The liberal media will call Super Mario Odyssey racist

Mark my words.

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No it won't

Meanwhile, in Mexico.

>Italian man jumping around saying "mama mia" : not racist
>sombrero and poncho: racist
seems about right.

Nah, whenever someone brings this up they always get BTFO by some Mexican who says they think it's funny.

Mexican stereotypes aren't racist. It's a national stereotype, literally means Mexicans are respected as people. The problematic stereotypes are the ones based on race or lump many cultures together into one, erasing cultural diversity

>calling an Italian stereotype racist for perpetuating a Mexican stereotype
>thinking this will affect sales in anyway

Who cares at this point? Let the media outlets get their clickbait articles out.

Sup Forums will find an article written by an obscure blogger calling mario racist, jump on it like a neckbeard on a virginal aryan girl, and complain about the industry. Mark my words.

Nuh uh
Mario is not a disgusting wh*te, he can't be racist

Your words have been marked. Your future callout code is 6Q118F, please look for it in the days following Super Mario Odyssey's release

When I was at Gamestop yesterday, I met a Mexican named Mario playing the Odyssey demo. He said all the SJWs outraged over this are annoying, and that he thinks it's more a form of respect for his cultrure.

Nintendo is liberal media's favourite game developer.


>Sup Forums can't go a second without crying about le ebil libhrals
>Claims they are the thin-skinned ones

The (((liberal))) media will.

If there's anything i've learned working at mexican restaurants is that mexicans love making fun of mexicans.

I thought they already did for this exact reason.

It already did. Leftism is a mental illness.

Mario's jumpin over borders, fixing people's toilets and shit

Italians are now considered the enemy by the left.

We have always considered Italians a majority.

As a Mexican, I like that Nintendo is acknowledging my country's culture.

South Americans don't get any kind of representation except for some nigger Brazilians.

No one cares except you and all the right wingers who subscribe to noted leftists on twitter, facebook, kotaku, etc.

I see Mexican representation in video games a lot, although in most cases it's a reference to Día de Muertos.

Except those said leftists... what are you trying to say here?

The thing is they can't because Mario is italian

Ofcourse they will. so?

>They wear sombreros because the sun is very bright so with sombreros you can avoid having the sun directly on your eyes
There, it was easy.

But they already did right?

Día de Muertos is an important tradition and it's literally Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO

Day of the Dead is getting pretty popular

They complain about every single game to lure in retards with clickbait. The game could be the second coming of christ himself followed by angels giving you the most mindblowing blowjob in reality, and these fucks would still play devil's advocate in an attempt to scrap some pennies off the floor.

I think they already have. Wasn't there an article from Kotaku or something on it?

When this was announced there already was a wave of SJWs claiming Nintendo was being racist, followed by waves of actual Mexicans telling SJWs to shut the fuck up and that they were overjoyed that Nintendo-sempai noticed them.

(((They))) already did.

What DOESN'T the liberal media call rascist?
Next you are going to say "water is wet, mark my words"
Try saying something of value next time, OP.

Mexicans love Speedy Gonzales

I wouldn't exactly consider a literally who on twitter who doesn't even have the blue checkmark of shame to be the "liberal media".

>this is the games media
It’s just some woman on twitter. Nobody gave a shit for Metal Gear Rising and making fun of Hispanic accents has been a thing for a long time in modern television. Not many people care.

Nice of President Donald Trump to invite us to Trump Tower for some taco bowls, eh Luigi?

>random nobody

((((She))))) works at Ubishit.

that's twitter you dumbfuck

It's not a white man making it, so it's ok. Anime is incridibly racist, you don't see nothing in media about it.


I feel like eating some tacos and pasta now.

Like SJWs give a fuck about this logic. If there's anything ethnic involved, they will be against it. It got to a point where people would rather not have a black person in their game afraid of the backlash of something the sensitive left misunderstood in your game.

>some random idiot thinks mariachi Mario is racist

you retards just want to play the victim, don't you?

Stop with the parentheses, she’s Hispanic. At least second generation Hispanic but Hispanic. There’s plenty of those assholes that don’t know what it means to work for your position and that doesn’t mean they’re Jews.

But there is nothing wrong with racism. It is a natural part of human nature. Maybe if the Mexicunts would stop doing the evil things they're being portrayed then they would actually get respected.

>Cohen, the jewiest surname

Nice try, Shlomo.

that random idiot is part of an all-encompassing net of opinions that works almost like a hivemind

It's media, and it's "liberal". What's hard to understand?

Sounds an awful lot like Sup Forums then
Could you direct me to liberal Sup Forums

It's closer than you think

I won't give a fuck.
Mark my words.

It's not playing a victim if it's fucking true, dipshit. The liberal media fucking ruins everything.

>a middle name
>doing this much damage control
Some people are just idiots, this clearly blew up in her face. Nobody obsesses this much over other people, are you European by chance? Are you, dare I say it.

There are hispanic jews you idiot

Dude just fucking stop.
In the slim chance you aren't trolling, you are triggered and reacting dramatically on non-existent hypothetical triggering in the future. This shit has almost nothing to do with actual videogame discussion.
Don't shit where you eat.

Remember the diet for attentionwhores and ebin trolmasters.
You are part of the problem either way.
Talk about fucking videogames. (Political e-celeb twitter tier shit doesn't belong on this board and you fucking know it)

The difference is Sup Forums base their judgement based on facts and statistics. Libcucks base their judgement on feelings.

Facts > Feelings

nigger please, you virtue signal more than them

>Sup Forums base their judgement based on facts and statistics

>there is only one example, but trust me there, is a whole (((((conspiracy))))!!!!!

"i-i-i-i-it's only a middle name!"
>moving the goal posts

It's not even a middle name, it's her SURNAME.
The only one doing damage control here is you, lefty weedman shitter.

>The difference is Sup Forums base their judgement based on facts and statistics
Sup Forums sounds like Rick and Morty at this point

>one person on twitter is the whole liberal media

>Sup Forums base their judgement based on facts and statistics

>Sup Forums base their judgement on shaming and reaction images

don't change you dumb shit.

>Sup Forums base their judgement based on facts and statistics.


Being virtuous is being based on facts and statics.

Did I studder?

Good way to spot retards

Seems like Nintendo likes Mexicans

There are several Mexican Pokemon, Breath of the Wild got Mexican voice acting, Mexico is the only Latin American country with E-shop

Nintendo ignores Sudacas, hell they abandoned Brazil

But that's literally what Mexicans are proud of though. If it showcased it negatively then it'd be different

It is racist fag.

>Sup Forums sounds like Rick and Morty
>Rick and Morty is the most enlightened liberal powerhouse since PPG and MLP
hmmm really makes you think, fucking falseflagging virtuesignalling cucks amirite.

Face it, both Sup Forumsfags and libfags base their arguments on spouting buzzwords in their internet echo chambers

No they don't, they don't know that blacks and whites can have fertile children.

MLP was actually redpilled
>that anti commie episode that make snowflakes loose their shit.

>mexican is a race


So true.
I am the only one in my family without a record. Likely the only one in my part of the city. People refused to get jobs out of fear of losing govt support money and rather spend all their time stealing.

>anti commie episode that make snowflakes loose their shit.

citation needed

>cancer thread 4

Christ, the Sup Forumsshitters are really serious about this one.

If Nintendo really wanted to appeal to the Hispanic crowd they can do better by appealing to Spaniards. Their culture is actually civilized.

What buzzwords have come out of Sup Forums?

Halfings are much worse and create terrible humans. Just look at the mess the halflings of Obongo and Kapernek.

"the cutie map" episodes 1 and 2

those tweets have as much validity as any post on Sup Forums
that's not the "media"

And whites have lower intelligence then Jews and Asians. But you forget to mention that little part.

What's funny is that on April fools we found out most of the Sup Forumstards are bronies.

>If Nintendo really wanted to appeal to the Hispanic crowd they can do better by appealing to Spaniards. Their culture is actually civilized.

Do you think that bullfighting is civilized? That's why Catalonia wants to be independent?

>make snowflakes loose their shit.

citation for that part dumbass

>Halfings are much worse and create terrible humans.
Halflongs take up 90% of America. Only liberals are full blooded white and Jewish

Being smart doesn't mean you're not evil. Just look at Hillary.

Just Hispanic is what I’m getting at. Second-generation Hispanics and on are likely to be massive fags.
I suppose as much as one can in written form.

>game has no depictions of non-European culture
>leftists whine and bitch
>game uses a bunch of cultural imagery from various ethnogroups
>leftists whine and bitch
The only answer is to never give these kinds of people any consideration or concession. They are the death of creativity and thought.

not everywhere has a fucking source, you'll just have had to been there a few years ago

it's not like fucking VOX would make an article bashing ponies for marxism. it's shitheads on Sup Forums we deal with here.

They took out ISIS members that tried to do shit last month. That's better than Mexico already who gets their ass kicked by the cartel.

what was funny about this was that mexicans were giving that girl palacio shit about mario being racist, they didnt give a shit and were glad that the sombreros were there.

More proof we need to stop treating blacks as human. Even the "smart" ones are more light bright dogs than a person.

They have no ability for higher thought or personality. The only reason they have survived at this point is that they kind of look like us.

>Just Hispanic is what I’m getting at. Second-generation Hispanics and on are likely to be massive fags.

No. It's typical jew trickery, they pretend to be part of another group. Her surname is COHEN, that's as jewish as it gets.

Nobody complained about Mexican Pikachu, why?

Mexico now has to contend with both cartels and ISIS, so nothing will change there.

I have the same thought for the goys, but we need to keep up the charade so we have work slaves.

>it's not like fucking VOX would make an article bashing ponies for marxism

that's my point dumbass, there was never any ((((((liberal media conspiracy ))))))))

I wonder if Nintendo uses Zbrush or just sculpting in genral instead of box-modelling seeing as they are always 3 steps behind the others