a glorified filler arc with a pointless reset for Shepherd. Way too low-stakes given what happened in ME1
BG2 was the last good Bioware game.
Jade Empire, Kotor and ME1 were all a technical mess.
>nostalgia goggles for early 2000's games
Underage you need to go back.
>Voiced Protagonist
>Can only play as boring human
>Introduced dialogue wheel
>Can't take control over your companions.
>Shit equipment and UI
Consolized trash. Dragon Age:Origins was better in ever way.
I would agree if not for DA:I, I enjoyed it.
Besides the shitty combat.
Shitty exploration.
Shitty loot.
Recycled maps....armor...guns...every damn thing.
The cliche story.
And the classes all feeling kinda the same (besides adapt)
Yeah ME1 was great!
This meme needs to stop, ME1 was pretty damn mediocre.
there's nothing wrong with the dialogue wheel. the only problem is that shepard wouldn't always say what you thought he was going to say. but that's just half-assed design, not a bad concept.
>Mass Effect
>real inspiration
It's Star Control 2 reskinned, given worse villains and slapped over the patented Bioware "go to four places in any order to unlock the final area" narrative
There is literally nothing wrong with that layout
Don't forget the boring ass leveling that is almost entirely combat focused.
Why did Mass Effect have to have an endgame with the Reapers and have to be a trilogy?
Why couldn't they just make the series revolve around you being a space detective fighting space crime and shit allowing for more expansion of the universe?
ME1 had a top tier OST
>the patented Bioware "go to four places in any order to unlock the final area" narrative
You obviously never played a Mass Effect game, you're confusing it with Kotor.
Also, SC2 was a ripoff of old cosmic horror literature.
user, you forgot the 2.
>Why couldn't they just make the series revolve around you being a space detective fighting space crime and shit allowing for more expansion of the universe?
>finish Eden Prime and Citadel prologue
>choose between Feros, Noveria, Therum or Virmire
>complete all four to unlock Ilos, the endgame location
Did you play ME1?
Also, SC2 was a ripoff of Starflight
can anybody recommend me soundtrack/artist similar to music in Mass Effect 1?
You can't choose Virmire, you can only get to that place after you're done with the others.
this is part of why ME2 was the best, because it wasn't as tied down to stupid Reaper plot as the other two. as soon as Sovereign's hologram showed up and told me they were beyond comprehension I was checked out of that plot for good.
No, you get the information on Virmire after doing 2 of the other 3 locations.
Wrong. It becomes available after you've done two main missions. So you can still choose to postpone it if you want.
ME1 was the best mass effect, and possibly should have ended there as a videogame standard.
Mass Effect should have been like Final Fantasy where each game had a new setting/characters/story.
I know normies don't like cliffhangers and want closure/everything spelled out for them but in the long run it would have been a better option.
cliffhangers are for lazy writers who crumble under the pressure of being asked to explain his bullshit ideas.
ME1 soundtrack is great.
Cliffhangers are for clever writers who have faith that the audience can fill in the gaps instead of being dummies in need of spoonfeeding.
Blade Runner 2049
Why do we hate this game again?
Maybe they were setting up a sequel with a fixed direction instead of tying up all loose ends and saying "we'll see what happens I guess"
we don't
best of its series
>instead of being interested in what happens and then slapped in the face by a failure who wasn't talented enough to write novels instead
fixed that for you, my hipster friend.
I think the genre for that type of electronic music is called berlin school.
ME2 was objectively the best in the series and one of the best games ever made, period. Anyone saying otherwise is just being contrarian.
The Redditization of Mass Effect.
I like ME2 despite its flaws tbqh. Mostly because of how combat was changed, even if it meant going gears of war style. The story makes little sense in the overall scheme, but I feel that's more ME3's fault than 2's.
Mass Effect 01 was the ONE good Bioware game.
Rather be a hipster than a dumb person.
Does anyone actually replay games? In terms of how they actually play they only got better. (1 < 2 < 3)
No great OST like 01, also side missions: the game.
we don't. Thats just a meme. Its objectively the best in the series.
To expand. ME2 was no longer about the sci-fi setting and story, but more about "muh characters". Not that characters or characterization is bad, but it became the focus of Bioware games to too great an extent.
We don't, consensus is it casualized lot of things, story went nowhere, but still a great game that brought a more fast paced gameplay with great characters and great cheesy writing.
We don't, it's unironically the best of the series and arguably the best Space Opera game ever made
The mechanics of DA were ok, but the story and setting were the most boring, generic schlock ever produced by a triple-A company.
>No great OST like 01
nibba please.
also its structure made it feel like a trek series rather than ME1 which felt like a star wars movie. Which was much more appropriate imo.
I really like the OST in 2 and 1 but by far my favorite is this one
Chills and nostalgia everytime I hear it
Yeah I loved the new characters in final fantasy XII-5 lightning again.
>has no influence on the overarching story of the trilogy
>main plot makes no sense
>guns >> abilities
>only major gameplay element is shooting
Now the last two points are either negative or positive depending on your taste, but the first two are unfortunately facts.
Not a fan of how it went from an adventure/explore game to a gears of war with gay options simulator.
Side mission the game
>>has no influence on the overarching story of the trilogy
that's ME3's fault tBh
there's a screencap showing how me1 actually set up a lot of things as to how the series would continue, but for whatever reason me2 scrapped all of it and went a completely different direction. wish i saved it
The entirety of Ilos felt like pure art.
user you're supposed to say bad things about it not good things
Good question, since ME3 is substantially worse than both
Not really. ME1 and ME3 is on the same path, ME2 just goes off and does it's own thing.
What about Andromeda?
>each game had a new setting/characters/story.
What is:
>Final Fantasy VII
>Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
>Final Fantasy X
>Final Fantasy X-2
>Final Fantasy XII
>Final Fantasy XII-2
>Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XII
No. I do have a problem, that nothing from ME2 matters, but that's not my point in this case.
ME1 was about discovering the Reaper threat and ME3 about fighting them. ME2 should've been about making alliances and preparing for the upcoming war (basically what we did in the beginning of ME3).
I don't.
Andromeda wasn't even a proper game.
andromeda never existed.
>ME1 ends
>"The Rapers are coming, I will find a way to stop them"
>ME2 ends
>"We blew up a baby Raper, go team"
>ME2 DLC ends
>"We stopped the Rapers showing up for a bit longer after doing 2 years of nothing"
>ME3 starts
>"Oh shit we don't have a way to stop the Rapers and now they're here Raping us, good thing we found this asspull on Mars"
BioWare hasn't made a good game since KotOR.
Take the quality of ME3's ending and apply it to a whole game. That's ME:A.
it has better gameplay than me1 and is great as a sci fi game but it ruined the plot in a lot of ways, most obviously by killing shepard for no reason. as a game its great, as a sequel to mass effect its ehh
literally a scam project
>Tfw want to replay ME1 because it's personally one of my favorite games of all time
>Tfw remember ME2 and ME3
>Tfw all my hype to replay 1 is instantly killed then
What do I do
>some faggy cleric got to tap that
>you don't
Play ME2 with all DLCs and pretend Shepard just annihilated all Reapers with the relay explosion in Arrival.
The whole concept of exploring Andromeda was good. They just executed it poorly.
Sup Forumse don't talk about Andromeda
Mass Effect 2 is objectively the worst in the series, I don't know why anyone likes it. Yes, it had the best characterizations and the biggest cast which is a huge plus, but:
>Started the casualization of ME
>Leveling system is dumber than both ME1 and ME3
>Least amount of weapons
>Shepherd working with Cerberus when he just got done demolishing them in the first game
>Cerberus turning into a group that rivals the Alliance itself from a shitty little splinter cell in 1
>Plot has no relevance to 1 or 3, Collectors are forgotten about entirely
>Whole game is literally just side quest after side quest after sidequest between the main missions (going to the colony with Tali, going to the second colony with Ash/Kaiden, going to the derelict Reaper vessel that's a trap, Reaper IFF, suicide mission)
The Mass Effect trilogy should've been reworked so it was 2, then 1, then 3. As it is, it's like having RotJ before A New Hope.
3 would've been the best Mass Effect game were it not for the ending. As it is, 1 is the best and always will be.
>You just arrive when everyone is either already settled or built entire cities.
What the fuck is even the point.
I honestly enjoy tortanic despite the story going full retard with the eternal throne stuff
actually, I like the eternal throne stuff too
Mass Effect 3 still had some good moments in it at least.
>ignoring the universe you built over the course of 3 games because the ending was such a colossal failure that you had to invent a new one set 600 years into the future
>good concept
Eh, any space-based game is good to me. Unfortunately, however, EA exists. I think Elite Dangerous has a great future if they keep adding content updates and exploring storylines.
Going to Andromeda for the sake of exploring was always a retarded idea. Their "big" reveal (about the secret reason the Andromeda Initiative exists) should've been at least the real reason to go there and even that could be called uninspired.
3 ruined the trilogy. Andromeda ruined the franchise.
Exploring new horizons is always a good concept. Only autism would disagree.
I don't get it. Someone red bull me on this meme.
It's visually pleasing and faster paced but the RPG aspects were butchered, the writing was bad, the plot itself was pointless in the grand scheme of the trilogy, they killed off the main character in the first sequence because... because?
This, at least the IP is on ice indefinitely so it can rest easy.
This, I thought ME2 has a huge step down in almost every single way. Good characters though
Of course Sup Forums on average is a bit too young to see the game without a heavy dose of nostalgia
That made no sense. At all.
Andromeda was bad, period. If they were dead set on the whole "new beginning" idea, rebuilding planets and making them habitable, etc. then why not go back to 3, retcon the ending to kill the Reapers and Shep is MIA or something, then have Mass Effect 4 be about rebuilding after the war with the Reapers, seeing the effect of your choices from 3 - like curing the Genophage or not curing it, letting Wrex and Eve lead, or letting Wreav lead, see how Geth and Quarians get along, see the Geth adapting to being "sentient" now.
Instead we get "well we are so bad at writing we have literally ruined an entire galaxy and need to go to a new one - but instead of making new species we'll just reuse the old ones from the old trilogy - but since we're lazy we'll just cancel the DLC about the Quarians and their missing vessel even though we tease it through the whole story - OH NO WHY DON'T PEOPLE LIKE OUR GAME WHY DID IT SELL SO POORLY"
Really? I thought it was the other way around.
Best Revan portrait.