Did Sup Forums ever heard about "Iron Harvest"?

The game is still in development, but the trailer looks pretty dope.
It's an RTS game that puts a lot of mind on the destructible territory.
It's placed in a steampunk version of year 1920 where the view of steamrobots on a battlefield isn't nothing new.

steampunk is kind of like the third person shooter in terms of genre, isn't it?

What the fuck are you talking about you retard

>It's an RTS game that puts a lot of mind on the destructible territory.
focusing on micromanagment gimmicks instead of deep strategy is a red flag for RTS games

And who is this for? RTS players don't want anything new.

1920 isn't steampunk its dieselpunk

>What kind of robots?
And then you make a game. It's like making a game a third person shooter. The developers are too lazy to do anything with it, so they just go "lets make it a third person shooter!"

Steampunk and third person shooters are the signs of lazy people. Like you, for example.

Saw this awhile back, really they should have one simple goal with this game and that is 'be like Company of Heroes'.

maybe I'm just a filthy casual but the only RTS game placed in a steampunk world I know is Rise of Nations: Rise of legends

except company of heroes sucks ass. Why don't you stick to your shitty RTS's and let us have something good?

steampunk is reddit shit but this looks sick

memepunk is cancer

Nigger the game is based on actual art of some polish dude's setting, which is also steampunk.

>its an rts ga-

No one cares and no one will ever care. It will be dead before a month goes by when it "releases".

>except company of heroes sucks ass
But that's wrong

But the units looks nice

My gain then, I bought Halo Wars with limited edition metal box for 20$ at a resale store
>it's a light tank
a weapon to surpass Metal Gear

No it isn't. The game is dogshit

Dont be retarded it's clearly gearpunk

Heard about it, was hyped when they said they took inspiration from MoW, hype died when I saw it was coming to consoles.

I'm cautiously hoping something good comes of it but since it has a console release, I won't hold my breath.

>console rts

Jesus, you're fucking retarded.

>parroting rich evan's bad video game opinions

looks weak, but I appreciate the effort

This logic is so laughably retarded

Now I know you're just baiting

>Steam punk
Looks like they're running off gas not steam.

I honestly think it's going to be a small success. People aren't afraid of RTS but they are if it looks autistic or dumb. I mean turn based games like Xcom are pretty popular, you just have to have correct setting and the correct amount of "depth".

Just by looking at the 20 second gameplay teaser you can already see it's sufficiently action packed, juicy and smooth. I don't even like RTS's but this game has picked my attention.

I'm cautiously hyped.

Looks like a Company of Heroes mod.

Could be nice if there's also infantry, tanks, arty, etc. Just mechs would get really stale.

>console rts
>faggots in this thread are saying they are "hyped"

Good god.

Believe what you want. The fact of the matter is company of heroes is probably the laziest rts out there and yet it gets so much hype from mouth breathing neckbeards like you. You're just saying its good to fit in, aren't you?

>Console RTS

It'll be simplistic as fuck.

Even if it isn't, it'll still probably have shit UI

not him, but people enjoy different things you little faggot

It's coming out on steam, you turbo faggots

It's being developed for consoles which means unless the PC version gets entirely re-hauled it'll have the same simplistic gameplay to accomodate controllers.


Did op ever heard about English?

Yeah but the fact it's on consoles means it will be dumbed down to be playable on consoles.

An RTS on a console is fucking garbage, and said garbage will carry over to the pc version as well.

It's not fucking steampunk you goddamn retards, there are no steam engines.

Honestly this, we were using oil by 1920. This is dieselpunk

It doesn't look anything like fallout though

This is the exciting part. Nothing but guns, gas and lots of metal.


fallout is atompunk

I bet you think modern battlefield is just as good as the pc only ones too.

Warcraft 2 and Red Alert were also on consoles...

>you can have varying artstyles in a genre

Battle for Middle Earth 2 was ported to 360 and that played reasonably well.

Because back then, they developed pc games and console games completely seperately. Usually one released way after the original.


As ports developed afterwards.

ewwwwww rts gaaaaaaaaaaaaay boring
very nice visuals though very very nice

You know what these armed tin cans remind me of? Dawn of War. I particularly love the walking animations, somehow mechanical and organic at the same time.

Fallout isn't dieslpunk. It's atomic/retrofuturism.


no its obviously subatomic alternativefutarism retrograde grungewarfare

Men of War had destructible environments years ago

Only heard about this game through easy allies.... Is this you Ben?

found the git

So where is the Monkeylord?

Calling it now, there's gonna be a train level in the campaign